Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHey there tom. Thanks for the help. Funny thing, I started a page for someone “unboxing” the TinyG and saying now what???
I just printed out new stickers for this url on new purchases.
What I am trying to do is this. I would like a concise page that shows wiring and plugging the board. From here I would like to continue to provide pictures and links to more “in-depth” instructions along the way. I think we have MUCH information on the wiki however we need to figure out how to make this simple as possible to get started with the option to read more about each section.
I would prefer to use the page I create (just for the url being printed already). But I totally am very happy about your help with the load.
That is a good question. Right now we are considering this for a future release of TinyG to support the SD card operation. This is not a great response for older boards however.
I have envisioned (not started) just getting a SD Shield + LCD + arduino (or whatever) and using that to drive the TinyG.
Again not exactly what you were looking for but its totally doable.
KeymasterThat looks great! Thanks so much for all the help. I will push my latest tgFX here in a day or 2. It does firmware updating! I still need to bake in a few things to automatically detect if your version is behind and elect to update it.
Anyhow thanks so much for all your work!
Keymasterits in default. Use that one.
I have seen this before when people try to save the hex file on windows. Windows inserts somenice new line characters.Try to “download” the repo from github and unzip it then use the hex inside there.
You either used the MKII to program tinyg.hex (which blows away the bootloader) or you reset your fuses where it jumps into application code vs bootloader mode.The fuses should look like this:
I am not sure what is going on with your system. I have only tested this on Win7. Why the preview is not working is because it did not get the axis settings. So it defaults to that little square. If I had to guess it’s lack of memory? Java is a bit heavy.
I think it would have worked if you were to hit “query” on the axis tabs.
It should redraw your canvas. However, I am still not sure why it did not get the settings on its own. I am going to code in a “debug” mode which will print all commands (recvd and sent) to a log file. That way i can see what happened. I will try to get that tonight.
380.08 is master. That is the firmware you should be using. If you are not then there are bugs in your setup. Specifically you have an arc bug. The same bug that was discovered in that “Ford” file.
Distorted drawing’s are not a true indication that its not working. The preview will “suffer” if your machine is running too fast or your jerk value is very high or travel per rev is off. There are lots of factors for this. Also your feed rates and how small the lines are in the gcode file.
The preview is suppose to get you close. But unless you have issues (not mechanical 🙂 with milling looking the same as the “off” parts in the preview then I think its fine.
The reason for this is there is a max to how fast tinyg can report status reports back. All status reports are used to draw the lines on the canvas gui. So in order to not make the motors mess up it sacrifices status reports and makes sure the movements in the motors do not suffer.
Quite honestly, I should be drawing the whole preview upfront and just using the status reports to say where the cursor is at any given time. However, I am not at the moment 🙂
Does that make sense?
Well you can do recompile if you wish. However I would just set everything via the console (or tgFX). To the values that are in that header file. I want you to tune the current pot and see if that fixes your issues.
What I mean by this is…
I want to issue a long move like… g0x1000
Since your motors are not moving then your machine should be fine. Now heres the tricky part..I want you to get a tiny screw driver and adjust the current pot all the way counter clockwise (this will set the current to min) then slowly rotate clockwise and see if get your motor to move. CAUTION: use very very very very little torque on the screw driver. Its very easy to break a pot if you turn it when its at its limit or min.
If your machine starts moving we need to reset the board as to not crash your machine into the limit.
Does that make sense?
Sorry tracking a bunch of different posts / issues right now. Are we good? Are you getting the support you need? Let me know if I missed something.
KeymasterCheck this out.
That is the settings we use for Shapeoko setups. Shapeoko V1 of course… I am not sure if this is going to be the same for v2. This is a disclaimer for anyone getting to this post after Shapeoko v2 is released.
Still working the arc issue bug that you found.
KeymasterYou caught me. Its not working as of now. I am working on that shapeoko file (arc) bug that you found.
Can you verify that the shapeoko file works via coolterm sending files?
Obviously you need to $ex=1 and then use coolterm with XON then send file.
Sorry for crossing the streams.Riley
KeymasterWait? The 32 bit build works on x64 windows?
Sweet! I tried that before and it seemed like it did not.
KeymasterI run OSX for all tgFX development. It does not install to /opt/tgfx however. Also, that error is an error when it cannot find the Javafx runtime.
Trying to fix other stuff and have not had the cycles to pick this up yet 🙂
That arc thing you described was a bug. Its been fixed in 380.08. Depending on when you read this… 380.08 is in edge or has already been promoted to master.
Please to not update to dev. all bets are off. Quite a bit of the time its set to move on reset to test out different things in code. Its quite dangerous to do so. We also pulled the tinyg.hex file from dev to make this a bit more difficult to accidently do 🙂
It sounds like you are running a single thread to do your serial communications? Is this so? How tgFX works is there is a serial writer thread and a responseparser thread. While multithreaded applications complicate code a bit, its really the way to do what you are trying to do.
KeymasterHmm weird. I have flash with 6 before. But cool. BTW if you flashed your v8 with tinyg.hex you blew away your bootloader. I am not sure if you understood that but its pretty easy to get it back on if you have an AVRISP MKII programmer.