X axis led is not working

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    I was using shapeoko + grblshield v4 + arduino uno for some time. They were working very well.

    Last night X axis stopped moving. X axis led is not lit. Some humming sound comes but no movement.

    Could you please help?


    Sorry for the delayed response. Are the other axes moving? Were there any other changes to the setup?


    The other axes are moving. No changes to setup. I thinkĀ  a wire of X axis motor got unplugged while I was working. Then I plugged it while everything was powered. My mistake!


    Sorry you had a problem. We can offer you a replacement for $49.99 (includes shipping) if you return the damaged unit.


    Lets keep it as a last resort.

    Could you tell me if I replace DRV8818 of X axis will it work?


    I’m afraid I can’t answer that for sure. Also, it’;s hard to get the driver ships off. You have to unsolder them from beneath first to detach the chip from the power pad. They are soldered on to the board for heatsinking. That’s what the 2 big holes are on the bottom of the board.


    I have the same problem, but with the Z.
    A small job went OK, and suddenly no reaction when manually trying to move Z up and down. There was no loose connection or short circuit, and the stepper works when I rewire it to X or Y.

    The LED never lights up anymore for Z.

    Is the LED controlled by the DRV8811 or the Arduino? I did not find the schematic for v3 of the board that I have on the web.

    I will try to resolder the chip, but the last job I ran did not even make it hot to touch and I do have a fan to cool the board.

    Would it be possible to replace the 8811 with a 8818 as I do have a SMD heath tool?


    Not very often Syntetos answers this forum anymore?

    I did find the schematics it appears, but it was the wrong version and said TinyG so I did not think I could use that.. But it was helpful..

    I will answer myself then:
    The LED is connected to the H bridge ie the same as the steppers. That is why the LED lights up when you turn the steppers by hand.
    Resoldering did not help, everything was soldered ok on the board.

    I replaced the 8811 with a 8818, and now it is up and running again.
    More here: http://shapeoko.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1550

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by zerblatt007. Reason: no link

    Sorry I missed this one. As you have found out the DVR8818 is direct pin compatible with the 8811’s. The 18’s are much better however for thermal efficiency. I am glad you were able to get it up and going. SMD soldering on these chips are normally outside the ability of most people. Good for you!


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