A new shield for testing TinyG2

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  • #9584

    Hi all,

    After successfull tests on G2 port on a breadboard, i’ve developped a simple Arduino Due Shield able either to direct drive a TB6560 4 Axis Red board ( https://www.google.fr/search?q=tb6560+red&tbm=isch ) or to allow wiring of dedicated drivers for high power or special needs.

    This board is called Gtwo ( https://github.com/labsud/gtwo )

    Gtwo Silkscreen

    I did not integrate any drivers on it, to allow more flexibility in driver choice / combination. The shield is mostly passive, except for inputs who are level translated to protect arduino DUE.

    Most of the pins have been made available on shield and especially :
    * Spindle and cooolant connector with Spindle, Spindle Dir, Pindle PWM, aux PWM and coolant.
    * Limits connector with XYZ min/max limits, Emergency Stop and Hardware Interlock. All inputs are level shifted from 5V to 3.3V.
    * 1 connector per axis (6 axis) with global or separate enable, step, dir, and configurable 3.3V/5V power, allowing to connect separate discrete drivers.
    * Connector for control inputs (Start / feed hold / reset ..)
    * Connector for driving a “TB6560 Red” with 4 configurables inputs / limits, relay routed to coolant or spindle,

    The board is Open Hardware (CC by SA NC) and can be freely downloaded. I’ve made a first batch of 10 boards. Integration is on the way :
    * One on a Proxxon KY150 (me)
    * One on a Zen Toolworks 0712
    * One on a Shapeoko
    * One on a X/Y plotter for laser cutting.

    A lot more infos can be get there : https://github.com/labsud/GTwo

    Hope that will helps to use that marvellous piece of software…

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by ewidance.

    I’m interested in trying this board with a due + a board that is similar to the tb6560 red that you reference. In this instance, the board I have was pulled out of a Chinese 6040 CNC machine that has 3 TB6560AHQ drivers on a breakout board w/ parallel port that was intended for mach 3. There is also an extra input for a 4th axis which included another dedicated tb6560 driver (for rotary axis). It sounds like what you have will work here, but your understanding is deeper than mine. I’d like to discusss getting a hold one one for testing on the 6040 cnc, and what the process would be. If it would be better to email or take the chat elsewhere, just let me know.



    Looks sweet man!


    Can I buy the board?
    Currently I have tinyg v8, but I need to add 4th axis to my double Y CNC mill.
    I could not get the tinyg to work with external drivers (m542t and KL5056).
    I have tried level shifters and could not make it work. My DIY CNC is 40″x60″. I used 0.5″ aluminum plates for most of the gantry and 60mmx90mm extrusions for the frame (everything is over 300LB).
    2.8A from tinyg seems to work with 425oz steppers (some active cooling) but I need 5th motor or connect two motors in parallel on bigger external driver (KL5056 has 5.6A)

    I’d like to add 4th axis along Y axis so I could work on pieces 48″ long.


    I just ordered 10 boards from China for my tests, should arrive by the weekend. I need only 2-3 – so drop me a note if you are still interested



    Andreas, I’m interested in acquiring one of your boards. I don’t see a way to PM on this forum, so please contact me at frieburd at gmail dot com to make arrangements. Thanks!


    I would be interested Andreas. My email mariusz(AT)artfotodesign(DOT)com


    Hi Andreas. I am interested as well. Would you send one of the boards to Switzerland? Approximate costs?

    For my 3d printers, I use the RADDS board which is based on Due too. I am wondering if I could use that board instead….what do you think?


    all who have set me emails have been answered.

    : Switzerland – no problem, I live in Germany.
    Its not exactly a RADDS replacement, has no stepper drivers nor sockets for drivers on board, it needs external drivers with all the wiring.
    Also the heater and fan drivers are not there, so you need some external wiring and circuitry.
    But at least with some wired drivers you can test if the motion of your printer gets faster or smoother and make a decision if its worth all the external wiring…


    Hi Andreas

    I am very interested, I live in montreal canada, is it possible to send it there, if not, who is your contact in china (company)….


    Hi Andreas,
    Thanks for your reply. I will be using it for a CNC mill (Routakit) and won’t need any heaters or fans. Also, for drivers I have the DQ542MA so, some external wiring will be required anyway. I hope your board will be the perfect fit for my needs.

    Please contact me on cscagliola(AT)web(DOT).de

    PS: I forgot to check the notify box on this thread, that is why I only found out about your post today…google is my friend 😉


    Hi Andreas

    I know that this is a really late reply but if you have any boards can you let me know what is the cost and delivery to USA?
    davey dot rance at gmail…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by DaveyRance.

    Hi, do you still have these boards available? I am builnig a new CNC and would like this to drive it instead of the proven but old arduino cnc shield.
    My email is andrej(dot)racik(at)gmail(dot)com


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