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  • in reply to: Errors running test GCode woth tgFX and TinyG #4734

    Ok I will look into this.

    Can you post yor settings?

    $$ output?



    in reply to: Zen Toolworks motors won't move #4733

    What happens when you issue a move? G0x10y10z2 ? You should see lights flashing (green) and your motors should move. If they are not moving (perhaps making noises) I would suggest that you have your motor wire pairs wired incorrectly.

    This is the settings we use to build the firmware for Zentool configs.

    Its not exactly what you would set at the command line but just read the file over and it should make sense.

    Let me know if this helps or you have other issues.


    in reply to: Errors running test GCode woth tgFX and TinyG #4728

    What version of tgFX are you using? Also what is your firmware version.

    2072 should NOT be doing this still. If it is its new to me. Can you elaborate? Also can you attach the file that is messing up?


    in reply to: Using TinyG with SSR Relays.. Not Turning On Relays? #4691

    Update… Yes we are looking into this! I think the worst come to worst case for TinyG v8’s is we might need to pull a resistor off the board for that line. Please hold up from doing anything yet (meaning messing with the board 🙂 we are working on getting a solution tested and up on the wiki. Those relays should work just fine with the voltage that the xmega can supply so there is hope.


    in reply to: Motion test? #4690

    Woah… OK so that explains it. Did you flash this firmware or did you get it directly from us?

    You can see the NaN values where floating point numbers should be. Typically this is caused because the floating point lib was not linked during compile time. When you hit reset on your board do you get a flashing red light for about 3 seconds? (verifying the bootloader is on there).

    While I am normally the most perfect person the whole world (read mistake free.. ) I have been known to make mistakes. Perhaps we got a bad flash on here. Either way it looks like we need to reflash your firmware.

    The instructions are here for doing so:

    Lets see what that does.


    in reply to: Step, Dir, Enable Breakout #4674

    Sorry to hear about your setup!

    I am not entirely sure this is not a gcode issue. If they are BOTH doing this (coolterm and tgfx). I am going to see if I cant take a stab at running this on the mill tonight. Also, I do not know how the “work piece” could be “pure carnage” and the simulation or preview look fine. What is the “tail coming off the left”.


    in reply to: Motion test? #4673

    Lets get some more info here.

    When you say nothing happens what do you mean? Do you get any text back from your tinyg via coolterm? What port are you connecting to? at 115200?

    Try sending this..

    G0 X10 Y10 Z10

    The command you issued is not going to work 🙂
    Even if your motors do not move (because of faulty wiring) you should get green lights blinking.


    in reply to: Step, Dir, Enable Breakout #4667


    I need you to load 380.06 and use this tgFX.

    The question I really need to understand is what are you trying to do?
    I think you are trying to run the Ford file with tgFX and master and that fails?

    You say it fails at the very same spot every time? Can you mark the line number its on (bottom label of tgFX “Block Number”)
    I did that very thing as the images above demonstrate.

    Here is another shot..
    More Ford...

    Here is it finished.. Note my travel max was off a bit.
    Ford Done..

    So in my screen shots where was the issue? I am running 380.06 with tgFX build 2077. Can you try to do the very same test I did? Run the file with the motors inhibited or disconnected and see if your tgFX preview drawing looks like mine.

    From what I have ran there is nothing wrong at all with the firmware or tgFX. Are you using tgFX build 2077? Also, have you tried sending the file with coolterm? Do you get the same results?

    Also, YOU SHOULD NEVER NEVER NEVER us dev branch. This is dangerous! A lot of the time Alden has stuff that just starts motors moving on reset. Stuff like that on live machines = loss of fingers etc.


    in reply to: Need TinyG Help? Try this first! #4666

    The old wiki page does point to the new wiki? I am not sure the issue? We have more products than just TinyG. So to point our “wiki” link to TinyG’s wiki would be a mistake. Its not common sense if you realize we support more than one product 🙂


    in reply to: Step, Dir, Enable Breakout #4658


    I am not sure which way is up in this post to be honest. Why are you changing code? Because 380.06 is not working with tgFX?

    Ford Sign - TinyG + tgFX

    I ran that gcode you sent alden (I had to remove % at the top and bottom of the file as this char is reserved for TinyG stuff).

    Its still running now. But things look good. Also as far at the “mach3” adapter we stated that this was “dicey” and we would avoid that. Was this done? I really am not sure what you are troubleshooting or what you want to accomplish also I am not sure what the state of your TinyG is at the moment :).


    in reply to: V8 heatsinks/jumpers? #4657

    Werid. I run my v7 fine still. I had some real problems with this horrible Chinese spindle.. tossed it on a UPS and it worked fine.

    Have you hooked up a scope to your power? Skipping lines is not really a sign of noise. Noise is going to lock up your USB port completely 🙂


    in reply to: TinyG and tgFX – need some help/suggestions #4655


    I think I am doing the dual builds because of the RXTX native serial libs that I have to include.

    Building new bins now for all platforms. After this push I am getting jogging working asap. Other feature requests…. Please open “issues” on the tgFX github page. Label them as feature requests.


    in reply to: V8 heatsinks/jumpers? #4654

    No we are no longer selling / including them. They were not needed.


    That is the diagram that will give you the jumper configs. Be sure to notice IN = INPUT voltage.

    12v is fine but you will get much better performance out of 24v hands down.

    in reply to: grblShield and Raspberry Pi #4645

    It is loaded with gbrl. Without it you do not have grbl.. then you do not have any code to drive the grblshield. You can always get an regular arduino and hook it up via usb to the rpi. This works fine too. The way Wyolum did it they used the broken out USART rx and tx pins (bypassing the USB). Saves you a usb port.


    in reply to: Step, Dir, Enable Breakout #4623

    I would avoid this. tgFX is not confirmed to be working with 380.05. I created a Win32 bin (build 2072) and posted it last night.

    I would not risk it 🙂


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