Limit switch does not turn motor off

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    It is probably a beginner’s question, sorry for that:

    We are using a Shapeoko with two switches on each axis. Homing works perfectly and all switches (NO) are set to the right mode ($xsn=3, $xsx=2, $ysn=3, $ysx=2, $zsn=2, $zsx=3).

    When a limit switch is triggered, TinyG resets and a system alarm is output, but the motors continue to finish the last gcode command.

    How can I set TinyG to stop all motion, when a limit switch is triggered?

    Thank you very much for your help.


    kcg – Note that another member is chasing what sounds to be similar issue starting with this post in a tgFX thread

    As I said there, I don’t use limit switches so have no hands-on experience, but one question that came to my mind on that thread – are you sure that the limit switches are properly wired to tinyG, specifically that the X+ switch is the one hit when X exceeds limit in + direction?

    You might have to check that with a voltmeter, or perhaps there is a tinyG query you can run, I’m not sure yet myself.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Thanks! I posted there!

    I am sure the limit switches are wired properly (measured it again!).
    The strange thing is that TinyG recognizes that a limit switch was hit, but does not stop the motion.


    This is a bug in 412.01 tinyg firmware. We are working on it. Sorry for your troubles.

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