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  • in reply to: How to locate workpiece #10943

    Thanks for that. That tells me that I seem to understand how things are working.

    You are correct about the planning buffers. I am monitoring them as part of the communications logic and failed to mention that in my initial post.

    Originally I was using {stat:null} to determine whether the tool was in motion and then found {mots:null} and thought it might be better. Not sure there is a significant difference, if any.

    in reply to: How to locate workpiece #10941

    That is good to know.

    However, our system currently isn’t set up to do this and I would like to know if there is anything wrong with the method we are currently using?

    Also, is {mots:null} the best way to determine that motion has stopped? I use that in other cases as well. For instance we have a brake on our A-axis and I want to be certain that motion has stopped before applying the brake after a rotation.

    in reply to: How to locate workpiece #10939

    I just realized that my single step distance is wrong. It should say 0.01 mm not 0.001.

    in reply to: How to locate workpiece #10938

    I am controlling the TinyG with an Arduino using C/C++ via serial, and the TG according to the documentation doesn’t support the G38.2 command.

    in reply to: How to prevent MINIMUM_TIME_MOVE error #10366

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Where might I find these “rules”?

    in reply to: Types of TinyG JSON responses/reports #10171

    Thank you for that pointer for “er”. I had been on that page for the status codes at the top but had not had occasion to dive down to the end.

    in reply to: Text Verbosity and other commands #10107

    Just to update the “extra prompt” I was seeing, I put a logic analyzer on the serial lines between the Arduino and TinyG to see that only a single prompt was being returned. So for some reason, TerraTerm is showing it twice. Probably a setting that is not what I thought.

    in reply to: Text Verbosity and other commands #10098

    Thanks for the link. I remember seeing that page but apparently didn’t bookmark it.

    As for the prompts, when I issue a command using TerraTerm with $tv=1, I get two “tinyg [mm] ok>” prompts for each command.

    When I first noticed, it was after a “g28.2 x0 y0 z0” and I got a prompt immediately and then after the home operation completed. But then I did a “g1 x20 f100” that was not an quick command and I got two prompts immediately before the operation completed. I also get two after any command that reports status or changes a value, i.e. “$” reports status and then I get two prompts.

    It could be TerraTerm but I use it for other things and don’t see that elsewhere.

    I just want to characterize the communications so I know what to expect back from the tinyG when I send it commands so I can filter or parse as needed.

    in reply to: Text Verbosity and other commands #10095

    I have. That was my first search but other than a reference in the status report output of what the valid values are, I can’t find any other information.

    I have discerned that $tv=0 turns the “tinyg [mm] ok>” prompt off but I don’t know if that is all it does. I suspect it is but I would still like a command reference that goes thru all possible commands and what they do if that exists.

    Also I noticed that the tinyG seems to send me 2 prompts after each command. Does anyone know if that is true and if so, why does it do that and can I control that somehow?

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