440.18 Firmware – issue with tiny CCW arc moves

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  • #8686

    Hi all,

    I’m completly new to the CNC Scene but i succeeded to build up my first Openbuild OX router successfully and set it up with the Tingy v8.

    Some more Details to the router:
    – OX Build (ooznest)
    – 4 x Nema 23 Stepper
    – 400W Brushless Air Colled Spindle
    – GT3 Belt
    – MeanWell PS 350-24 (TinyG/Stepper Motors)
    – MeanWell PS 450-48 (Spindle)

    – Version 8
    – FW 0.97
    – Build 440.18

    Problem Description:
    I can successfully move it in all directions and already cut a couple of objects of wood and Aluminium. Now I just wanted to start cutting some plates for my OX and created in SketchUp (with SketchUCAM plugin) the plate and generated the gcode. When I cut the plate (also when I simulate it in the air without bit) the TinyG starts cutting and get stuck when trying to mill the wholes. Sometimes directly with the first whole, sometimes with 3rd and once i even succeeded to finish the job. The specialty is that I try to cut a 3mm whole with a 2mm bit (but I expect it should be possible, or?).

    I’m not sure how I can attach files here so I attach config and gcode below.

    Thanks for any help in advance!


    $$ CONFIG

    [fb] firmware build 440.18
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [hp] hardware platform 0.00
    [hv] hardware version 8.00
    [id] TinyG ID 3W5230-LKQ
    [ja] junction acceleration 100000 mm
    [ct] chordal tolerance 0.0100 mm
    [sl] soft limit enable 0
    [st] switch type 0 [0=NO,1=NC]
    [mt] motor idle timeout 5.00 Sec
    [ej] enable json mode 0 [0=text,1=JSON]
    [jv] json verbosity 4 [0=silent,1=footer,2=messages,3=configs,4=linenum,5=verbose]
    [js] json serialize style 1 [0=relaxed,1=strict]
    [tv] text verbosity 1 [0=silent,1=verbose]
    [qv] queue report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=single,2=triple]
    [sv] status report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=filtered,2=verbose]
    [si] status interval 250 ms
    [ec] expand LF to CRLF on TX 0 [0=off,1=on]
    [ee] enable echo 0 [0=off,1=on]
    [ex] enable flow control 2 [0=off,1=XON/XOFF, 2=RTS/CTS]
    [baud] USB baud rate 5 [1=9600,2=19200,3=38400,4=57600,5=115200,6=230400]
    [net] network mode 0 [0=master]
    [gpl] default gcode plane 0 [0=G17,1=G18,2=G19]
    [gun] default gcode units mode 1 [0=G20,1=G21]
    [gco] default gcode coord system 1 [1-6 (G54-G59)]
    [gpa] default gcode path control 2 [0=G61,1=G61.1,2=G64]
    [gdi] default gcode distance mode 0 [0=G90,1=G91]
    [1ma] m1 map to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [1sa] m1 step angle 1.800 deg
    [1tr] m1 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
    [1mi] m1 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
    [1po] m1 polarity 0 [0=normal,1=reverse]
    [1pm] m1 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
    [2ma] m2 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [2sa] m2 step angle 1.800 deg
    [2tr] m2 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
    [2mi] m2 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
    [2po] m2 polarity 0 [0=normal,1=reverse]
    [2pm] m2 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
    [3ma] m3 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [3sa] m3 step angle 1.800 deg
    [3tr] m3 travel per revolution 60.0000 mm
    [3mi] m3 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
    [3po] m3 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
    [3pm] m3 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
    [4ma] m4 map to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [4sa] m4 step angle 1.800 deg
    [4tr] m4 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
    [4mi] m4 microsteps 4 [1,2,4,8]
    [4po] m4 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
    [4pm] m4 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
    [xam] x axis mode 1 [standard]
    [xvm] x velocity maximum 16000 mm/min
    [xfr] x feedrate maximum 16000 mm/min
    [xtn] x travel minimum 0.000 mm
    [xtm] x travel maximum 350.000 mm
    [xjm] x jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [xjh] x jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [xjd] x junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
    [xsn] x switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [xsx] x switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [xsv] x search velocity 3000 mm/min
    [xlv] x latch velocity 100 mm/min
    [xlb] x latch backoff 20.000 mm
    [xzb] x zero backoff 3.000 mm
    [yam] y axis mode 1 [standard]
    [yvm] y velocity maximum 16000 mm/min
    [yfr] y feedrate maximum 16000 mm/min
    [ytn] y travel minimum 0.000 mm
    [ytm] y travel maximum 510.000 mm
    [yjm] y jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [yjh] y jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [yjd] y junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
    [ysn] y switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [ysx] y switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [ysv] y search velocity 3000 mm/min
    [ylv] y latch velocity 100 mm/min
    [ylb] y latch backoff 20.000 mm
    [yzb] y zero backoff 3.000 mm
    [zam] z axis mode 1 [standard]
    [zvm] z velocity maximum 800 mm/min
