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  • in reply to: TinyG g2 issues with responses to CoolTerm #9793

    I’m using the gshield to drive the stepper motors, I thought pins 8-11 were dedicated to limit switches, which prevent the bed from over extending (unless I’m using the wrong terminology?).

    My bad, I am not a Gscield user, the Schematic does not clearly demark that, but this diagram does

    I’m trying to have the gshield or arduino control the pot that the spindle control uses for speed (as the labvolt’s spindle control takes 110AC and will control the 1hp 90V dc motor)

    Does the controller have a control voltage input? Usually the Pot is just a reference voltage from Gnd to ?? (5V, 10V, ?). Some folks level shift the PWM output and pass thrue a LPF to generate a DC voltage dependent on pulse width.

    Thanks for your time, I’ll reread those links when I get a chance to sit at my pc. Any thoughts on why coolterm isn’t, for lack of a better analogy, finishing it’s sentences?

    I’d suggest you install 83.09 from the Synthetos web above, I know that works.
    You might have a build error or it might be a bad build at the moment.
    Are you cloning Edge or Master? Edge here is frequently edgy

    in reply to: Why is G38.2 done in machine coordinates? #9791

    I assume you have seen

    The Chilipeppr widget was coded to work with the way tinyG worked at the time, most users were (are?) not heavy users of alt coordinate systems, etc.

    Does not really answer your question, just background.

    in reply to: TinyG g2 issues with responses to CoolTerm #9790

    USB: Are you running $fb=89.03, or 83.09? Compile yourself?
    You could try $fb=83.09 from here:

    Are you connected to the DUE programming port or the native USB port?
    After initial programming of the DUE, you should connect to the native USB.

    (Limit ?) Switches: Are they simple NC or NO [passive] microswitches?
    What are you using for motor drive, G Shield or ?
    Gshield does not interface to limit switches, you will need to do some port conditioning (pull ups and low pass filter) to use switches connecting to DUE. This post might be of interest:

    Spindle: tinyG2 outputs spindle control as a PWM pulse stream. No knowledge here of what your labvolt might need. Any references?

    in reply to: Networking two TinyGs #9789

    Being unfamiliar with what you are talking about (‘easy driver’) I scanned

    for about 60 seconds.
    Quick observations:
    Relatively low current per phase from driver, compared to 1.2A from tinyG drivers. Don’t know much about your machine, this may or may not be important.

    It is not clear if the EN[able] interface is active high or active low.
    TinyG FW defines Enable signal as active low

    If your drive current requirements are low(compatible with this easy driver) I might suggest you simply drive you two Y motors from one tinyG driver. It has 1.2A total capability and much better heatsinking.

    in reply to: LED Readouts #9783

    Flashing SpinDir means the bootloader is running and accepting connects from avrdude. After the delay, it boots tinyG FW.

    If yet set parameter $p1pof=0.0,
    the PWM led will go out.
    If your want to know more about spindle setup, have a look here

    in reply to: G2 Due with Gecko 251x #9781

    I agree (on quick look) , specs look good.
    The Enable pin is actively driven high/low, not just an on chip pullup.

    So yes, when $mt expires Enable will go logic high
    You could use a dip cmos inverter, or a 2n7000 Mosfet and 2.7kResistor to 3.3V (or 5V for that matter)

    in reply to: Networking two TinyGs #9779

    Have a look at this post:

    What you are contemplating with networked tinyGs is probably possible, give or take bugs that may exist. Support for bug fixes will be hard to come by.

    in reply to: Wiring limit switches #9778

    Simple answer – yes.

    Suggestion – connect all switch GNDs together, consolidate into one lead to a Gnd screw terminal
    Also – connect all switch cable shields together, consolidate into one lead to another Gnd screw terminal.


    Due to Forum website glitch, this thread is now redundant

    in reply to: Pinout – Due w/ external drivers (Gshield.bin) #9776

    m_vref pins are analog outputs for setting motor power level.
    Could be made to work with your Gecko’s, but non-trivial.

    Have a look at this post:

    Might help understand pin configuration.


    You apparently have a very fine thread screw machine of some sort ($_tr=2mm).

    Are you running the machine from CoolTerm?
    Your value of $si=100000ms is very high, could confuse ChiliPeppr which is status driven. More typical is $si=500.

    Does the machine jog appropriately?
    Are you sure machine isn’t binding in x direction?

    Have you tweaked the motor current pots at all?

    in reply to: G2 Due with Gecko 251x #9774


    Enable – you need to invert the m_enab signals; tinyG assumes TI drivers that are enabled-active-low. You could do that with motate(perhaps, I’m no expert) or with an inverting buffer device.

    Others – is the Gecko 251 compatible with 3.3V logic? you may need to level translate to 5v logic, using non-inverting level translators. You should also research the ‘logic load’ that the Gecko inputs present to the DUE pins – if the inputs are opto-isolators, DUE may not be able to source adequate current without buffers.

    Pullups – Are possible, but only to 3.3V(not 5.0V to create a level translator). For example, a tinyGV9 prototype board uses 2.7K to 3.3V and 0.47uf to ground as a noise filter on each of the XYZ min/max pinss, DUE ports are raw port pins so will need similar conditioning.

    in reply to: homing: y-works ok, x-movement very slow. #9731

    How about a dump of all your parameters on a cloud drive, with URL – a dump from $$ command. Need to see motor parameters too.

    in reply to: 6040 CNC w/ TinyG V9 – odd axis stall at end of move #9729

    You should give $fb=83.09 a try, I suppose. $fb=87.01 was an interim update that got posted on Chilipeppr, I believe. It is not real clear what G2 users are using most these days.

    Fact is, most heavy G2 users are doing custom builds, so very difficult to determine what they might have.

    If you see similar behavior with $fb=83.09, might be a good idea to enter an Issue here:

    with a link to parameter sets and your videos

    in reply to: Plasma THC #9727

    I have no direct experience.
    Gecko 540 drivers are talked about a lot, you may need 3.3V to 5V logic converters.
    There is a lot of action/new products in this arena.
    Units compatible with Step/Dir interface used by tinyG should work, but you will have to research interface specifications.

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