Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Feature Requests Allow all 4 axis to be linear -TinyG

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  • #9560
    John Weigel

    It would be nice to have all 4 motors mapped to LINEAR axis so I can use the TynyG on my CNC foam cutter. It looks like the hardware is there, just need the software.


    I am not sure I understand your target environment, specifically what would Gcode call a fourth Linear axis?
    I am not aware of a four linear motion dialect of Gcode, but perhaps only because I have not gone looking.
    Each motor can be assigned to linear motion, but there are only 3 linear directions, as far as I am aware.

    John Weigel

    The machine has two parallel axis horizontally and two parallel axis vertically. They all need to work independently of each other. This one is a partial of a foam airplane wing. See sample Gcode created by Foam Works software:
    G17 G49 G54 G80 G90 G94 G20 G40
    G01 X0.000001 Y-0.000010 Z0.000001 A-0.000006
    G01 X0.000005 Y-0.000037 Z0.000003 A-0.000022
    G01 X0.000013 Y-0.000091 Z0.000008 A-0.000054
    G01 X0.000026 Y-0.000178 Z0.000016 A-0.000107
    G01 X0.000045 Y-0.000309 Z0.000027 A-0.000185
    G01 X0.000071 Y-0.000492 Z0.000043 A-0.000295
    G01 X0.000106 Y-0.000735 Z0.000064 A-0.000441
    G01 X0.000152 Y-0.001047 Z0.000091 A-0.000628
    G01 X0.000208 Y-0.001436 Z0.000125 A-0.000862
    G01 X0.000277 Y-0.001912 Z0.000166 A-0.001147
    G01 X0.000360 Y-0.002483 Z0.000216 A-0.001490
    G01 X0.000458 Y-0.003157 Z0.000275 A-0.001894
    G01 X0.000571 Y-0.003943 Z0.000343 A-0.002366
    G01 X0.000703 Y-0.004850 Z0.000422 A-0.002910
    G01 X0.000853 Y-0.005887 Z0.000512 A-0.003532
    G01 X0.001023 Y-0.007061 Z0.000614 A-0.004237
    G01 X0.001215 Y-0.008382 Z0.000729 A-0.005029
    G01 X0.001429 Y-0.009858 Z0.000857 A-0.005915
    G01 X0.001666 Y-0.011499 Z0.001000 A-0.006899
    G01 X0.001929 Y-0.013308 Z0.001157 A-0.007985
    G01 X0.002218 Y-0.015282 Z0.001331 A-0.009169
    G01 X0.002534 Y-0.017410 Z0.001520 A-0.010446
    G01 X0.002878 Y-0.019684 Z0.001727 A-0.011810
    G01 X0.003252 Y-0.022095 Z0.001951 A-0.013257
    G01 X0.003657 Y-0.024634 Z0.002194 A-0.014780
    G01 X0.004093 Y-0.027292 Z0.002456 A-0.016375
    G01 X0.004562 Y-0.030061 Z0.002737 A-0.018037
    G01 X0.005066 Y-0.032932 Z0.003039 A-0.019759
    G01 X0.005604 Y-0.035894 Z0.003362 A-0.021537
    G01 X0.006179 Y-0.038941 Z0.003707 A-0.023365


    Have you dug into this section of the wiki?

    I believe, with the correct parameter settings, A rotational can be used to create linear motion.

    I suppose you may need to research what Foram Works expects of A.

    John Weigel

    Yeah, been there, done that. It doesn’t work. The Tiny G actually locks up as soon as any “A” axis command is executed. Is changing the firmware a big deal?


    Changing the firmware from what to what?

    What build ($fb=?) are you running?

    Most current is $fb=440.20

    What OS are you running (would you be upgrading from)?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    John Weigel

    I’m running the 440.20 version. What I’m asking is a change to the TinyG firmware to have a switch for the 4th axis to be either linear or rotational.


    Is changing the firmware a big deal?

    You would be on your own to make such a change.
    Have you reviewed and well understood the existing code base?

    What does foam works normally interface with?

    My guess would be it would be non-trivial, but do-able.

    John Weigel

    I recently decided to abort the TinyG and install a PMDX controller, steppers and Mach4, which works well. Someday, someone will change the code. I am not a programmer and it doesn’t matter to me any more. The TinyG can collect dust.

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