    [zfr] z feedrate maximum 800 mm/min
    [ztn] z travel minimum 0.000 mm
    [ztm] z travel maximum 40.000 mm
    [zjm] z jerk maximum 50 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [zjh] z jerk homing 1000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
    [zjd] z junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
    [zsn] z switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [zsx] z switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [zsv] z search velocity 3000 mm/min
    [zlv] z latch velocity 100 mm/min
    [zlb] z latch backoff 20.000 mm
    [zzb] z zero backoff 3.000 mm
    [aam] a axis mode 3 [radius]
    [avm] a velocity maximum 230400 deg/min
    [afr] a feedrate maximum 230400 deg/min
    [atn] a travel minimum -1.000 deg
    [atm] a travel maximum -1.000 deg
    [ajm] a jerk maximum 5760 deg/min^3 * 1 million
    [ajh] a jerk homing 11520 deg/min^3 * 1 million
    [ajd] a junction deviation 0.0500 deg (larger is faster)
    [ara] a radius value 0.1989 deg
    [asn] a switch min 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [asx] a switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
    [asv] a search velocity 600 deg/min
    [alv] a latch velocity 100 deg/min
    [alb] a latch backoff 5.000 deg
    [azb] a zero backoff 2.000 deg
    [bam] b axis mode 0 [disabled]
    [bvm] b velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
    [bfr] b feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
    [btn] b travel minimum -1.000 deg
    [btm] b travel maximum -1.000 deg
    [bjm] b jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
    [bjd] b junction deviation 0.0500 deg (larger is faster)
    [bra] b radius value 1.0000 deg
    [cam] c axis mode 0 [disabled]
    [cvm] c velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
    [cfr] c feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
    [ctn] c travel minimum -1.000 deg
    [ctm] c travel maximum -1.000 deg
    [cjm] c jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
    [cjd] c junction deviation 0.0500 deg (larger is faster)
    [cra] c radius value 1.0000 deg
    [p1frq] pwm frequency 5000 Hz
    [p1csl] pwm cw speed lo 0 RPM
    [p1csh] pwm cw speed hi 12000 RPM
    [p1cpl] pwm cw phase lo 0.000 [0..1]
    [p1cph] pwm cw phase hi 1.000 [0..1]
    [p1wsl] pwm ccw speed lo 1000 RPM
    [p1wsh] pwm ccw speed hi 2000 RPM
    [p1wpl] pwm ccw phase lo 0.125 [0..1]
    [p1wph] pwm ccw phase hi 0.200 [0..1]
    [p1pof] pwm phase off 0.000 [0..1]
    [g54x] g54 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g54y] g54 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g54z] g54 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g54a] g54 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g54b] g54 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g54c] g54 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g55x] g55 x offset 75.000 mm
    [g55y] g55 y offset 75.000 mm
    [g55z] g55 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g55a] g55 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g55b] g55 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g55c] g55 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g56x] g56 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g56y] g56 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g56z] g56 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g56a] g56 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g56b] g56 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g56c] g56 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g57x] g57 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g57y] g57 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g57z] g57 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g57a] g57 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g57b] g57 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g57c] g57 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g58x] g58 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g58y] g58 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g58z] g58 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g58a] g58 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g58b] g58 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g58c] g58 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g59x] g59 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g59y] g59 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g59z] g59 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g59a] g59 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g59b] g59 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g59c] g59 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g92x] g92 x offset 0.000 mm
    [g92y] g92 y offset 0.000 mm
    [g92z] g92 z offset 0.000 mm
    [g92a] g92 a offset 0.000 deg
    [g92b] g92 b offset 0.000 deg
    [g92c] g92 c offset 0.000 deg
    [g28x] g28 x position 0.000 mm
    [g28y] g28 y position 0.000 mm
    [g28z] g28 z position 0.000 mm
    [g28a] g28 a position 0.000 deg
    [g28b] g28 b position 0.000 deg
    [g28c] g28 c position 0.000 deg
    [g30x] g30 x position 0.000 mm
    [g30y] g30 y position 0.000 mm
    [g30z] g30 z position 0.000 mm
    [g30a] g30 a position 0.000 deg
    [g30b] g30 b position 0.000 deg
    [g30c] g30 c position 0.000 deg
    tinyg [mm] ok>


