How to locate workpiece

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    We have built a small 4-axis machine with TinyG with an endmill and I have devised a method for locating the tool with the endmill that I wanted to see if I had done anything incorrectly or could do better.

    I know when the end mill makes contact with the work piece because we can detect continuity when that happens.

    With the TinyG I move the endmill close to the work piece and then move the tool incrementally closer to the workpiece until I detect continuity. The way I move the tool towards the work piece is:

    Put TG into increment move mode

    do until continuity found
    Move tool 0.001 towards the tool. (0.001 is 1 motor step)
    Wait for TG to stop
    Measure for continuity
    if no continuity repeat
    if continuity then ask TG its position, the z position is where the work piece is.

    Programmatically I do the following:

    Send “g91” to TG
    Move to start position
    Test for continuity, if touching error because we should not be touching at this point.
    send g1z0.001f200 to TG
    wait for response from TG
    send {mots:null} to TG
    wait for response from TG
    if response is not 1 (TG running), break
    if (continuity found) break;

    send {pos:null} to TG to get position
    z position is where the work piece is in z.

    Is there anything wrong with this process? Is there a better/preferred way to do this?

    It seems to work but I just wanted confirmation from someone who knew the TG better than I do that I wasn’t doing something wrong that was going to bite me.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by larrycook99.

    Why don’t you just use the grbl g38.2 probe command?

    That’s exactly what it’s there for.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Zootalaws.

    I am controlling the TinyG with an Arduino using C/C++ via serial, and the TG according to the documentation doesn’t support the G38.2 command.


    I just realized that my single step distance is wrong. It should say 0.01 mm not 0.001.


    That is good to know.

    However, our system currently isn’t set up to do this and I would like to know if there is anything wrong with the method we are currently using?

    Also, is {mots:null} the best way to determine that motion has stopped? I use that in other cases as well. For instance we have a brake on our A-axis and I want to be certain that motion has stopped before applying the brake after a rotation.


    However, our system currently isn’t set up to do this and I would like to know if there is anything wrong with the method we are currently using?

    I believe that G38.2 would move more quickly, but that is a guess and speed may not matter that much.
    Reading your outline a pseudo code, you are doing the same job – if it works for you and you like it,it works.

    Also, is {mots:null} the best way to determine that motion has stopped? I use that in other cases as well. For instance we have a brake on our A-axis and I want to be certain that motion has stopped before applying the brake after a rotation.

    I think so, but a bit hard to say for sure without understanding your overall motion programming strategy in detail.

    What you really want, I suspect, is to know that the machine is not currently moving and no motion is planned in the near future (i.e. until I tell you to move some more.)
    Perhaps that translates to “(not moving) AND (command buffers empty)”?
    Perhaps your coding strategy makes that implicit.


    Thanks for that. That tells me that I seem to understand how things are working.

    You are correct about the planning buffers. I am monitoring them as part of the communications logic and failed to mention that in my initial post.

    Originally I was using {stat:null} to determine whether the tool was in motion and then found {mots:null} and thought it might be better. Not sure there is a significant difference, if any.

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