Linux Builds – some feedback

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    I fully understand your need for focus, and that most users seem to be using Windows based interfaces at the moment. You did ask, in various posts, for feedback on the .deb and the .tgz builds that have been posted.
    My goal for this post it to summarize what I have experienced should it be useful to Synthetos AND to hopefully find out what other hackers might be up to.

    My primary environment is openSUSE 12.3 , which uses .RPM packages by default.
    1. I tried using a cli utility “alien” to convert your latest .deb into a .rpm. The conversion completed without error, installed OK.
    The program install in /opt/tgfx. A shell script “/opt/tgfx/tgFX” is the startup executable. Running it from the cli results in this error message
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /opt/tgfx/amd64/
    2. Looking in /opt, I see there is no folder /opt/amd64. I assume this is some sort of package generation issue.
    3. I’ll add that for experimental purposes I installed a Debian 7 virtual machine using VBox and installed openjdk-7-jre. I install the .deb from dropbox and get same error result as on openSUSE, as expected .
    4. I also downloaded the tgfx_OSX….tgz file and looked at it with ark, an archive browser. The folder /opt/tgfx/amd64 seems missing from the tarball there as well, which begs the question – Has anyone been successful running tgFX on OSX? If so, can you report here what the results of
    ls -l /opt/tgfx
    looks like?

    I have the most recent builds of tgFX talking to my TinyG(hw v7, fw v0.96) from WinXP32, WinXP64, and Win7_64, all as VBox virtual machines.
    I am still constructing my ShapeOKO, so have no useful information on performance as yet.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035. Reason: typo

    I run OSX for all tgFX development. It does not install to /opt/tgfx however. Also, that error is an error when it cannot find the Javafx runtime.

    Trying to fix other stuff and have not had the cycles to pick this up yet 🙂



    OSX – I looked again and can’t figure out why I thought it did load to /opt/tgfx. I must have been digging in the wrong archive (the .deb).

    Fix? I didn’t expect you too, just wanted something for you to use when you run out of sheep to count at night. 🙂 – I understand. It is looking for javafx in /opt/tgfx/amd64, which does not exist.

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