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Membererr..umm not fixed.. First time it homed perfectly..
Then I ran a small test gcode file and that seemed fine.
Then I decided to home (G28.2) again and it always does fine with the X axis but then I was having 2 problems.. Seemed like 50% of the time the Y axis would move one direction for about an inch then the other direction for about an inch then just stop and think it was homed (no Y axis switches where ever actuated)Then the other times both X and Y would home perfectly but as soon as it was done tiny G would just reset I guess (spindle light on and spindle direction light flashing quickly).. A quick reset and it would be back up for a few minutes then the homing would take it down again.
I’m at my wits end now.. This thing was working totally fine before I had the home/limit switches set up.. Now its just “goofy”I am using the TinyG APP with a tablet to control do all this.. maybe its the problem as it has been crashing a LOT also.. Might have to drag a laptop back there and see if the problems go away when I’m not using the app
MemberNevermind.. Got it sorted out (so far)
Shows that the wrong setting can cause all sorts of goofy stuff..
I would expect the wrong switch setting to “instantly” shut the machine down but it seems it can cripple along for a while with the wrong setting till something else happens. weird..mcgyvr
Memberumm well nevermind.. NO idea what happened but I have now got it working properly with NC switches and tinyg set to NC.. When it first wasn’t working I switched to NO and it “seemed” to be just fine for hours.. Then just started getting goofy.. So I wrote this post then switched back to $st being NC and now all is working just fine (so far) this also cleared up my other issue with it moving the wrong direction first during homing. Now all seems to be just fine..
my other post to go along with this..
This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by
MemberI’m no help with the coding BUT
This is what I might suggest.. Simply create the txt file with all the settings and use coolterm (or whatever) to load/set them all at once. See hereThen you are working with the default code and just dumping all the settings for your machine at once versus having to go any set them each manually one by one which I’m sure is what you are trying to avoid.
Then its just fire up coolterm, load the text file and done. Voila all settings set to what you want.
MemberI got it to work how I want but it doesn’t seem right to me.. Maybe a bug?
This moves X1 Y1 then turns the coolant on and pauses for 1 second. Then turns the coolant off and pauses for 1 second again before moving X2 Y2. It just doesn’t seem right.. I wouldn’t expect the G4 P1 delay before the M9 to create a delay AFTER the M9 but it did.M20 G0 X1 Y1 M8 G4 P1 (COOLANT ON AND PAUSE) G4 P1 M9 (COOLANT OFF) G0 X2 Y2 M30
This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by
Memberworking good so far (excellent actually).. so happy
haven’t tried G28.2 or Spindle but all other buttons work just fine.
I have had it crash a few times when trying to connect (not sure if you want me to go through the report process for that and the console has “frozen” on me 2 times now when running a file. I had to kill TinyG Console to get it backSome more suggestions/issues..
1-The Start/stop button on the file tab doesn’t automatically change back to a “start” button once the gcode file has been completely run.. stays at stop till you press it again. Would be nice if it did..2-would be cool to have it display the current or next line (actually showing the code on that line) of the gcode in the graphics window so you can see where you are at.
3-Would be nice to have a “Home” button back on the jog screen. Frankly I’d prefer them to say “Go Home” and “Homing” where “Go Home” just takes all the axes back to 0 and “Homing” actually performs the homing process.
4-I’d like to see more options or something else for the “Jog Steps” like maybe 5 buttons instead of the annoying slider.. Like a .001 button, a .010 button, a .100 button, a 1.000 button, and a 10.000 (the ” mark could be removed so it works with english/metric units) or heck even a text area where you could enter whatever you want.. but I like buttons better.
5-A feed hold button would be cool on the File tab.
I’m sure I will have more.. I’d love to see this app look function just like a real CNC console with tons of buttons,etc..
This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by
May 7, 2013 at 2:50 pm in reply to: TinyG support for Subroutine calls / O Codes / M98 and M99 #4114mcgyvr
MemberJust wanted to throw out my interest in having G52/M98/M99 subroutines..
It would be VERY…VERY…VERY helpful for my application.We will be using tinyG to process an “array” of items. Each part in the array gets the same Gcode.
