gcode feedrate error

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support gcode feedrate error

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    My TinyG was cutting out a gear. The same pattern repeated at increasingly deep Z values. It cut 4 or 5 layers, then spit out several feedrate errors, then hacked a jagged slot across the middle of my gear about 8 mm deep. Which is pissing me off. (I cut another with the same gcode, no errors.)

    What causes a feedrate error?

    This is what happened:

    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Expected command letter: 74.2185 I-0.6539 J3.02 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G1 X133.8112 Y176.4988 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G3 X133.1458 Y179.5464 I-2.9388 J0.9548 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G1 X132.0096 Y180.7806 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G3 X131.7997 Y180.9878 I-2.2734 J-2.0928 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G1 X131.1473 Y181.5731 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G3 X130.9135 Y181.7631 I-2.0635 J-2.3 
    tinyg [mm] ok> 
    tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: G1 X130.595 Y181.9971 
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tomking505.


    I am beginning to see a trend here. You make a post.. You say I was doing ‘xyz’ and TinyG ruined my work and you are mad. I have replied to you in previous a previous post to email and we can setup a call to help you though your issues.

    You did not respond. You continue to blast the project and forum with your “issues” then never provide anything to help us replicate your problems. Frankly, its quite old.

    So here is what you can do. You can provide USEFUL information on how to replicate this “bug” or “error” you claim to be seeing. Or you can continue your rants and be ignored.

    What are you using to send gcode files? Are you setting flow control?
    Since I think you are using coolterm to send files, did you follow this?

    tgFX does not support the edge branch right now. I am working on this today to fix this.

    What gcode files are you sending? What firmware build number are you running?

    As far as this issue above goes. I had a similar problem with a PCB mill running a cheap Chinese spindle. The spindle was so noisy that it was casing TinyG and the usb signals to get all garbled. If you have a scope you might was to take a look. I also would suggest you move your spindle cables away from your motors / control lines. I ended up using a computer UPS as a “filter” and it worked after that. Also if you run the job without the spindle on (a dry run) do you get these same errors?



    Read this very slowly: I *already* sent you a piece of code that clunks in the same place, over and over. So clearly it’s not line noise, is it?

    > I have replied to you in previous a previous post

    After all the problems I’ve had, you made ONE damn reply? And when I didn’t notice it among the sea of complaints, it was just too much trouble for you to follow up?

    I have *already* told you what firmware I’m running. You said I should update it, but when I tried, there were still more problems. Which I *already* documented. So it shouldn’t be a surprise I am still running the same firmware.

    I’ve *already* provided several samples of code.

    It’s not like there are thousands of messages on this board. Is it too much trouble to answer my posts, instead of just noticing a trend?

    And as I have *already* said, the same code sometimes runs perfectly well, and other times does not.

    I am running a completely different power supply on my spindle.

    You are beginning to see a trend? Really? So am I. I already did most of what you asked, and it has done me no good. Each time I write a message here which you ignore. I have a pile of wasted materials worth more than the three boards I bought from you. Yes, I see a trend.

    Don’t you get it? I have work to do, and for months your “industrial grade” solution has wasted my time and money.

    You don’t like me complaining? How about, as I *already* said, you get one working firmware running with one working version of TGfx. Then write a clear message that says exactly which version works with what, with the exact location of the files.

    I am tired of being your mind-reading beta tester.



    Let’s try to tone down the rhetoric and try to solve your issues. We have been answering your posts and fixing your issues for over 2 months now, as you can see from your digest:

    The clunk.
    The clunk you experienced in build 380.06 has been fixed in later releases, which are now in the edge branch. At your suggestion we have revised the firmware flash page here:

    We are currently testing this issue in the Edge branch. The edge branch is a release candidate for master, and is not normally to be used for production operations. As soon as it passes all tests (including working with tgFX), then it will be promoted to master.

    Gcode running once fine then others it messes up.
    We have said that noise was most likely your problem, most likely spindle noise – in our experience.

    When a DC motor like a spindle starts spinning it CAN cause a huge amount of electrical noise. Some motors are MUCH more noisy than others. You stated that sometime TinyG works fine then on the same Gcode it does not. Your symptoms are a CLASSIC EXAMPLE of electrical noise or possibly some other corruption on the USB line.

    This may or may not be the case in your situation, as you have stated the spindle line is isolated from the other power, but to be thorough we need to test this.

    Lastly, there’s a question of if you are having problems because of something in your host program. tgFX Master works with TinyG Master. If you are using tgFX you should be using the 32 bit version with master (We removed the x64 windows version that you and other were having issues with). tgFX(32bit) should work just fine with master. HOWEVER, if it does not we need to know about this. So please let us know.

    Can you answer a few questions to help diagnose these issues:

    – What computer and OS are you running
    – What FTDI drivers / versions are you running?
    – Are you using a USB hub or are you connected directly?

    – We changed out your USB cable earlier. Try another USB cable. Sometimes it’s that simple. We are looking for anything that might be causing communications errors.

    – I see your settings here: https://www.synthetos.com/topics/slow-in-the-corners/ Are these still the same or have they changed? I believe we changed your junction deviation to something larger when you were having problems with slow corners.

    – What are you driving TinyG with? Coolterm? tgFX? Something else?

    – If Coolterm have you enabled XON? I see from your settings in that you do have XON enabled in TinyG

    – If you are running tgFX, what version? Is it 32 bit or 64 bit? Do the same files run OK from Coolterm?

    – Have you tried running the same Gcode files that are having trouble with no spindle running (dry run). Do you have the same problems?

    – Can you please post all the Gcode files you have trouble with? You posted one and that was helpful for diagnosing the arc move.

    – If you have three TinyG’s are you experiencing the same behaviors on all three?

    – Try turning off your status reports. If the serial IO system is having problems perhaps the text return from status reports is affect it.

    – When you were running these files had you homed the machine? Have you had any issues with homing?

    – Do your motors run reliably at the maximum velocity, feed rates and jerk settings you have set? Try reducing them and seeing if you have the same problems (this is less likely, but it may be worth a try)

    – Another possibility is that your power supply is collapsing under load. What power supply and motors are you running?

    — Thanks


    Thank you for the response. I will look into the issues you raised.

    On the subject of motor noise, examine the following images. Both CamBam and NC Corrector interpret my gcode as an ordinary gear. On the other hand, notice that TinyG adds a 30 mm circle that is not in the gcode. And it did this eight times in the exact same spot, in 1 mm increments. It is hard to believe that motor noise could be that specific.


    NC Corrector

    <iframe src=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/tommy_oh/12106741883/player/cc225d41a4&#8243; height=”480″ width=”640″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tomking505.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tomking505.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tomking505.

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommy_oh/12106742233/ NC Corrector displays it like this

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommy_oh/12106742793/ CamBam produced this.

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommy_oh/12106741883/ TinyG did this.

    The img html on this page isn’t working.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by tomking505.

    It’s actually a bit of a relief to find something repeatable. Can you make the images public so I can see them, and can you post the Gcode somehow. Also, should I assume you are using the settings you posted earlier, with the exception of the cornering settings we corrected in a previous post? If not, please post new settings.

    I will not be back to my shop until after the weekend, but let me see what I can find out short of running it a machine with size and dynamics similar to yours.

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