TinyG board unresponsive

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  • #4187

    Hello –
    I just got a tinyG board and have been following the wiki for getting it connected to my CNC. I was able to get appropriate responses from the board using CoolTerm, but then after following the instructions for hooking up the motors and installing tgfx the board no longer responds to any commands from CoolTerm (or anything else).

    I’ve tried disconnecting the motor wires, restarting the board, restarting my computer, and redoing the CoolTerm setup. CoolTerm does tell me that I am connected, but the board is unresponsive to commands. The blue led is on, as well as a green led next to motor 1, which I don’t recall being on before.

    Any ideas on what might be going wrong and/or how I might fix it?


    First off. What version of tgFX do you have? it will be the ‘build number’.

    Second, when you click the reset button do you see the a red light flash for about 3 seconds? This means that while the red light is flashing your board is in the “bootloader mode”. This is a good thing. It, from there should enter the application (read tingy normal) and give you some serial output like System ready.



    Thanks for the quick response!

    I just cloned the latest version of tgFX from github. I don’t see where to find the build number though in the code or the app.

    I do see a flashing red light for about 3 seconds when I reset the tinyG board, but I don’t get any system ready response in CoolTerm, just a blank terminal window. The board has a solid green light (next to Motor 1 terminals) and a solid blue light (next to the usb port).


    The build version is in tgFX. You do not need to clone the repo 🙂 When you run the app its under the tgfx settings tab.

    The good thing is you are not alone so this more than likely is not an hardware issue.

    TinyG stopped responding?

    I posted how to fix this on that thread. If this problem is what I think it is we will need to reload your bootloader (or if you have a programmer you can do that) Right now the quick fix is to do an re-flash via of the tinyg firmware. Read that other thread and it should get you going. I will look more into this problem.



    It’s build number 1590. I didn’t see another way to run tgFX on my mac without cloning the repo and running it from netbeans. Am I missing something?

    I’ve got an atmel programmer, so I can give reflashing the code a shot.

    Thanks again for the speedy help!


    can you shoot me an email? I if you have some time I would like to trouble shoot this offline.

    Perhaps a hangout / cell call?



    That did it!

    I see now that the red light is on solid and the green light is no longer on.

    If it helps for debugging, I believe that the green light first went on when I was adjusting the motor1 pot.


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