TinyG V9 hadware for G2

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    Perhaps someone can set me straight here. I’ve been looking all over for the TinyG V9 board w/ integrated ATMEL SAM8x3E 32-bit ARM so I can do some development work. Despite seeing posts about it, I can’t get any information about where to get the hardware. Can someone fill me in?

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by MaxFrenzy.

    tinyGV9 is a development prototype that a few folks have for beta testing.
    It is not “on the market”.

    Depending on your development needs, you could emulate it with an Arduino DUE plas a Gshield or one of the 4 driver new Gshield-like boards coming on the market

    You can also contact the tinyG business team via


    Thanks for the info. That is kind of what I started to assume after getting no where speaking to a variety of people about accessing a board. When I did find one from the main company I’m working with, they only had one beta board and wanted to hang on to it for the meantime. As far as contacting the team at Synthetos, that was actually my first route as the development work that I’m doing is in their interest as well. Unfortunately, I did not receive a response back. I wonder if there is a direct email I could try to communicate with someone if I’m unable to get through with the website contact form. You had mentioned some upcoming boards? Could you elaborate on what/when and from whom those might be coming from? Outside of the DUE for handling G2, does a motion control board exist that has an ATMEL 32-bit arm, drivers, and I/Os? I just liked the idea of having everything in a neat package as the machine I’m using for dev/testing has a combined driver/interface board that’s severely antiquated, probably 10 times the footprint size and slower from a variety of perspectives. Thus, I need to update the drivers anyway and figured I’d try to cover it all with one combined unit.



    Google “four driver GRBL shields”, you will find at least two if not more shields that should work. You might need to do some programming work to get the DUE I/O properly configured.
    I have been playing with a 5 motor shield, ultimaker 1.5.7. Originally developed for a MEGA, it appears to be usable with DUE as well.

    Interestingly, I see a lot of folks opting for external drivers connected to tinyG or G2s, bypassing the onboard stepper drivers to get additional power.
    I also believe several CNC and printer projects are developing their own application specific boards, basically consolidating breadboard developed add-on’s into proprietary (or should I say not intended for resale) custom shields.

    Good Luck in your search, report back with any new finds.
    Lots of activity out there

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