TinyG stops responding when I attempt to move A-axis

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  • #9548

    oh, forgot to answer that last bit. I’m planning on cutting wood and metal.


    The Green LEDs you mention are simply connected to one of the motor windings.
    They flicker, mostly for entertainment. If the motor stops rotating with a particular winding in a reverse polarity state, the LED will be extinguished, but motor still energized. Summary – flicker is normal.

    I see you are already trying $4mi=1, I was going to suggest that.

    What command are you issuing to get the motor to move?

    e.g. G0 A3000, expecting about 10 stepper revolutions?

    If I assume that A rotated normally when disconnected , it does sound like the stepper does not have enough torque to overcome the load presented by the mechanism.


    Solved it!!

    First thing, I watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_r8y_T8rsY which got me to thinking maybe I’d been setting my $afr and $avm waaaay too low. So I tried that and it moved stronger but still the same nonsense. Then I realized that I’d never actually verified that I had matching pairs of windings for A. I’d verified X, and Y&Z worked with the same color scheme so I assumed A was correct as well. I remembered that I had some issues out of A with Mach3 and LinuxCNC but I had other issues out of both of those so I just figured it was also with them. I think someone wired my stepper connector wrong because there’s no way that the driver for A is wired that differently.

    Sorry to drag you through something that I should know is a n00b error. They swore they tested this thing at the factory, I’m not convinced of that.


    Good news!

    Post your results as they mature – there is not a great body of experience doing what you are doing.

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