Zen Toolworks motors won't move

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    I’m using tinyg with a 7×7 Zen Toolworks machine, and I can’t seem to get any of the motors to turn. I’ve checked and double checked the wiring, and I updated the firmware.

    I suspect it’s a configuration issue. I’m wondering if the “default” configuration supports Shapeoko instead of ZTW? I’ve noticed that the Z-axis motor gets really hot, and I remember reading that Shapeoko has some kind of anomaly with the Z-axis.

    Does anyone have some kind of file or list of values I should make sure are set when using a ZTW machine with Nema 17 motors?



    What happens when you issue a move? G0x10y10z2 ? You should see lights flashing (green) and your motors should move. If they are not moving (perhaps making noises) I would suggest that you have your motor wire pairs wired incorrectly.

    This is the settings we use to build the firmware for Zentool configs.


    Its not exactly what you would set at the command line but just read the file over and it should make sense.

    Let me know if this helps or you have other issues.



    When I issue a move, I hear sounds in the motors, and 2 of the 3 green LEDs flash, but nothing actually moves, and the Z motor gets really hot.

    I flashed the firmware that I found at:

    Maybe I need to recompile tinyg.hex using the settings in the header file you linked to? Is there a link that explains how to recompile specifying a particular group of settings?




    Well you can do recompile if you wish. However I would just set everything via the console (or tgFX). To the values that are in that header file. I want you to tune the current pot and see if that fixes your issues.

    What I mean by this is…

    I want to issue a long move like… g0x1000
    Since your motors are not moving then your machine should be fine. Now heres the tricky part..

    I want you to get a tiny screw driver and adjust the current pot all the way counter clockwise (this will set the current to min) then slowly rotate clockwise and see if get your motor to move. CAUTION: use very very very very little torque on the screw driver. Its very easy to break a pot if you turn it when its at its limit or min.


    If your machine starts moving we need to reset the board as to not crash your machine into the limit.

    Does that make sense?




    Thank you so much for your online and offline assistance. I never would have managed to troubleshoot both my bad wiring and the bad flash on my board without your help.


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