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  • in reply to: TinyG V8 Homing Question #9558

    I believe both this and your Gcode pegging question are best posted here:

    As separate issues.
    Clearly, this homed response is not as expected.

    I believe the answer to pegging is No, but does not hurt to ask.

    The Issues system is much closer to the Developers

    in reply to: SHOPBOT and G2 #9554

    TinyG and tinyG2 support Gcode : “TinyG implements the NIST RS274v3/ngc dialect of Gcode. ”


    Unless shopbot SPB is the same as Gcode, I’ll say no, not supported.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: External motor drivers #9552

    There are pin headers on tinyGV8 that make these signals available.
    Schematics are here:

    You can interface up to 6 motor drivers if you run tinyG2 on an Arduino DUE.

    Be mindful that both tinyG and DUE are 3.3V logic – you may need logic level translators to interface external drivers.

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9551

    Good news!

    Post your results as they mature – there is not a great body of experience doing what you are doing.

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9549

    The Green LEDs you mention are simply connected to one of the motor windings.
    They flicker, mostly for entertainment. If the motor stops rotating with a particular winding in a reverse polarity state, the LED will be extinguished, but motor still energized. Summary – flicker is normal.

    I see you are already trying $4mi=1, I was going to suggest that.

    What command are you issuing to get the motor to move?

    e.g. G0 A3000, expecting about 10 stepper revolutions?

    If I assume that A rotated normally when disconnected , it does sound like the stepper does not have enough torque to overcome the load presented by the mechanism.

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9544

    Perhaps you can repost your updated parameter set.
    There is not a huge depth of experience on rotational axis operation, but I do wonder about your $ajm and $ajh values; they seem a bit high.

    Step pulse with for on-board drivers should not be an issue. You do need to verify requirements for your “old” external drivers.

    Have you tried disconnecting the A motor from the machine, to see if it will rotate unloaded?

    Are you direct driving the lathe chuck with the stepper?
    What are you planning to do – cut metal, turn wood, wind coils?

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9540

    Are you trying to bore material with a stepper, e.g. use the a axis motor as a spindle?It might be possible with some materials, but…

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9538

    I read


    To say
    $4tr = 360 degrees
    $ara = ?? mm

    Are the proper parameters for the A axis run in radius mode.

    Value ?? depends on what the A motor is connected to.

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9536

    When you get a chance, post your $$ parameter dump to a cloud drive and provide a URL. Perhaps we will see something that you do not.

    in reply to: TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis #9528

    Did you review the wiki, such as

    I believe setting $atn = $atm = a negative value has shut off the motor

    in reply to: Tinyg stopped working #9524

    A Typical $xjm is =5000, why are you messing about around 1?

    I would suggest setting tinyG parameters from CuteCom or the CP Serial port console command line, one at a time. The configuretinyG widget seems to mess up some times, a bug ?

    in reply to: Tinyg stopped working #9521

    I would suggest you turn all limit switches off until you get basics going.

    I am not sure what the effect of $xjm=0 might be (and Y and z).
    Is there a particular reason you did that?
    A value of zero might cause the motion computation to blow up.

    Have you studied

    I am not really sure what your machine looks like, mechanically, so a bit difficult to comment on parameter specifics.

    You can turn off the PWM led by setting $p1pof=0.0.

    in reply to: TinyG V9 hadware for G2 #9520

    Google “four driver GRBL shields”, you will find at least two if not more shields that should work. You might need to do some programming work to get the DUE I/O properly configured.
    I have been playing with a 5 motor shield, ultimaker 1.5.7. Originally developed for a MEGA, it appears to be usable with DUE as well.

    Interestingly, I see a lot of folks opting for external drivers connected to tinyG or G2s, bypassing the onboard stepper drivers to get additional power.
    I also believe several CNC and printer projects are developing their own application specific boards, basically consolidating breadboard developed add-on’s into proprietary (or should I say not intended for resale) custom shields.

    Good Luck in your search, report back with any new finds.
    Lots of activity out there

    in reply to: Offline GUI??!! #9519

    tgFX is no longer maintained and incompatible with current tinyG FW.
    Don’t go there.

    My sense is that UGS is a (Gcode) file streaming enhancement to a CoolTerm-like command line interface. Enhancements to that UGS context should continue to work with tinyG and G2. There are not many UGS users that stop by this forum, I am not up to speed on where they are headed, feature wise.

    Keep in mind that Chilipeppr’s implementation of buffer management for tiny G, G2 and GRBL is decidedly **not** universal, it is quite application specific, optimized for the platforms in question. Xon/Xoff or RTS/CTS flow control will not match Chilipeppr performance, but should get the job done.

    in reply to: Offline GUI??!! #9515

    Some folks have developed specialized code senders, similar to UGS, but nothing like a “GUI” in the Chilipeppr class that I have seen.
    Some work has been done to ‘localize’ (disconnect from web) Chillipeppr.
    Not at all clear how well that has worked out for folks, given the continued expansion of CP feature development.

    CoolTerm works with G2, I see no reason UGS wouldn’t.

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