My first experience with Synthetos is not giving me a "warm and fuzzy feeling"

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support My first experience with Synthetos is not giving me a "warm and fuzzy feeling"


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    Maybe I am just a little too paranoid since I have never ordered from you guys before, so please tell me something that will make me feel better.

    I ordered a TinyG on 9/21 and got the order confirmation but no shipping info. I used the contact us feature on this website to inquire about shipping. The automated reply said:

    “received your message and will respond to you within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). For urgent enquiries please call us on one of the telephone numbers below. Phone: 123-987-6543 Fax: 123-987-6542”

    Well I got no reply within 24hrs and the phone numbers are bogus. Can someone please respond with shipping info?



    Sorry we didn’t get back to you in the 24 hours that is typical. I have never seen that message with the wrong number before. Can you tell me how you got this? Apparently I misconfigured something 🙂

    As far as your order goes it ships tomorrow morning. As far as making you feel better… hrm…. How about a lame joke?

    A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm. “A beer please, and one for the road.”

    Horrible I know.


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