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  • in reply to: TinyG2 with a proper Shield and Due #9597

    Your question is somewhat unclear.

    Are the Allegro A3977s on a unique shield board?
    Or are they assembled onto a Gshield pwb?
    Or are you working with them on a prototype board?

    Does the A3977 interface with 3.3V logic?

    in reply to: GCode G04 P0 hangs job #9596

    First I have seen a G04 question.

    Can you try an experiment and change some G04 P0 to, say, G04 P1?

    If those work, then we can raise the bug flag that P0 is not being property handled.

    in reply to: Machine not following gcode, crashes #9592

    Great to hear you are up and running.

    I am curious, though, about anything having to do with Java helping.
    Chilipeppr is all JavaScript, not Java.

    Browser (what do you use, Chrome?) of course supports Java. Perhaps by allocating more to Java directly, the browser has to provide less?

    Anyway, happy milling!

    in reply to: Machine not following gcode, crashes #9590

    I have not personally had your experience.
    Most CP users break up their jobs.

    Maybe just take your mm job back to CoolTerm?

    in reply to: Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG #9589

    Is changing the firmware a big deal?

    You would be on your own to make such a change.
    Have you reviewed and well understood the existing code base?

    What does foam works normally interface with?

    My guess would be it would be non-trivial, but do-able.

    in reply to: Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG #9582

    Changing the firmware from what to what?

    What build ($fb=?) are you running?

    Most current is $fb=440.20

    What OS are you running (would you be upgrading from)?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Machine not following gcode, crashes #9580

    Screw machine, I presume?

    Do you have a Axis?
    If not, I suggest set $4pm=0 to disable it.

    If you get a chance – please switch to mm mode when dumping $$
    TinyG is native mm, highly recommended that you enter parameters in mm.
    I keep a few comparison files around and use diff to compare too user files – helps separate the needles from the hay.

    It is not clear to me if all your testing in the big paragraph above was CP or a mix.
    There are some practical limits on size of file that can be loaded into CP.
    I don’t have much experience there.

    did you reset your jog distance after switching units?
    A jog of 0.1 is units agnostic, it will jog 0.1″ in inch mode, 0.1 mm in mm mode.

    Sounds like you are on the path to success

    in reply to: Machine not following gcode, crashes #9578

    When you say

    When using chilipeppr and entering gcode in the terminal it functions flawlessly. No issues.

    I assume you mean a line at a time in the Serial Console.

    With the limited info so far here, I’ll SWAG that you are experiencing “arc issues”, which seem to hit many folks using Fusion for Gcode generation.
    Step one, try regenerating you Gcode in mm (I am guessing it is inch), that frequently helps/solves.
    Step 2 might be to regenerate your Gcode with no arcs, only G1 moves.

    With all this, I am assuming you have $fb=440.20 loaded and a sane set of setup parameters.
    Perhaps post your parameters ($$ dump) to a cloud drive and post a URL.

    Based on info so far, this smells like tinyG issue, not Chilipeppr

    There is a new build, with focus on arcs, of tinyG currently being intensely tested by the devs.
    They may want access to your Gcode file as a test case.

    in reply to: Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG #9575

    Have you dug into this section of the wiki?

    I believe, with the correct parameter settings, A rotational can be used to create linear motion.

    I suppose you may need to research what Foram Works expects of A.

    in reply to: Zero reset in running job #9573

    What are your values for
    $qv (1 is typical)
    $sv (1 typical)
    $si (250ms typical)

    With these typical settings, you should get 4 reports per second streaming across CoolTerm window.

    A useful debug feature in CP is that the execution of each line of G code is tracked – an on screen indicator changes status when a line executes (as well as having been sent to the queue)

    in reply to: Zero reset in running job #9570


    My interpretation of what you write is somewhat different than yours.
    AFAIK, there are 2 correct ways to set a zero
    1. A hard or commanded tinyG reset
    2. A Gcode sequence, such as G28.x
    To that list I suppose we have to add the possibility of a major tinyG barf while interpreting G code that has similar effect to #2.
    A #1. event would be obvious, I think, due to flashing LEDs and startup messages issued to the upstream channel, which you do not see.

    I believe there is a way for CoolTerm to T the upstream response into a file, so you could scroll thru it and see where the change to zero position occurred. Have you tried that?
    I find it difficult to comprehend a #2 event, intentional or barf, that would not be revealed in status messages.

    What generates your Gcode?
    Did you make manual ‘enhancements’ ?

    RTS/CTS flow control is probably the most reliable of the two.

    Have you ever tried Chilipeppr?
    It implements a closed loop flow control and command aduit mechanism that might be helpful debugging here.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Home command erratic behavior: ypos changes to bad value #9568

    We never heard back from UncleJim, so unclear if he resolved issue.

    For starters, copy your parameter list ($$ dump) to a cloud drive and post a URL.
    That will provide a lot oof info about your setup.

    FYI, I am not really clear on what you are saying here:

    Whenever i homed y axis ,it sets y value to -ve ymax value(ytm) and its gets double after very homimg .

    I’ll assume CoolTerm and Windows_ are your basic tools.

    in reply to: Zero reset in running job #9567

    Here are a few somewhat random questions in an attempt to narrow the universe of possible areas for investigation.

    Can you better describe “zero reset”?, Does the job come to a halt, reporting that it is now at position (0,0)? Does it behave as if a Gcode command caused the new position, or does it look like the FW crashes and causes tinyG to hard reset, which would set a new zero at that location?

    Does the reset event occur at the same location in the Gcode file, or is it random?

    If it appears to be a random hard reset, any reason to suspect power droop or similar?

    What Flow control ar you using between CoolTerm and TinyG (RTS, Xoff, …)?

    Are you monitoring tinyG status messages? Are they revealing any useful info?

    I’ll pause there.

    in reply to: V9 Capacitor (C1) Mod Feasibility? #9563

    The DC motor characteristics, 4.4V, 4.4ohm are somewhat meaningless in a pulse mode world.
    Power tinyGV9 at 24 V.
    You could likely start with $_pl=0.25 or so with such a low current motor.

    I have run my NEMA23 17mH (inductance, not impedance) steppers no problem.

    tinyGV9 input voltage is limited to 30V by the on board voltage regulator device, not the input Cap voltage rating.
    I highly recommend you don’t mess with it.

    If you are interested, the tinyGV8 schematics are here:

    V9 likely similar, schematics are not posted, it is a prototype

    in reply to: Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG #9561

    I am not sure I understand your target environment, specifically what would Gcode call a fourth Linear axis?
    I am not aware of a four linear motion dialect of Gcode, but perhaps only because I have not gone looking.
    Each motor can be assigned to linear motion, but there are only 3 linear directions, as far as I am aware.

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