Forum Replies Created
September 23, 2015 at 11:03 pm in reply to: My first experience with Synthetos is not giving me a "warm and fuzzy feeling" #8772
Sorry we didn’t get back to you in the 24 hours that is typical. I have never seen that message with the wrong number before. Can you tell me how you got this? Apparently I misconfigured something 🙂As far as your order goes it ships tomorrow morning. As far as making you feel better… hrm…. How about a lame joke?
A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm. “A beer please, and one for the road.”
Horrible I know.
KeymasterYou know the best test to isolate if this is a TinyG problem vs. an spjs problem is to send this file to your machine through coolterm (with rts cts checked as on).
If the file works fine then we can start going down the path of chilipeppr. If not then we can start isolating it.
This is always how I start out troubleshooting. I will take a look at your file none the less.
KeymasterHey Alex,
In chilipeppr can you paste in the console the first jog (like in the video) then you changed the settings, then you tried to jog again in the same direction,
Can you give me the whole console output from chilipeppr (you might have to toggle the “filter” on the serialport widget to get both issued commands and responses. Go ahead and paste them in here. I want to verify that cp is sending the correct direction commands.
KeymasterWe had a few boards slip by without a bootloader. Good point perhaps they do not have one?
KeymasterNot sure what’s up with the updater. The need config file is an easy fix. I am in the car but I can get the exact command tonight. But basically you need to supply the path to the avrdude.conf file. I think it’s a -C ../etc/avrdude.conf try adding that to the command line when using the arduino flash tools zip I posted in the wiki.
If this does not so the trick let’s just get you another tinyg in the mail and you can send me yours. I would rather have you cutting then trying to update.
I will be offline for about 8 hours. I will check back then.
Keymaster440.16 JUST got pushed to master. Check it out.
Sorry about the confusion. The tg-updater app @
Should now, when clicked on master should grab you 440.16 and all should be well. Please note that if you have trouble run the app.. Unplug the USB from your TinyG then re insert it and it should recognize your TinyG and be read to flash master up to it. If that still does not help. Hit reset on your TinyG then hit “Go” (with the correct port selected of course) and it should work.
NOTE: If you have spjs running then it can tie up the serial port and not allow for the updater to “grab” the tinyg port. Make sure its not running.
Hope that helps.
KeymasterBe careful when adjusting the current pots as they will break if over torqued! Also Verify you have the motor stepper wire pairs wired correctly.
KeymasterHere is a little wiki page I tossed up for the process too.
Our new updater for tinyg is available for download. It has been tested on windows and osx. I have been using it for the past few months without any real trouble. Check it out here:
We do not have a linux binary at the moment however.
KeymasterSo is that the official forum for cp john?
KeymasterYour order has shipped. Every now and then there is an issue with tracking. USPS is grrrreat! I have seen this exact thing happen and then its delivered. It went out on Monday FYI.
So if its not there by Thursday let me know and we can call the USPS and see what is going on.
KeymasterThe instructions for programming with an AVR ISP MKII are here: will want to flash it with the bootloader hex IMO. This way you can just use tgfx or avrdude to update over USB.
In fact this whole process of flashing the bootloader is located here: hope that helps. Let me know if it does not.
Yah I would like to know where we are “losing it at”. I will run your gcode tomorrow. Can you describe the fail? Its always are to see what “should be happening”.
We typically can isolate if this is a issue with tgFX or TinyG in general by having you run this though coolterm >> via send file (make sure CTS is enabled). If it still messes up then its a TinyG issue. If not then its a tgFX issue.
Sorry you are having issues and lets get some solid data to help get you working!
KeymasterThis is a bug in 412.01 tinyg firmware. We are working on it. Sorry for your troubles.