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  • in reply to: Y Axis Stalling #3695


    How does the shields bottom solder joints look?  I would take the screws out completely check to see if there is any wire bits in there?

    in reply to: Using tgFX on mac osx #3694

    Andy,  I am coding tgFX on OSX.  Right now you can git pull on the github page and you should get the libs + code thatyou need.  YOu will need javafx2.2 and java 7 installed on osx.


    I hopefully will be pushing out some code updates here this weekend.  Its very much still under heavy development.  I would suggest that if you are not a dev, you should not use it in its current state.  Or do just air cutting until you feel its working as you expect it to.



    in reply to: Laser Control #3667
    in reply to: Y Axis Stalling #3666

    Hmm.  There are a few things that could be causing this.  I would turn up the current pot on the Y axis a bit.  Also your settings to be wrong.  Its happening in the same place each time?  If its happening in the same place each time I really don’t think its an issue with the grblShield.

    I would post on the shapeoko forums and see what they think.  Perhaps someone else has seen this before?
    I also would not rule out mechanical completely.


    in reply to: grbl+shapeoko mod x axis #3629

    No.  Thats an issue with your programmer or your setup.  Remember there is no arduino boot loader on there.  Its just straight avr.  You will need to use an avr programmer if you want to program it.  However, I assure you re-programming your board from what we shipped with it is a bad idea.  You are working with a known good firmware from us (or you were if you already programmed it).


    Also what do you mean “swap x axis with y”?

    Did you try adjusting your current pot?  Remember that if you over torque the trim pot it will break and no longer function.  This is what the warning paper that ships with all grbl boards states.



    in reply to: using tinyg with external stepper drivers. #3627



    Without having it here I am not quite sure.



    in reply to: using tinyg with external stepper drivers. #3616

    You have our support!  Just to be clear.  Its just tough from our point of view to place the “stamp of approval” on it!  🙂  To let you know will be coming out with a modular board eventually that will allow for what you are doing.  However, there is not release date as of now.


    Sorry to hear about the vreg!  Keep us updated.



    in reply to: grbl+shapeoko mod x axis #3615

    So it looks like your settings are too high for your G0 moves.   Also, you might have mechanical issues.  Meaning that your X axis is not as smooth as it should be.  I recommend you go to the shapeoko forums and look around there.  The fact that the g1 moves are making your shapeoko move leads me to believe that this is NOT an issue with the grblShield but a grbl settings issue or a mechanical issue.



    in reply to: GrblShield v4 microstepping jumpers #3613

    Sorry for the late response.


    1x Micro Steps Setting


    Check out that link.  I took some pictures this morning that show the different possible positions and what they mean.


    in reply to: grbl+shapeoko mod x axis #3612



    I ask you to do a test.  You did not respond to me saying that it worked or it did not.  It is not possible for me to help you based off of what I saw in the video.  Again,  try this out and tell me what it does exactly.

    G1 z10 F100

    OK that worked.. so try..

    G1 z0 F200

    Etc… G1 moves require a feedrate as this is a “cutting movement” a G0 is just going to say go as fast as possible which we know (i assume) will not work due to your firmware settings.



    in reply to: Update settings on TinyG with CoolTerm #3606

    I am working on a “config loader” and GUI now.  However its not available.  For now.. yes you guessed it.. You have to set this stuff by hand.   Sorry



    in reply to: grbl+shapeoko mod x axis #3605

    This sounds like your settings are not configured correctly for your motors.  The 1 and 5 steps are working I think because there is really no acceleration involved in such small movements.  So it starts out slow and works.  However when you start gettinga longer move you start ramping up your speed (grbl does) and the pulses are too fast for your motors.


    Try some different g1 movements with varying feed rate speeds..  Track where it starts to fail and set your grbl firmware settings as to your findings.



    G1 z100 F100

    OK that worked.. so try..

    G1 z0 F200

    Etc… G1 moves require a feedrate as this is a “cutting movement” a G0 is just going to say go as fast as possible which we know (i assume) will not work due to your firmware settings.


    Let me know how that goes.



    in reply to: Version 7 – Docs update #3601

    Sorry for taking so long.


    Try this jowan,



    in reply to: TinyG v7 wiring #3600

    We would love to see what you do with it.  Please post something in the projects section or reply here!  We can try to feature it in the blog.



    in reply to: Is this a good config? #3599

    While this is possible, its not something we support.  This introduces a bunch of headaches for mis-wring and frying stuff!  Obviously 3-6a per motor is wayyyy too much for the grblShield.  Your application does not sound like grblShield is a good match.  However, this is your hardware!  Do what you would like just understand we cannot support the modifications you are describing.



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