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  • cmcgrath5035

    I have no experience with GRBL-GRU and very limited with UGCS. Most of my work has been with Chilipeppr or CoolTerm, and occasionally via a Linux putty terminal. I have over time had folks attempt variou bulk loading schemes for setting parameters that resulted in erratic behavior. defa=1 was a recovery mechanism. The root of the issue in those cases is a hardware bug in the tinyG micro controller-EEPROM interface, which is patched by shutting down the serial reader interface while an EEPROM write is being performed. Manually entering parameters one at a time via a CLI is OK, bulk loading needs to be properly implemented to ensure all data is properly written.

    In Chilipeppr, code in the SPJS properly handles this.

    In this item
    a 40ms delay is suggested. I have seen delays as much as 100ms. Up to you

    in reply to: TinyG initialization #12140

    I love it when someone solves their own problem, especially when I have to think hard about where to go next.
    First, here is a link to the 4 pages of tinyG Schematics, which might come in handy

    On Page 1 you will see the RTS and CTS pins on the FTDI devie(USB<->Serial)
    FT230X. Probably not an issue if you stick with the Pico, be aware that the
    ATxmega192 device is 3.3V logic and has little tolerance for 5V signals.

    Also note that the serial receive path from J14 is wire-OR’d to the FTDI device with each path having a 2.7Kohm resistor. You might want to research how RTS and CTS logic operates and implement similar isolation.

    It is not obvious where you plan to end up with flow control strategy.
    The most successful implementations (Chillipeppr, cncjs) use tinyG input buffer fill for flow control, obviating the need for rts/cts connections.

    Good luck with your project!

    in reply to: Python 3 – USB Write Strange feedback #12136

    What you are engaged in is beyond my level of expertise, here are some hints and ideas to pursue.
    You report that your Gcode runs mostly fine using Chilipeppr. Buffer management in a Chilipeppr implementation is the role of SPJS, among other tasks. My gut impression is that “..leaving 10 slots free all the time..” does not match the SPJS methodology. I am making the assumption, by the way, that your Python3 session is communicating directly with TinyG, not via SPJS.
    If you buffer management is not achieving the same fill rate dynamics, you may be forcing the motion planner to compute different motion paths.

    This sort of topic is much lower level than typically found in this forum. You should give a look at the issues area here here most developers are their thoughts and ideas. The G2 issues at might also provide some hints, although G2 code is now well beyond tinyG Master

    Good luck with your project

    in reply to: JSON won’t open on new macbook pro Monterey OS #12134

    You are going to need some help from the Chilipeppr developers or community.
    Their primary hangout is at

    That is where Chilipeppr and JSON server are curated

    in reply to: TinyG V8 – User-accessible flash? #12131

    I’ll assume you have looked thru the wiki information at . I have not seen anyone try this, either using onboard flash or On-board EEPROM.
    If there is help the be had, it would be available at where you can ask your questions and hope a developer or customizer like yourself stops by and shares ideas.

    Good luck with your project

    in reply to: Homing prob with Y axis #12127

    Good, you found it yourself and learned a bunch too, I bet.
    Good Luck

    in reply to: Homing prob with Y axis #12125

    It could be an issue with your setup parameters.
    If you are using Chilippr or CoolTerm, head to the console and enter $$ and return to dump your parameters. Copy and paste them to a text file on you favorite Cloud drive (Gdrive, OneDrive, etc) and post a link to them back here.

    One item that looks strange in the above is that Homing Z should find the maximum, not minimum

    Also be sure to review this wiki item:

    in reply to: Applied 24V to limit switches input by mistake #12122

    Based on you description of what happened, I would not recommend spend a lot of time and money on this tinyG. 24 V and 3V logic don’t mix well, and there is no way to quantify which interfaces(chips) may have been affected.
    BTW, because tinyG has a lerge ground area that also act as a heat spreader,
    Soldering even a few pins is a difficult task.
    Sorry, RIP tinyG

    in reply to: Data buffering issue on 3D cut? #12118

    Nope, maybe I would need to be logged in to that forum?

    Chilipeppr uses the information on tinyG buffer fill to manage flow..

    I am making the assumption the 2D motion is ‘snappy’ , i.e. not slowed.
    Are you using arcs to define the cut, or very short segments (linear interpolation)? Are you seeing any error messages in the console?

    There are of course a zillion parameters to ask about. Do normal 2D jobs run ‘snappy’?

    in reply to: Data buffering issue on 3D cut? #12116

    Note: I am unable to open the URL above, it returns an “Invalid Parameters Specified” message.

    Do you have a CAM system (Chilipeppr, CNC.js, etc) delivering your Gcode?
    If not, what flow control options are you using?

    Any Modern computer hardware (as of 10 years ago) should be able to keep the planning buffer full, I would think.

    in reply to: Wiring for laser #12114

    Here is a forum where a lot of laser active folks hang out

    in reply to: Tiny G not working at all #12113

    If voltages are good, it is highly likely you overwrote the tinyG firmware with random garbage. Sending a binary file to tinyG rather than a proper text Gcode file is the likely culprit and unfortunately a common error.

    Check out and read through the entire wiki.

    in reply to: TinyG with external driver (Stepperonline CL42T) #12112

    You ask good questions, all lack specific details on your knowledge base and require some interpretation on my part.
    I’ll assume you are familiar with the tinyG wiki found here
    I’ll assume you have found and understand the tinyG schematics found here

    For my own education, are the broken-out stepper signals on the Tiny G PNP or open-collector (looking at page 4 in

    It addresses some of your questions, I am assuming you are calling J17 – J20 the breakout signals. These are simply bridge points on the internal connections between the microcontroller and the 4 driver devises on tinyG.
    they are 3.3V logic levels and you should assume limited drive capability.
    I would not recommend you assume these logic points meet the Logic Signal Current spec on the CL42T sheet, you will need a buffer.

    I know of no breakout boards easily adaptable to tinyG.
    You should review—External-Interfaces the suggested circuits for interfacing G2 boards are a good guide. You should fully understand the G2 environment, it may be more adaptable to your project. There are breakout boards available for a Duo running G2core.

    You could simple invert the enable lead, but you must then analyse you built up system to ensure that steppers will not be enabled during power up and power down transitions.

    tinyG has been successfully interfaced to more generic opt-isolated step-dir=enable stepper drivers. The CLT42T is aimed at a more complex stepper. In fact I am not sure exactly what a

    r 2-phase NEMA11, 14
    and 17 stepper motors with incremental encoders(Encoder resolution must be 1000-line).


    It is also unclear how you would deal with the fault signal returned by the CLT42T. tinyG would not know what to do to recover from such a fault, in general.

    in reply to: Homing Y #12105

    OK, I understand your issue, unfortunately tinyG homes to Xmin, Ymin, Zmax hard coded in the firmware.
    Are you using Chilipepr, cncjs or?? for Gcode delivery ?

    Is there a particular reason you need to use limit switches to set a starting point?

    Do you make your own Gcode or are you using pre coded designs?

    There might be a way to home on one coordinate plane, then use offsets or a coordinate system change to achieve what you want, but that drives up complexity a bit

    in reply to: Homing Y #12103

    Sorry for delay, away for the holiday.
    Directions are somewhat a matter of preference on how you wish to use your workspace.
    TinyG commands for homing assume homing to Xmin, Ymin and Zmax.

    My best guess id you need to reverse the Y polarity.

    What sort of machine do you have?

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