Error: System Shutdown/Memory Corruption

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    First time use of brand new, never powered on TinyG v7 running 370.06 release apparently.

    Apon boot, with CoolTerm, error message Val 17 and Val 1 are triggered.
    Error Msg


    Has anyone seen this before?


    LTMNO, this is most likely due to a corrupt firmware burn. I suggest we re-flash this. Your board has a bootloader. When you hit the reset button it should flash for 3 seconds or so then “enter tinyg”. If it does this we can re-flash it via avrdude and the usb cable.

    Can on confirm that it has a bootloader for me?


    Hello Riley,
    I held the reset button for several seconds… released and the same error msg occurs as posted above.


    it boots, there is a boot loader… its just shutting down immediately.



    Ok since you have a bootloader this is what you have to do.

    There are many version of avrdude floating around the net. The easiest way to make sure you have an avrdude built with usb support is to just use the avrdude binary that is distributed with the Arduino IDE.

    Once you click reset on your board you have about 3 seconds to issue your avrdude command to kick off the update. I would recommend you use this hex file.

    (right click save as to download this file)

    This is the latest edge push which will be promoted to master soon. However, it will give us a different build number string to check against. Just to make sure you update worked (not that it would not).

    Does this make sense? Let me know if you any questions.



    Hi Riley, So it looks like i ordered my Board on March 13th, so I assume it has the AVR capabilities natively with USB port connected.
    Unfortunately the Arduino IDE does not have the AVR Part for ‘x192a3’
    Do you have the avrdude.conf with that part specified. Can’t find it on the www?



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.

    Okay, found that the AVRDUDE.CONF was fine, sorry.. my mistake…
    Tested it on the MAC and on the WIN systems at home…
    Both throw the same error.

    Connecting to programmer: .
    Found programmer: Id = “{“r”:{“”; type = 3
    Software Version = f.b; Hardware Version = “.:
    avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn’t
    a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?


    You are not in bootloader mode. That is seeing tinyg firmware. When u hit reset on tinyg does a red light blink for about 3 seconds? It not you do not have a bootloader installed. If it does you need to start the avrdude load while it is blinking.


    Here are few videos to help you see what I see.

    Watch the Videos in High Res if you can.
    Video of Board LED Flashing when power on and reset


    Watch this one in HIGH-RES.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.

    Yup you have a bootloader! While that light is flashing you need to hit enter on the console to issuethe avrdude command.

    Did you do that?
    If so we need to replace your board. A fuse might be set wrong.



    Hi Riley,
    yeah, i have read and re-read the wiki… following all the use cases for trying to fix it.
    unplugged USB, restarted, hit the reset, hit enter, tried multiple timings…. nothing lets it kick into programming mode. 🙁

    what shall we do?


    if I had the $40 programmer, I would set the fuses, burn in the bootloader again. I do that all the time with my Atmega328’s.

    From what I have read, that AVR tool I have is not usable for the Atxmega…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by LTMNO.
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