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  • in reply to: Where is the edge firmware? #5339


    That is a new one. I suspect that there is something going wrong on your build process. However in the spirit of getting you and tom cutting on edge I am going to post a link to the “working” edge. I say “working” because it is EDGE! So this is going to be a release but for now its still being tested. So warnings and all that aside try this link out.

    I have ZIPPED it so there should be NO ISSUES with windows vs linux vs OSX.

    So try this.

    Also note that we are working (as Alden said) on getting the bin files put up on a more obvious page.

    If you find bugs please open “issues” on github here:

    Thanks and let us know how it goes!

    in reply to: Example #5215


    My reply to your previous post also applies.

    gcode feedrate error

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Riley.
    in reply to: gcode feedrate error #5213


    I am beginning to see a trend here. You make a post.. You say I was doing ‘xyz’ and TinyG ruined my work and you are mad. I have replied to you in previous a previous post to email and we can setup a call to help you though your issues.

    You did not respond. You continue to blast the project and forum with your “issues” then never provide anything to help us replicate your problems. Frankly, its quite old.

    So here is what you can do. You can provide USEFUL information on how to replicate this “bug” or “error” you claim to be seeing. Or you can continue your rants and be ignored.

    What are you using to send gcode files? Are you setting flow control?
    Since I think you are using coolterm to send files, did you follow this?

    tgFX does not support the edge branch right now. I am working on this today to fix this.

    What gcode files are you sending? What firmware build number are you running?

    As far as this issue above goes. I had a similar problem with a PCB mill running a cheap Chinese spindle. The spindle was so noisy that it was casing TinyG and the usb signals to get all garbled. If you have a scope you might was to take a look. I also would suggest you move your spindle cables away from your motors / control lines. I ended up using a computer UPS as a “filter” and it worked after that. Also if you run the job without the spindle on (a dry run) do you get these same errors?


    in reply to: TGfx install? #5181


    Jeez man. It sounds like you are having a day. I have been offline for the better part of this whole week. I have been preparing for a conference for my day job.

    That being said. Email me. Let’s get you working. I can setup a google hangout / phone call. Anything you want.

    TinyG is very much production ready! tgFX is NOT! That being said. If you are just “screw it I am done” we can get you a refund as well. No questions asked.

    To be very honest. Alden, Rob and I ( never intended for anyone to be so discouraged by our work as to quit (before you really get started) the awesome world that is CNC. I will say that I think a few of your comments are “not accurate” but its not really one of those things to be argued about on a forum.

    The road to satisfaction is really “Lets get Gopal working!!!”. I wish I was retired then I could spend more time writing code to support people like you.. Ugh! (Windows users πŸ™‚

    email me riley porter # and get me your contact info. If you want to that is, I really would hate to see you give up before you get started!

    in reply to: TGfx install? #5179

    Hi Riley,
    The x64 is useless and very buggy. The x84 is ok but can be launced only randomly on my Toshiba Laptop running win7 Ultimate. TinyG DOES NOT echo anyting when connected. Jog using arrows and + /= only work sometimes.

    The x64 was removed. Use 32bit.

    tgFX always come up with metric and if one forgets to set the units to inches everytime tgFX is started there job is lost. G20/21 does not seem to help(?) Many missing steps and sometimes misses line of gcode!

    tgFX does not come up as “metric” or “inches” your default unit mode that is set on TinyG does this. tgFX just reads it back.

    Velocity or FR display doesn’t always follow gcode.
    When Motor1 & 2 are run together, the Velocity value is some different number

    This does not give me enough information to help you. However I ASSUME you mean, when you run x and y (motor 1 and 2) together (and they contain the same velocity movement) then your velocity does something a bit more than what you expected? This is correct. Short answer think of the hypotenuse of a triangle. Alden can explain more on that side.

    There can be a screen size configuration.
    Any info from Synthetos ALWAYS show OSX screen and setup (, for example).

    Would be nice to have a scolling gcode to show which line is being used.