I would love to just be able to do something like
G52 X0.000 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 1)
M98 P1000 (Sub Part 1)
G52 X2.500 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 2)
M98 P1000 (Sub Part 2)
G52 X5.000 Y0.000 (Origin of Part 3)
M98 P1000 (Sub Part 3)
O1000 (begin sub 1000)
;Do something here for each part in the array
M99 (end sub)
I have NO need for any of the looping/conditional/repeat/indirection/calling files linux cnc functions.. Just exactly what I have shown above.
MemberIs that new version up on the google play store or do we need to download the APK from your github?
MemberLooking good!!! Can’t wait to try it out.
Another comment..I can see the need to have jog step go down much further.. Like down to .001 for us inch folks doing touch-offs,etc…
MemberYeah there is something goofy with the settings..
Now I put in (for example) 100 for max velocity and it seems to change everything to metric after you save and come back to that screen. its changing everything..jerk,etc…
(probably something to do with my file being a G20 and I never set tinyg to inches or something..)mcgyvr
When trying to load a gcode file I get a “No filemanager is installed” error? But I do have one installed.
I tried to type the location in and get a “Invalid Filename” error (file is tinygxtest.txt also tried naming it tinygtest.gcode)mcgyvr
MemberWAY..WAY too easy guys.. 🙂
I didn’t even have to write 1 single line of code..
up and running in minutes.. time to buy the rest of the components.
Quick video
[video src="" /]Matt, one more suggestion…
it would be nice too if the axis jog buttons weren’t fixed to 400 and 100 velocity and were based on your “velocity max” setting (where fast is full velocity setting and slow is 1/2 velocity max)and yes I wasn’t thinking of a terminal emulator.. Just the ability to issue G code commands 1 line at a time.. Matt already does an excellent job of being able to setup the motor/axis configs right in the app.
This reply was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by
MemberJust got my TinyG in the mail (Thanks Riley/Alden)
Should have the first axis up and running in a few minutes (then have to order the rest of the parts which should arrive next week)as far as #7..on our Haas VF2 when you enable jog lock and just let it run it just hits the limit switch and quietly just stops there ending the jog lock motion.. No resets.. Its a great feature for just squaring up material,etc…
IMO a triggered limit switch shouldn’t NEVER completely reset the machine (thats kind of silly IMO).. But it should error out or stop nicely.. basically like just hitting the feed hold button. In fact I could probably argue a safety issue with it completely resetting..
Of course I’d hope with a properly configured setup it should be IMPOSSIBLE to hit the max limit switch unless the steppers miss steps.. Again on our Haas, the machine is checking each line before its actually run to ensure that you never exceed the max travel limit,etc.. If you accidentally key in “G0 X157” instead of “G0 X15.7” when it gets to that line it will just stop, turn on the red error light and pop up an error “max travel limit exceeded”. It won’t even try to run that line.. Or if you program externally without the console it will error out during code transfer over the serial cable.
MemberJust throwing out some requests to add to the TinyG Console App..
#1-Homing button (actually performs the homing process w/limit switches)
#2-Spindle On/Off button (I guess a speed slider and direction toggle too)
#3-Coolant On/Off button
#4-A button for each axis to set the current position to 0
#5-Feed Hold button
#6-TinyG reset (is there a command line function for that??)
#7-Jog lock button (Its a HAAS thing I believe but really nice to have)
You press the jog lock button then press an axis jog button and it moves the axis in a continuous motion without the need to hold down the axis key. Another press of JOG LOCK stops jogging motion. Not positive how limit switches in tinyG function but on our Haas if you just leave jog lock running it will simply hit the limit switch and stop..Not sure if TinyG automatically resets when a limit switch is hit. I’d hope not as IMO it should just issue an error (or just stop when jog lock is used) and not reset completelyOthers..
A text area (with a send button or something) to manually enter a G code (single line/function) and send it.-
This reply was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by
I will handle it with a g4 and just try to make the delay as accurate as possible..Its the having to build in “fudge room” that makes it less efficient.
This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by