Update settings on TinyG with CoolTerm

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    I just put together my ShapeOko and am using the TinyG board.  I read through the wiki and didn’t see anywhere on how to update all the settings with a config file.  I get the feeling i have to update each on individually (which I feel would be Tedious).

    Is there a way for me to just “upload” my settings?



    I am working on a “config loader” and GUI now.  However its not available.  For now.. yes you guessed it.. You have to set this stuff by hand.   Sorry




    [fb] firmware build 370.07
    [fv] firmware version 0.95
    [hv] hardware version 7.00

    I just had the same issue when updating to 370.07 on my TinyG and Shapeoko. I lost ALL my settings, but had them captured in a document(backup).
    I decided to try putting all my unique settings in a .txt file(using g-code rules for comments) and load them with CoolTerm. It worked great and no issues so far.

    Below is the .txt setup I used.


    (TinyG & Shapeoko Config Setup – Mar-22-2013)
    G20 (make sure in inches)
    ( )
    $GPL=0 (G17)
    $GUN=0 (G20)
    $GDI=0 (G90)
    ( )
    $EE=1 (local echo)
    ( )
    $1TR=1.439 (inches/rev)
    $2TR=1.369 (inches/rev)
    $3TR=0.049 (inches/rev)
    $2PO=1 (rev Y stepper)
    ( )
    $XVM=40.0 (X G0 max)
    $YVM=40.0 (Y G0 max)
    $ZVM=10.0 (Z G0 max)
    ( )
    $XFR=25.0 (X G1 max)
    $YFR=25.0 (Y G1 max)
    $ZFR=10.0 (Z G1 max)
    ( )
    $XTM=7.0 (X max travel)
    $YTM=8.0 (Y max travel)

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