    (Generated by SketchUcam V1.3a)
    (File: Limit_Switch_Plate.skp)
    (Bit diameter: 2,000000mm)
    (Feed rate: 160,000000mm/min)
    (Plunge Feed rate: 120,000000mm/min)
    (Material Thickness: 3,000000mm)
    (Material length: 558,800000mm X width: 1066,8)
    (Overhead Gantry: false)
    (Multipass enabled, Depth = 0,550000mm)
    (Optimization is ON)
    G90 G21 G49 G17
    M3 S12000
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    (Pass: 2)
    G00 Z5.000
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    (Pass: 3)
    G00 Z5.000
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    (Pass: 4)
    G00 Z5.000
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    (Pass: 5)
    G00 Z5.000
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    (Pass: 6)
    G00 Z5.000
    X7.186 Y9.695
    G01 Z-3.000 F120
    Y9.725 F160
    X8.695 Y10.760
    X14.730 Y9.923
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X15.410 Y9.279
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    (Pass: 2)
    G00 Z5.000
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    (Pass: 3)
    G00 Z5.000
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    (Pass: 4)
    G00 Z5.000
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    (Pass: 5)
    G00 Z5.000
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    (Pass: 6)
    G00 Z5.000
    G01 Z-3.000 F120
    X15.464 Y9.730 F160
    X15.400 Y10.180
    X15.221 Y10.598
    X14.940 Y10.956
    X14.577 Y11.228
    X14.155 Y11.397
    X13.632 Y11.460
    X7.772 Y11.392
    X7.352 Y11.218
    X6.992 Y10.942
    X6.715 Y10.581
    X6.541 Y10.161
    X6.482 Y9.710
    X6.541 Y9.260
    X6.715 Y8.840
    X6.992 Y8.479
    X7.352 Y8.202
    X7.772 Y8.028
    X8.289 Y7.960
    X14.193 Y8.034
    X14.611 Y8.212
    X14.969 Y8.493
    X15.241 Y8.857
    X15.410 Y9.279
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X21.970 Y9.773
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 2)
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 3)
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 4)
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 5)
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 6)
    G01 Z-3.300 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 7)
    G01 Z-3.850 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (Pass: 8)
    G01 Z-3.900 F120
    G03 X21.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500 F160
    X21.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X22.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X22.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X22.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X22.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X22.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X22.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X22.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X22.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X21.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X21.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    (BREAK pass 8)
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X27.033 Y4.881
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 2)
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 3)
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 4)
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 5)
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 6)
    G01 Z-3.300 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 7)
    G01 Z-3.850 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (Pass: 8)
    G01 Z-3.900 F120
    G03 X26.9941 Y4.8310 R0.2500 F160
    X26.9700 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X26.9618 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X26.9700 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X26.9941 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.4689 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.4771 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.5013 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.5396 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.5896 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.6478 R0.2500
    X27.4445 Y4.7103 R0.2500
    X27.4363 Y4.7728 R0.2500
    X27.4122 Y4.8310 R0.2500
    X27.3739 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    X27.3239 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.2657 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.2032 Y4.9517 R0.2500
    X27.1407 Y4.9434 R0.2500
    X27.0825 Y4.9193 R0.2500
    X27.0325 Y4.8810 R0.2500
    (BREAK pass 8)
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X31.970 Y9.648
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 2)
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 3)
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 4)
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 5)
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 6)
    G01 Z-3.300 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 7)
    G01 Z-3.850 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (Pass: 8)
    G01 Z-3.900 F120
    G03 X31.9941 Y9.5896 R0.2500 F160
    X32.0325 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.4689 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.4771 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.5013 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.5396 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.5896 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    X32.4445 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X32.4363 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X32.4122 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X32.3739 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X32.3239 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.2657 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.2032 Y9.9517 R0.2500
    X32.1407 Y9.9434 R0.2500
    X32.0825 Y9.9193 R0.2500
    X32.0325 Y9.8810 R0.2500
    X31.9941 Y9.8310 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.7728 R0.2500
    X31.9618 Y9.7103 R0.2500
    X31.9700 Y9.6478 R0.2500
    (BREAK pass 8)
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X27.366 Y14.532
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 2)
    G01 Z-1.100 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 3)
    G01 Z-1.650 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 4)
    G01 Z-2.200 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 5)
    G01 Z-2.750 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 6)
    G01 Z-3.300 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 7)
    G01 Z-3.850 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (Pass: 8)
    G01 Z-3.900 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.9514 R0.2500
    X27.1514 Y14.9460 R0.2500
    X27.0922 Y14.9246 R0.2500
    X27.0405 Y14.8886 R0.2500
    X26.9999 Y14.8404 R0.2500
    X26.9731 Y14.7833 R0.2500
    X26.9621 Y14.7213 R0.2500
    X26.9674 Y14.6585 R0.2500
    X26.9889 Y14.5993 R0.2500
    X27.0249 Y14.5476 R0.2500
    X27.0731 Y14.5070 R0.2500
    X27.1301 Y14.4802 R0.2500
    X27.1922 Y14.4692 R0.2500
    X27.2549 Y14.4745 R0.2500
    X27.3142 Y14.4960 R0.2500
    X27.3659 Y14.5320 R0.2500
    (BREAK pass 8)
    G00 Z5.000
    (Pass: 1)
    X19.953 Y18.210
    G01 Z-0.550 F120
    X35.453 F160
    (Pass: 2)
    Z-1.100 F120
    X35.453 F160
    (Pass: 3)
    Z-1.650 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-1.650
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-1.650
    (Pass: 4)
    Z-2.200 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-2.200
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-2.200
    (Pass: 5)
    Z-2.750 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-2.750
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-2.750
    (Pass: 6)
    Z-3.300 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-3.300
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-3.300
    (Pass: 7)
    Z-3.850 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-3.850
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-3.850
    (Pass: 8)
    Z-3.900 F120
    X35.453 F160
    X18.553 Z-1.500
    X17.490 Z-3.900
    X18.116 Z-1.500
    X19.278 Z-3.900
    (BREAK pass 8)
    G00 Z5.000
    G00 X0 Y0 (home)


