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  • in reply to: Python control in linux #4921

    pfft.. who needs a computer.. (assuming you have a tablet)

    in reply to: Could Jerk be causing my extended ShapeOko to miss steps? #4763

    Did you flash to the new firmware like Riley said?

    Rileys response from another thread…
    That arc thing you described was a bug. Its been fixed in 380.08. Depending on when you read this… 380.08 is in edge or has already been promoted to master.

    in reply to: V8 heatsinks/jumpers? #4703

    which firmware version exactly are you running?

    in reply to: Motion test? #4685

    send a $$ in coolterm and post the configuration..
    What are the current pots set to?
    Sure its not mechanical binding?

    stepper motors DO get fairly hot..

    in reply to: First steps? #4682

    So have you connected everything and now just want to run some movements?
    Or do you still need help connecting everything to your machine.
    Did you do the “configuring TinyG” section already?

    in reply to: Using TinyG with SSR Relays.. Not Turning On Relays? #4681

    No matter what the update from Alden.. the hardware is basically set in stone.
    The 3.3v (2.9-3V) is right at the minimum for any SSR and as such you could have issues. Thats one of the reasons I hate the switch to 3.3V from 5V..

    To move on you should simply construct a transistor driver for the SSR as I had posted about above and be done with it.. A dollar in parts and done..

    The new SSR might work too..Just a difference in manufacturers/specs/tolerances,etc… But its trial/error

    in reply to: V8 heatsinks/jumpers? #4660

    Any other reasons you can think of that would cause skipped gcode lines?
    It seems fairly random.. Sometimes it will run though the code 5-10 times just fine then all of a sudden BOOM..
    It happens with tgfx and Matts Tinyg Console app. I can’t remember if it happens with coolterm though..

    What about “vibration” or movement in the USB connection? (I’m hoping the better USB connection on the V8 board will stop that if it was a problem)..I just don’t know what would happen if the USB cable was temporarily loose/disconnected for a fraction of a second.

    I have scoped the input power and haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary but I don’t have logging functions on my old tektronix so its almost impossible to constantly be monitoring the scope and running the machine with hand on the estop button.

    It literally just skips a line or 2 and then goes back to running just fine.

    Then I’ve also had it just go into a “full speed” ram into the limit switches where it seems to just loose its mind completely and not just miss a line and continue on.. And by full speed I mean it starts moving way faster than any max velocity setting I have it set for.

    Those are my problems..
    I should have the V8 board installed in the next day or 2 and will see if it happens again.. I’ll probably update the firmware to dev or edge too along the way.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by mcgyvr.
    in reply to: V8 heatsinks/jumpers? #4656

    Thanks Riley..
    I do have a 24V main supply.. just using a 12V fan with it..

    Hopefully this V8 board is more “noise immune” than the v7 board..
    I finally gave up on the V7 board and ordered this V8 one to replace it.
    My machine literally looked like this and it was still skipping g-code lines every now and then..

    in reply to: Genaral speed control pot. #4637

    Speed is set by the feed rates in the G code and the speeds set in the configuration (feed rate/velocity).

    in reply to: Great Hardware but… #4575
    in reply to: Coolant Output, Spindle Output Negation Commands for Relay #4573

    You just connected your loads to the wrong set of contacts on the relays..
    If using C and NO then switch to C and NC..
    If using C and NC then switch to C and NO..
    Thats why form C relays are nice..
    You hold all the power to invert the logic.. no software fix needed..

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by mcgyvr.
    in reply to: Using TinyG with SSR Relays.. Not Turning On Relays? #4544

    I had the same problem..some of the 3V rated SSR’s don’t switch consistently with this board.

    You can just use a transistor/suitable base resistor as a driver for the SSR..
    Any NPN should be fine (tip102/2n2222)
    And a flyback diode 1n4001
    just like this (substitute relay with ssr input side) and use the input voltage to the tinyg board as vcc (assuming its not over the ssr input spec..I didn’t look)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by mcgyvr.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by mcgyvr.
    in reply to: TinyG skipping gcode lines #4336

    All is good again in the world.. Everything including the cylinder is hooked up/running and NO/ZERO issues so far.. HOORAY.. Seems it was 100% related to noise on the Y axis (2 stepper motors).
    Now I’ll try going back to an edge firmware so I can take advantage of new stuff there..

    in reply to: TinyG skipping gcode lines #4327
    Member I’m 99% sure I found the problem.. Noise from the Y axis (using dual motors) steppers motors.
    Today I redid ALL the wiring for the machine. And this time I replaced the non-shielded wire that came with the steppers with shielded wire and tied the shields to the TinyG ground.. Well when I started it up I homed the X axis (no problem there) BUT then tried to home the Y axis and it moved about a 1/4″ forward then tinyg immediately shut down and generated the er message. I screamed and said what the heck did I do this time.. Then I decided to try disconnecting the shields on the stepper motor cables from tinyg ground and the Y axis homed perfectly. So I tied the stepper motor shields to the machines true earth/chassis ground (power supply – is coupled to ground with a capacitor in side the power supply and not a hard ground to earth) and ran the gcode program 10 times without any issues at all..
    Another thing I noticed now was that before I had shielded stepper cables when coolterm was sending the code to tinyG its “% completion/sending” dialog box was always showing “not responding” and it would not show the tinyg messages until it was finished 100% with the download to tinyg and the dialog went away (not knowing any better I thought this might be normal and never questioned it).. BUT NOW with the shielded stepper cables I get a true percentage of sending completion and I can see all the timyG messages the whole time its sending the file. So seems the noise was even messing with coolterm/my laptop.

    I do not have the cylinder hooked up yet but I’m almost positive that the Y axis noise was the problem the whole time and not the cylinder/solenoid. Tomorrow I will hook the solenoid back up and retest sending the files multiple times..

    I feel soooooo silly that I didn’t think that the unshielded stepper cabling would be the problem.. SOO glad I decided to rewire everything this morning. WELL worth the $10 in shielded cables. Also so thankful for all the help Riley/Alden/Matt have provided… I was just too quick to assume it was a bug in the software…sorry about that. But I never thought the stepper motors would be so noisy. I find it interesting though that I can tie the X stepper motor shield to tinyg without problems but the 2 motor Y axis shields immediately took tinyg down.

    I’ll update this tomorrow when I hook the cylinders up and try sending the code again. Fingers crossed that I have NO more problems.

    in reply to: TinyG skipping gcode lines #4320

    I will try disabling the limits and solenoids (1 at a time) on Monday when i get back to work.

    What about the er message, then a movement, then another er message?

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