    Had this.. Ditched it.. It lagged older systems badly. This was a javaFX issue

    I am using TinyG v8 and the latest binary for tgFX.

    Thanks for all the help!


    The arrow has to be at the bottom edge of the top selection boxes to be active.

    Not sure of the context on this comment.

    in reply to: TGfx install? #5154

    Interesting, ok this is helpful. I do not have a x64 instance to test and therefore did not see this. I will take a look at this. However I think the 32 bit version is the only one that is needed now, now that I fixed a few things on the installer.

    I am thinking about pulling the x64 Windows binaries if they are causing issues. Your x64 Windows works fine with tgFX? Thanks for the help jland.


    in reply to: Motor 2 rough stepping & heating up #5152

    AHHA! Don’t hurt yourself. Good to hear its working!


    in reply to: TGfx install? #5137

    I am sorry you are having issues. Lets get some facts about what is going on?

    It says:
    Installing tgFX is very easy. All you have to do is go down to the Binary Download section below and follow the dropbox link.

    So can I assume you have downloaded the binary for tgfx and that you have installed it for your platform? On windows it places a tgFX folder in your “all programs”. Then in there, there will be 2 files.. tgFX and the uninstaller. If you have something different then something is wrong.

    As for your comment about not being able to delete it I am not sure what you are referencing.

    @Tom, tgFX is STILL in development and being worked on daily. I have a bunch of changes I am working on pushing up very soon. So we are not “moving on” to another project πŸ™‚

    Can you be more specific about your missing steps problem? Have you opened a issue on github? Is this bug repeatable? If so what files are you sending that illicit this behavior?

    in reply to: tgFX ? #5020

    I have been working on getting in app firmware working with the XMEGA and the Arduino DUE port of TinyG. I also have been working on getting the DUE to work with tgfX ( subtle differences in hardware ).

    I pushed some new code tonight. So yah still working on it. So much to do so little time!


    in reply to: more jerking than on linuxcnc #5019

    how are you sending the files to TinyG?

    in reply to: XBee serial attachment to TinyG #4913

    Good point alden.


    Wow that really sucks that the 115200 is not “reliable”. I would suggest you play with the baudrates. I for one have not tried other rates really. If you experience something “off” or “weird” let us know. I would also say to try to set your $si=250 or so to test it out.


    in reply to: XBee serial attachment to TinyG #4909

    Yah you are skipping the FTDI so flow control via $ex=1 or 2 is out. However, What you are experiencing is not flow control issues. I suspect this is noise on the 2.4ghz spectrum (900mhz? depending on your xbees). I am not sure if you have a logic analyzer but I am willing to bet if you tapped the tx lines on your tinyg you would see 100% complete commands going out… If you looked at your RX lines on your other recv hardware then you would see that its “dropping packets”

    Just my guess. Try changing freq’s or channels.


    in reply to: Motor wasn't moving – Reset to Factory Default #4907

    This is my fault. This occurs when you initially flash your firmware (via a AVR programmer not the bootloader) and you power off TinyG before the “defaults” have been set in the EEPROM.

    $defa=1 will fix this issue. Luckily I figured this out and re-did most of the boards. However a few like yours slipped though before I realized this.

    Sorry guys,


    in reply to: New v8 board diagram #4875

    Hey guys,

    Sorry I am in Texas for a few days. I want to reply to you guys proper. I will try over the next 24 hours. However no promises.

    Tom, I get your “simple” argument. I think simple means. You know nothing about gcode but you want a CNC. You get TinyG on your Due/ or get it from our store. Then what?

    Something between your mom and a 20 year machinist πŸ™‚


    in reply to: new emergency stop? #4874

    When you plug in your programmer it issues a reset. Simple enough. Its not dangerous just don’t do it while doing something or you will lose πŸ™‚


    Pretty dramatic but its true. A E stop is only implemented via a physical power disconnect (speaking on behalf of Synthetos). We provide some software stop’s / resets but its not an E stop. I just want to make that point clear so you don’t cut off your fingers because of a bug I might introduce in the future πŸ™‚


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