Laser Control

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  • #3643

    I would like to control a laser using the Arduino/GRBL Shield, but not sure how to go about this.  I do not need the Z axis so I was hoping to control the Laser using M3 and M5 g-code commands to turn the laser on and off but I do not know who to wire the laser so that those commands will work… Basically which two pins can I use?

    The Laser driver I have can have 5v or 12v power supplied, so I could wire straight into the Arduino using PWM or possibly into the GRBL shield where the Z-axis motor connects, but either way I am not sure which pins to use.  Has anyone had any experience with this?


    So I had part of the answer all along on one of my tabs:

    “I think the easiest thing would be to connect a relay to your laser and control the relay from the spindle pin. Then you could use the normal G codes M3 (enable spindle) and M5 (turn spindle off) to control it.”

    Looking at the pinouts, the “Spindle Enable” is pin 12, which helps a lot, but which pin on the GRBL shield would it be?

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