    Here is my suggestion for including files in posts here:

    Obviously, direct embedding gets the job done by is a veryinefficent use of the interface.

    Any chance your Gcode generator can add line numbers?
    Impossible to have a lot of dialog on a list like that.

    Also, any particular reason you chose pulleys that result in $_tr=60mm? Most Ox I have seen are $_tr=40 . You loose a lot of torque when the pulleys get large.

    The title of your post implies that the CCW moves are the problem.
    Are you sure it is the G03 moves?

    With your machine, the minimum X and Y move is 60/(200*8)=0.0375mm (the distance a microstep moves)
    Looking at this snipet:

    (Pass: 8)
    G01 Z-3.900 F120
    G03 X27.4065 Y14.5802 R0.2500 F160
    X27.4332 Y14.6372 R0.2500
    X27.4443 Y14.6993 R0.2500
    X27.4389 Y14.7621 R0.2500
    X27.4175 Y14.8213 R0.2500
    X27.3815 Y14.8730 R0.2500
    X27.3333 Y14.9136 R0.2500
    X27.2762 Y14.9403 R0.2500
    X27.2142 Y14.95

    Seems a lot of the Gcode won’t cause moves to be made; are you sure tinyG isn’t busy doing nothing?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Hi cmcgrath,

    first of all thanks for your support!

    I have added the line numbers to the gcode file and uploaded the gcode, config and as well a screenshot to my dropbox.

    Dropbox (config, gcode, screenshot)

    In the screenshot you see exactly the situation where it stops moving. That means the spindle is still turning but no moves anymore and only chance to make it move again is to push the hw reset button. But then of course I’m loosing the position etc. and the job is broken. It is not 100% reproducable as it did run one time fine today and the second attempt got stuck in the position of the screenshot.

    I think the sniplet you picked up is more or less a similar situation. And i guess you are totally right when you say it’s busy doing nothing…

    Maybe my $_tr, $_sa, $_mi values are not correct. The following information is what was included in the OX-DIY-Set when I bought it:

    Motors: 123.4N.cm (177.5oz.in) NEMA23 Stepper Motors X,Y & Z.
    Motion: X/Y – GT3 Belts (3mm Pitch) and Z – 8mm Tr8*8 4 Start ACME Lead Screw

    On the steppers it is written 1.8°, so I’m sure about the $_sa one. But the other two parameters (tr, mi) I’m not sure how to calculate. Can you explain how to configure those correctly? Do you have also some advice for the Motor power settings?

    What I still don’t understand is why does the router get completely stuck if the resolution of gcode is smaller then the capability of the router?

    PS: Please let me know if you need any further information.



    Wow, when I saw this line of Gcode “4 N4 (Bit diameter: 2,000000mm)” I wondered what on earth is that, then realized that you are likely in Europe, where 2,0000mm = 2.0000mm to us yanks.
    That can be confusing!

