New v8 board diagram

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    I made a new version 8 diagram and put it in the wiki.

    Could I get some feedback on it?

    My goals were to differentiate the operable parts, increase the font size, and clarify the warnings. I also increased the size of the board while decreasing the size of the image.

    Did I miss anything?



    Do you have a direct link to the diagram?


    I don’t understand. Do you not see the diagram on ??

    That is the same page where the diagram was before.

    The image is hosted at Flickr, like the previous version, and Flickr says the privacy is set to “everyone”. Please let me know if it isn’t visible.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by tomking505. Reason: more
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by tomking505. Reason: clarity

    It is very clear and visible to me.

    > Did I miss anything?

    Reset and fan connector pinout/polarity.


    Hey there tom. Thanks for the help. Funny thing, I started a page for someone “unboxing” the TinyG and saying now what???

    I just printed out new stickers for this url on new purchases.

    What I am trying to do is this. I would like a concise page that shows wiring and plugging the board. From here I would like to continue to provide pictures and links to more “in-depth” instructions along the way. I think we have MUCH information on the wiki however we need to figure out how to make this simple as possible to get started with the option to read more about each section.

    I would prefer to use the page I create (just for the url being printed already). But I totally am very happy about your help with the load.




    Keeping the URL makes sense, Riley.

    As for keeping things simple, we should define our terms. Simple can mean, simple so my mom could understand it. Or, it could mean a bare-bones description for people who already know what they are doing. Two very different ideas of “simple.”

    Very respectfully, what I wish I had three weeks ago is a step by step recipe. A walk-through, which might be too simple for some, but wouldn’t leave anybody stranded.

    By the way, congratulations on the TinyG2. Looks pretty cool.



    I assume the board resets if you short the two reset pins. I confirmed that is correct. Looks like you could wire up an extension to the reset button.

    As for the fan connector, I agree. The original diagram wasn’t marked. Since there are 2, 3 and 4 pin fans, it would be nice to have the specific pinout. I just went down and checked with my meter. I will alter the diagram.



    We might want to create a page which explains what each section of the board does. I’m not clear on the SPI for example. That info might exist in another version of the wiki, but I don’t see it part of the V8 wiki.



    I doubt not many people would want to reset the board with some other processor; those who do can figure out the polarity. The fan pinout is useful.

    Off topic: for reset, I wired this over the reset connector. Rather handy when things go off and I don’t need to aim for an quick stop: Besides, it looks kind of cool. 🙂


    Actually, I use my reset pins with an emergency stop switch, the same way. Maybe not exactly what the makers intended, but it has saved me a couple times.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by tomking505.

    Also, speaking of the fan power, the sensor wire is not connected. I verified this on the schematic. It is just there because many fans have three pin connectors.

    This also means that TinyG is compatible with 2, 3 and 4 pin fan connectors. For a two pin connector, you connect it to the two pins closest to the reset button. If you use the other two pins, nothing bad happens. For a four pin fan, you connect it so the extra part of the connector hangs off the end closest to the power connector.

    This could all be added to a page which explains what each section of the board does.


    Hey guys,

    Sorry I am in Texas for a few days. I want to reply to you guys proper. I will try over the next 24 hours. However no promises.

    Tom, I get your “simple” argument. I think simple means. You know nothing about gcode but you want a CNC. You get TinyG on your Due/ or get it from our store. Then what?

    Something between your mom and a 20 year machinist 🙂


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