Flashing Spindle Direction LED does not cease

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  • #4185

    Hello Chaps,

    I had a lot of fun yesterday running our newly built shapeoko machine around under TinyG control, but I’ve come in this morning and fired it up only to discover that it now seems to never exit the bootloader sequence – i.e. the normal few seconds of the bootloader indicator (flashing Spindle CW/CCW led) continues indefinitely. In this state no comms with the board appears possible? I can’t recall any unsual steps to reproduce I’m afraid – I simply switched it off and then on again this morning using the crash stop button provided with the shapeoko (something I did a few times yesterday without issue). I haven’t attempted to muck with the firmware at any point – simply fired it up, as supplied, yesterday morning.

    I think I can see that this issue may have occurred in a couple of other threads here, but:

    a) I thought you’d like to know
    b) I wanted to check that the solution appears to be to build the tinyg.hex here, and then attempt reload it using AVRDude while the card is stuck in this mode?

    Any advice gratefully received. Cheers.



    Just a quick update – re-flashing the firmware from the default build on github (TinyG/firmware/tinyg/default/tinyg.hex?) has restored the board to its happy, non-blinking, former self.

    It also caused me to take the plunge and have a go at building the firmware from source anyway, but I will post about this separately to avoid moving off this thread’s original topic.





    So you used avrdude to “reflash” the tinyg.hex right? Also, I would use the firmware in the edge branch for now. (june 20 2013)



    Hi Riley,

    Yes – avrdude used to reflash. I’ve just switched to the edge branch and flashed the default/tinyg.hex as you suggested. No problems there, but in this branch the Atmel Studio solution can no longer find its tinyg subproject (\TinyG\firmware\tinyg\tinyg.cproj), which does indeed appear to be missing. As a result I don’t seem to be able to build this branch in Atmel Studio 6.1 (SP1)? Is this a known issue or are there some other steps I need here?




    I’m actually having the same symptoms here. The TinyG will just flash the spindle LED forever. I can connect to it via CoolTerm, but it just spits out question marks everywhere. I’ve tried flashing the firmware with both the Main and Edge branches via avrdude, but it always comes up with a verification error “0x0c != 0xff”. As best as I can tell this all happened when I reset the board while it was ‘trying’ to run a test job. I don’t have a programming cable, so for now taking a ‘direct’ approach isn’t possible. Ideas?


    I finally got my programmer. Using Atmel Studio tried to reset the lock bits, but it never worked. Ended up having to erase the chip and then program it with the tinyg.hex file. Finally works again, but now I need to reconfigure (a cake walk by comparison). Finally back on track.


    Thanks for the update and sorry for the hassle you had to go through. We have discovered that to avoid flash corruption the fuses need to be set to handle brownouts – particularly if you are running a belt-driven machine like the Shapeoko. Please see the writeup here. Again, sorry for the issue:


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