Text Verbosity and other commands

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    I am new to the TinyG and am trying to interface to it via firmware, so I am trying to understand what each of the commands do by trial and error. One of these doesn’t seem to do anything that I can discern so far, text verbosity. What does the $tv=0 command actually turn off. And where can I find a complete description of all the supported commands? I have looked TinyG wiki pages but what I have found is terse at best for a lot of the commands.


    Have you looked at the documentation on the GitHub pages?



    I have. That was my first search but other than a reference in the status report output of what the valid values are, I can’t find any other information.

    I have discerned that $tv=0 turns the “tinyg [mm] ok>” prompt off but I don’t know if that is all it does. I suspect it is but I would still like a command reference that goes thru all possible commands and what they do if that exists.

    Also I noticed that the tinyG seems to send me 2 prompts after each command. Does anyone know if that is true and if so, why does it do that and can I control that somehow?


    I’m not sure what you mean by ‘two prompts’, can you elaborate?

    This page explains all the commands in some detail, including $tv : https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/TinyG-Configuration-for-Firmware-Version-0.97

    Do you require more detail on a specific command, other than $tv – which is simply to turn verbosity on and off, or… how much info is returned from a command: abbreviated or full message.

    Enter a command with it turned off and then turned on and you can see the difference

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Zootalaws.

    Thanks for the link. I remember seeing that page but apparently didn’t bookmark it.

    As for the prompts, when I issue a command using TerraTerm with $tv=1, I get two “tinyg [mm] ok>” prompts for each command.

    When I first noticed, it was after a “g28.2 x0 y0 z0” and I got a prompt immediately and then after the home operation completed. But then I did a “g1 x20 f100” that was not an quick command and I got two prompts immediately before the operation completed. I also get two after any command that reports status or changes a value, i.e. “$” reports status and then I get two prompts.

    It could be TerraTerm but I use it for other things and don’t see that elsewhere.

    I just want to characterize the communications so I know what to expect back from the tinyG when I send it commands so I can filter or parse as needed.


    The double response prompt is odd – never seen that. You might want to try CoolTerm (the defacto favorite of the Synthetos developers) and/or the Chilipeppr Command line interface. If they display similar double prompt, something is indeed weird
    I’ll assume you are running tinyG FW 440.20?


    Plus one on both CoolTerm and Chilipeppr.

    Teraterm is what we use at work, but anyone that can get away with it loads CoolTerm: http://freeware.the-meiers.org

    Maybe one thing to look at is whether you have modified TeraTerm in any way from stock – given that we aren’t seeing the problem you are seeing, it’s much more likely to be your local environment than hard-coded firmware.

    And Chilipeppr is just so cool anyway 🙂 worth it just for the buzz!


    Just to update the “extra prompt” I was seeing, I put a logic analyzer on the serial lines between the Arduino and TinyG to see that only a single prompt was being returned. So for some reason, TerraTerm is showing it twice. Probably a setting that is not what I thought.


    When I first read your issue above, I immediately though you might have auto-echo turned on in TerraTerm. But of course that would echo characters you send “to” tinyG, not responses “from” tinyG.
    I have no familiarity with TerraTerm.
    Might it be writing, due to some setting, to StdOut and StdError (or equivalent)?
    Good luck in your search.

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