Need TinyG Help? Try this first!

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  • #3124

    We are sorry if you are having issues with your TinyG. However before you post you should make sure you have checked out the TinyG wiki first. It addresses many common startup issues, configuration and other topics.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by alden. Reason: Had grblshield info, not TinyG info
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Riley.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    It would help enormously if your home page wiki link pointed at the NEW wiki instead of the OLD wiki. Seems like common sense.

    It would also help if the link on the old wiki page pointed at the new wiki.


    The old wiki page does point to the new wiki? I am not sure the issue? We have more products than just TinyG. So to point our “wiki” link to TinyG’s wiki would be a mistake. Its not common sense if you realize we support more than one product 🙂



    The TinyG wiki is four pages away from the home page.

    You have a wiki link on your main page that does not lead to the wiki, it leads to a deprecated wiki, which most people would not want. The old wiki seems to have a link to the new wiki, but instead it leads to GitHub, which is a revision control system, not a wiki. If you look all over, you will find a link to the new wiki. But that’s four pages away from the home page where you started.

    The wiki link on your home page should lead to a page that has:
    -Current TinyG wiki
    -Current gShield wiki
    -Historical wikis (deprecated)

    Straight forward. Simple.

    OR, to put it another way, the direct link in this message should be more accessible. Right now, you can only read this wiki message if you already found the new wiki. That makes no sense.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by tomking505.

    Here’s a direct link to the TinyG wiki:

    The reason the WIKI tab on the Synthetos home page does not link directly to the TinyG page is because Synthetos has multiple projects, so we have a link page there:


    I see the extra page and old wiki aren’t linked anymore.

    Thanks for fixing it.


    Now most of this may be a little over my head as my lack of involvement or experience comes in to play toward dealing with these issues but I will try my best to explain the issues that I am currently having with the TinyG.

    First, from day one, I have yet been able to establish any kind of connection that’s somewhat reliable. I installed all the drivers required for the board (CDM drivers). Then I installed CoolTerm to test the connection with the board, and as I do so with all the guided directions,

    115,200 baud
    8 data bits
    no parity
    1 stop bit
    XON flow control (assuming you are using XON. See note in Verify Flow Control for RTS/CTS usage)

    Options/Terminal – Line Mode
    Options/Enter Key Emulation – CR

    I can’t get the board to respond with

    {“r”:{“fb”:371.030,”fv”:0.950,”hv”:7.000,”id”:”9H3583-RMP”,”msg”:”Loading configs from EEPROM”,”f”:[1,15,0,8891]}}
    {“r”:{“fb”:371.030,”fv”:0.950,”hv”:7.000,”id”:”9H3583-RMP”,”msg”:”SYSTEM READY”,”f”:[1,0,0,8820]}}
    tinyg [mm] ok>

    I don’t get any error messages or such, it’s as if the computer does not acknowledge the board.

    Then as I go into tgFX to connect the board it wont do so in any of the ports, and it is constantly asking me to upgrade firmware and I have done so for the 10th time at this point. Still no progress.

    I have tried running the cnc machine through JCNC or Universal G-Code, the board connects to both software and does respond to jogging commands but does not run any cutting files correctly.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated at this point. I’m in a middle of a workshop and have yet to get anything done.

    Thanks for your time in advance,


    Let’s redirect this discussion to thread that starts here:


    Hi guys,

    not sure if this is the place to ask for support, but i need help.

    1. i have the TinyG V8 version. 440.14
    chilippr ask that i update to 440.15, but was not able to, now tinyg run a few lines of gcode then goes into bootmode, do you have a solution for this?

    also, how do I factory reset? is this recomended?

    How do I update to 440.15

    thank you


    Hi, I am looking for help please. I have been following the Github instructions but cannot get the stepper motors to move.

    The blue and red lights are ON on the board and sending jogging commands via Coolterm green lights come on so the board seems to be working fine.

    I am using Nema 17 and 23 Bipolar motors and have repeatedly checked the wires are connected properly and set the motors to their axis but the motors are not winding after sending a jogging command.
    Adjusting the trimpots doesn’t make any difference, the motors are able to move freely when pushed with the board ON so it seems they are simply not
    engaging with the board, I could not update the firmware.

    [fb] firmware build 440.14
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [hp] hardware platform 1.00
    [hv] hardware version 8.00

    Thank You in advance for any advice.


    Found a post by cswiger who had the same issue with a new tinyG straight out of the box;

    Reset to Factory Defaults

    his solution of entering the reset to factory defaults command ; $defa=1

    worked for me too.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by mara.
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