    Great Dropbox set of data, by the way.

    1. My error, Typical Ox are $tr=60mm with Nema23s. Typical ShapeOkos are 40mm with Nema23s, different belts and pulleys
    2. Your other parameters are OK. 1.8deg on motor means 200 (360/1.8) steps per revolution.
    3. TinyG’s minimum move on any motor is, for you, 0.0375mm. If told to move less than that, tinyG accumulates moves it can’t make until it can move. Hint: if you try to jog with 0.01mm precision, you will have to hit the arrow key 4 times (4*0.01=0.04, > 0.0375) for the motor to actually move.

    4. From your screenshot, I see you are running SPJS 1.83. A bug has been found in this new SPJS and MAY be your issue (because the location is random, I don’t think it is Gcode). See

    Backing down to SPJS 1.80 may resolve your issue

    Keep an eye out for a newer (>1.83) SPJS

    See if that helps.


    Yes. I’m in Europe and my bit is 2mm not 2km… 😉

    I’ll try the downgrade to SPJS 1.80 tonight (cross the fingers).

    The behavior is only partly random Location:
    – the pockets are never a problem
    – the outside cut of the plate is also not a Problem
    – the Problem always occurs at those tiny 2,5mm wholes. the first 2-3 layers go still quiet quick, and then the next 4 layers the interruption in the cycle become longer and longer (and unfortunately sometimes it totally get stuck and doesn’t move any more)

    But I’ll try the downgrade and let you know!



    Since you are still running SPJS 1.83 and FW updates are easy, you might first try updating to FW 440.19, a candidate release with minor tweaks to ARCs :

    If 440.19 still has issue, then try going back to SPJS 1.80


    I updated to firmware 440.19. I did not thought about that, but I almost chrashed my router because all settings were gone…

    I typed in all settings as it was before and everything is moving normal again. I also typed in a couple of settings where I’m not sure if they are making sence (I copied them the first time from a OX build youtube tutorial) e.g. aam=3 and corresponding values.

    Then when testing my Gcode it stopped again (this time in Line 399 – Motion CCW Arc)

    Its already quiet late in Europe and I have to get up in 4 hours 😉

    –> I’m travelling next two days and will try downgrade right after my return.

    If you have any other ideas a can test on Friday (beside downgrade), let me know – and I’ll give it a try!



    Sorry, I guess this was your first FW upgrade.
    Almost everybody gets to learn the “Parameters get Reset” the hard way.

    I have no better ideas than to try backing down to SPJS 1.80. But do check first that a new SPJS has not appeared before you proceed (that will be version > 1.83).
    As you likely recall, SPJS 1.80 does not have the downloader feature you just used, but it will be in the next version, I would imagine.

    The problem with many items like the YouTube turtorialls, including many old posts in this forum, is that recommendations are made for then-current situations. When new FW builds appear, sometimes parameters change meaning or recommended value. Be wary of suggestions/recommendations older than a few weeks/months. This is a fast moving business.
    If you don’t use an axis (e.g. A, B, C), best to disable it (e.g. $aam=0), but should be a ‘don’t care).


    You know the best test to isolate if this is a TinyG problem vs. an spjs problem is to send this file to your machine through coolterm (with rts cts checked as on).

    If the file works fine then we can start going down the path of chilipeppr. If not then we can start isolating it.

    This is always how I start out troubleshooting. I will take a look at your file none the less.



    Hi Riley,

    I just had 3 successfull runs with coolterm!

    So it seems like a problem with SPJS / chilipeppr. Will try now to downgrade to SPJS 1.80 and let you know afterwards.



    Now 3 successfull runs with SPJS 1.80 + chilipeppr!

    To verify afterwards again with SPJS 1.83 + chilipeppr:
    – first run slowed down a lot during miling the small holes (but did not totally stuck)
    – second run blocked while miling the small holes (line 1082 this time). It is always int he pass 5 or above. ther first 1-2 pass go quiet fluent and then it gets more and more interrrupted until it completly blocks…

    –> So I think SPJS 1.80 seems to be the solution for me at the moment.

    If you need me to do any tests to find the bug in 1.83 or future releases, please let me know.

    Thanks all for your support!



    just saw that JSON 1.84 is already available as download here: serial-port-json-server-1.84_windows_amd64

    –> this is working perfect as well for me!


    Just tried spjs 1.84 and it worked just as good or maybe better than spjs 1.80.


    Good news, rtgallus.
    Keep an eye out for SPJS 1.85 as well.
    I believe 1.84 was an interim test version taht is still being tweaked.


    I will do that. It sounds as though 1.84 will be out soon.


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