How to prevent MINIMUM_TIME_MOVE error

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support How to prevent MINIMUM_TIME_MOVE error

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  • #10364

    We are developing a project using TinyG and keep tripping over status code 202, MINIMUM_TIME_MOVE. We are currently generally treating non-zero status codes as an error and we keep tripping over this one.

    Is there a way to predict when we will hit this? From what I have found it is a combination of move distance and feed rate, but I don’t know what the magic formula is.

    I just want a way that is not completely iterative to avoid this.


    You may find this wiki item helpful in general

    But looking there, I doubt you will get much more info on your specific question..

    I suggest you ask this question here:

    The issues interface is much closer to the developers (this is for the most part a user forum).

    I believe you assumptions on cause are generally correct, but details of the parameters that might affect it are unclear (to me).
    Are you perhaps hand coding G code to run your machine? You may not be following the ‘rules’, which themselves are somewhat difficult to interpret.


    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Where might I find these “rules”?


    Unfortunately, there is no one place and don’t expect a fully consistent set of rules.
    Have a look at this

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