Python control in linux

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    Hi all,
    I’m running linux (Ubuntu 12.04LTS) and having difficulty sending files to my TinyG. I have used picocom from the terminal to send individual lines of GCode and to change settings, both with success. However, since TGFX doesn’t seem to work on my system and since I can’t seem to open CoolTerm’s linux version (not really supported anyway), I’m in a bit of a bind sending full files to the machine.

    My solution has been to use Python (the language I know best) to send files via the serial. However, I seem to be having buffer issues probably due to the fact that I’m overwhelming the TinyG without having a clear way for the python script to wait for a response. Does anyone have a simple python script that they would be willing to share which takes a file of gcode and sends it along to the board? perhaps something like that which appears in this video from Riley a few years back?



    pfft.. who needs a computer.. (assuming you have a tablet)


    <<pfft.. who needs a computer.. (assuming you have a tablet)>>

    well, i don’t. so, that’s unfortunately not an option.


    I’m writing something up on the wiki to help with your inquiry. There are enough people working on programmatic interfaces that this needs some attention. Please give me a day or 2 to get this in place and I’ll post a follow up.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by alden.

    Thanks, Alden. That would be massively helpful. I too am looking forward to TGFX’s development. However, for my sort of implementation, coding up something simple by hand is probably better. Specifically, I need to provide museum staff with a simple text interface to run one file or another. Not much is needed except robust communication with TinyG in order to send simple GCode files several thousand lines long. I’ve found several chunks of example code that folks seem to have used, but they vary widely.

    Again, thanks for your help. I’ve found the hardware to work very well and look forward to working with it for a long time to come.


    Here’s a page discussing the issues. It’s a work in process, so things might changes as we have more discussion or there are other inputs.

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