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I think I found a fix for this. Turns our the brown out detection was not enabled in the fuses. I have attached a picture of what I set my fuses to in Avrstudio 4. I have not been able to “break the flash” again since I set my fuses. Before I set them, I could replicate your issue with ease. Give this a try and see if you can break it again. I have not been able to as of yet. Check out that pic.
KeymasterYou and Tobin had the very same issue. Both had the same fix. I am not sure if this will continue. However, Its looking more now like it might have been a bad flash file? I am not 100% sure. If it happens again we very much want to know about it. For now we ask that you run it a bit more and see if anything changes. If you could record exactly what you were doing when it broke that would be great.
We have not problem replacing your board, however lets see if it happens again first.
Keymasteroh you need to go though it like this..
cd /Applications/ the OSX terminal.
Then I do this WHILE the red light is flashing../avrdude -p x192a3 -C ../etc/avrdude.conf -c avr109 -b 115200 -P /dev/cu.usbserial-AE01DYVQ -U flash:w:/Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex
Obviously point it to the hex file you downloaded.
then you should see something like this..
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = “XBoot++”; type = S
Software Version = 1.7; No Hardware Version given.
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize=512 bytes.Programmer supports the following devices:
Device code: 0x7bavrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9744
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: reading input file “/Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex”
avrdude: input file /Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: writing flash (100942 bytes):Writing | ################################################## | 100% 12.65s
avrdude: 100942 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against /Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex:
avrdude: load data flash data from input file /Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex:
avrdude: input file /Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: input file /Users/rileyporter/Development/TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex contains 100942 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:Reading | ################################################## | 100% 12.01s
KeymasterAlso, rick how do you power off the tinyg?
If you have a power switch, is it located between your A/C line or the D/C line?
To be clear you never used tgFX? I am trying to track down all var’s.Do you happen to know your firmware build too? You cannot get to it now since the board is not booting into TinyG mode.
Keymastercan you shoot me an email? I if you have some time I would like to trouble shoot this offline.
Perhaps a hangout / cell call?
KeymasterThe build version is in tgFX. You do not need to clone the repo 🙂 When you run the app its under the tgfx settings tab.
The good thing is you are not alone so this more than likely is not an hardware issue.
I posted how to fix this on that thread. If this problem is what I think it is we will need to reload your bootloader (or if you have a programmer you can do that) Right now the quick fix is to do an re-flash via of the tinyg firmware. Read that other thread and it should get you going. I will look more into this problem.
Not sure whats up with this. But you need to re-flash your system.
Right click “save as” on this link. can follow the update procedures here; am not sure why your tinyg is dropping its main firmware. (hence stuck in bootloader mode) but you are not alone. I suspect faulty bootloader load. Which means if I am right then you will see this again possibly. We saw this in the past but fixed it. Not sure how its coming up again unless I SCREWED it up and loaded the wrong bootloader. I will look into this. Sorry about all of this.
I can get you a new tinyg and you can send yours back if you would like. Or if you have an avrprogrammer I can help you reload the bootloader on it.
Either way try that out first.
So you used avrdude to “reflash” the tinyg.hex right? Also, I would use the firmware in the edge branch for now. (june 20 2013)
KeymasterFirst off. What version of tgFX do you have? it will be the ‘build number’.
Second, when you click the reset button do you see the a red light flash for about 3 seconds? This means that while the red light is flashing your board is in the “bootloader mode”. This is a good thing. It, from there should enter the application (read tingy normal) and give you some serial output like System ready.
KeymasterYup you have a bootloader! While that light is flashing you need to hit enter on the console to issuethe avrdude command.
Did you do that?
If so we need to replace your board. A fuse might be set wrong.Riley
KeymasterYou are not in bootloader mode. That is seeing tinyg firmware. When u hit reset on tinyg does a red light blink for about 3 seconds? It not you do not have a bootloader installed. If it does you need to start the avrdude load while it is blinking.
Ok since you have a bootloader this is what you have to do. are many version of avrdude floating around the net. The easiest way to make sure you have an avrdude built with usb support is to just use the avrdude binary that is distributed with the Arduino IDE.
Once you click reset on your board you have about 3 seconds to issue your avrdude command to kick off the update. I would recommend you use this hex file.
(right click save as to download this file) is the latest edge push which will be promoted to master soon. However, it will give us a different build number string to check against. Just to make sure you update worked (not that it would not).
Does this make sense? Let me know if you any questions.
KeymasterLTMNO, this is most likely due to a corrupt firmware burn. I suggest we re-flash this. Your board has a bootloader. When you hit the reset button it should flash for 3 seconds or so then “enter tinyg”. If it does this we can re-flash it via avrdude and the usb cable.
Can on confirm that it has a bootloader for me?
KeymasterCan you paste in you’re config here? Its not loading. Also, what build number are you running on tgfx? It should be in the tgFX settings tab. My first test would be to see if the file ran with XON/XOFF enabled and using Coolterm to “send file”.
If that looks messed up still. My guess is your config is running too fast. I would try to slow down your feedrates and try again. Again I can’t see your config so I dunno. Try that out and lets see what happens.
Lastly tgFX is still quite beta. However if you think you have found a bug please open an issue on synthetos github page for tgfx.
KeymasterSorry I missed this one. As you have found out the DVR8818 is direct pin compatible with the 8811’s. The 18’s are much better however for thermal efficiency. I am glad you were able to get it up and going. SMD soldering on these chips are normally outside the ability of most people. Good for you!