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ModeratorI am not a dev, will guess “maybe”, depending on what exactly the ‘big easy drive’ needs, but would be a lot of reprogramming of tinyG internals, plus you would have to figure out how to feed your reprogrammed logic with a command string.
Due would seem a more straightforward path, to me anyway. There is good code build support for the G2/DUE combination.Sorry, I missed the fact you were already XXYZA.
I have seen, somewhere, shield like boards and code to drive steppers from a RazPi.
If you are a Chilipeppr user and already have a Pi, that might work for you.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorIn theory, two tinyGs can be networked together.
I am not aware of anyone who has actually tried it.Other ideas:
Use 1 tinyG. Drive both X motors from one driver, Y from another, Z from another leaving A (or B or C)axis available. If X, Y and Z are heavy duty motors, could use 2 external drivers on the X axis for your X.or
Try tinyG2 running on a DUE. Use Gshield for 4 motor drivers, wire an external driver to the 5th port pins on the DUE.
Experiment with a 5 driver shield such as an Ultimaker shield connected to DUE running tinyG2. Would require a lot of Motate pin remapping and some customization of the Ultimaker.If you machine has heavy duty X,Y,Z motors, I’d suggest the external driver approach. None of the Shield products have very good heat sinking for the driver devices, IMHO.
ModeratorThere has not been traffic here on this topic that I recall.
Your topic is clearly identifiable, perhaps will attract some attention.
ModeratorI believe the device is rated for 2A max, but you will have to watch out for dissipation (heat rise).
It was intended for powering the fan, not much else and is not terribly well heatsinked.
Even at 0.5A, 6W being dumped into the package and surrounding PCB will make things warm.Should work for short term testing, long term I would suggest you derive your relay supply from the main PwrSupply
ModeratorI compared your parameters to a set I last used form my SH2 belt machine.
I have $fb=83.09, whereas you have 87.01. I don’t think that is an issue.The other differences are $_pl, $_tr and the jerk values, all different due to different mechanical configs. Again, I think $yjm=50 might be on the low side for you, but believe you have already experimented with $yjm=100 or perhaps 200.
I have no hands on experience with your mechanical setup, but sort of understand the adjustments you are speaking of.
I might suggest mechanically disconnecting the Y axis motor from the ballscrew, then observing the motor when you issue the move command. Based on your video, the secondary ‘jump’ at end of travel should be visible if it is tinyG related.
Perhaps you can just back out the ballscrew side setscrew(s) on the coupler and run the move?cmcgrath5035
ModeratorPlease post your entire parameter set to a cloud drive with URL – answers a lot of potential questions ($fb, $_pl, etc).
Video is odd, for sure.
Any chance there is some residual binding in the drive train – if $mt=1, perhaps the additional jump is due to motor release after 1 secondIf you energise the Y motor, can you manually push the gantry, overcoming the holding torque?
Same result if you make the y move at half the velocity? Twice?
ModeratorSounds correct.
The application (tinyG2) has no idea what is actually connected to the pins.
Since you only have 3 drivers, using the Gshield pinout will allow you to bypass for now recompiling with a different pinout model.Keep in mind that DUE has no onboard port conditioning (pull ups, caps, etc) to when you move on to limit switches and other I/O, you have to take care of that.
And, as always – DUE is 3.3V logic. You may need to buffer or logic level translate
Also – you will have to set microsteps manually on the external drivers as well as power level.
ModeratorThe body of knowledge for FW 338.02 is sort of lost now – hard to comment on parameters. CoolTerm was the defacto ‘simple’ Gcode sender back in that time frame. RTS/CTS flow control generally worked better than Xon/Xoff, but both seemed to have driver dependencies and platform dependencies – not enough CPU to respond in a timely manner.
Most users seem to have different priorities than yours – they want to run long, intricate jobs and get maximum performance from tinyG.Then, of course, there have been a whole lot of bug fixes and incremental feature enhancements to tinyG. The wiki has expanded a lot in the areas of status monitoring, queue management, etc, but frankly I am not sure there is a good way to tell you what might apply to 338.02.
Since you are a Java guy, you might want to look at (google goko cnc), it is a new Java based project, again third party. Perhaps there is some knowledge there that will help you. I have no knowledge or experience, it showed up in a recent Forum post.
I’d highly recommend you shift your fw base up to build 440.20.
Virtually all the effort on fixes, and working knowledge of the community, is focussed on that build for now, and will be moving on toward further integration with G2 functionality.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorCP turned on a similar monitor the tinyG error stream last summer – it was a also a train wreck.
I am surprised CP works at all with you V6 – CP aggressively uses enhancements to the communications protocols in tinyG.
What FW rev you have loaded?
I saw you query to Riley w.r.t. boot loader.I have a very up-to date ($fb=440.20) tinyGV7 that works fine.
You are actually the first V6 user I have seen.
I guess I am also a little surprised that CP runs on Vista – what browser you running?
ModeratorA quick look at SAM3X specs shows Total DC current on All I/O lines at 100 to 150ms, depending on package type.
I woud not try it, use an external buffer or fet
ModeratorI have a V9k version, thru hole pins.
If you want external drivers, why not run G2 on a DUE?
ModeratorYou might find it worthwhile to invest in a laser guided temp measurement tool, such as
and gather some temp rise data measuring driver package temp, relative to the device specifications.
You **may** encounter issues on very log jobs, or not. Hard to predict.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorI have never heard of Goko, so have no idea what it is attempting to do.
The errors are likely tinyG applying Gcode arc specification rules that the Gcode generator has ignored.Is your Gcode in inch mode or mm mode.
If inch, regenerate in mm.
Sometimes the small errors in converting inch back to mm is enough to trigger these errors.
TinyG does all it’s work in mm, converting from inch when it has to.
Running mm Gcode bypasses that conversion overhead.Have you tried running the Gcode with CoolTerm or Chilipeppr?
Does it run OK there?
Neither of those Gcode streaming tools act on error messages returning from tinyG. -