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MemberThanks for getting back to me!
A couple of things that look strange (not necessarily ‘bad’) in your parameters:
You have a Z axis homing switch, yet Zmin=0 and Zmax = 254mm (really?)
By convention, if you home Z axis with a homing cycle, Zhome=0.(=Zmax)
Zmin should in your case should be -254mm, Zmax=0.0
If you don’t home Z, should not be an issue but then suggest you set $zsx=0.I currently don’t home my machine (no home/limit switches). It is on my to-do list, but would like to be able to machine the mounts. I’ll go ahead and set $zsx=0
Most folks run microstepping=4 on axis with very small $_tr
Wouldn’t that make the location inaccurate, IE if I’m running a 10 TPI screw and adjust it to 5 TPI with the same decrease in microstep?
Did you enter your speeds in In mode?
[zvm] z velocity maximum 635 mm/min
[zfr] z feedrate maximum 457 mm/min
would suggest that, unless 635 mm/min is special to you.
There have been issues with parameters entered in in mode,
mm mode highly recommendedI don’t quite follow? Are you suggesting I adjust feedrate and velocity to some other value?
This entry
[xjm] x jerk maximum 1905 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjh] x jerk homing 51 mm/min^3 * 1 million
and the Y axis entries look very unusual as well.You appear to have a really fine thread ball screw machine(?)
Not clear what the correct jerk setting are for such a machine, but consider that on a typical SH2 belt machine ($_tr=40 mm), $zjm=5000 and $zjh=10000 to 20000.If I remember correctly I based it around this, and fine tuned by ear. Are these values incorrect?
Unexplainable parameters like
[xsv] x search velocity 406 mm/min
frequently are the result of corrupted EEPROM (the parameter store).
If you can’t explain 406, as opposed to 400, or don’t remember explicitly setting it, I would suggest the following:I don’t recall ever adjusting this value away from default–I may have, but it’s been awhile.
1. use your Gdrive file as a guide, write down what you think parameters should be, based on whatever setup guide you might be following.
I have never seen a guide that suggested [xsv] x search velocity 406 mm/min.2. from the CP Serial console command line, enter $DEFA=1 command
This will reset tinyG parameters to factory defaults, likely nothing close to what is right for your machine.3. Grab another $$ parameter dump and mark it up with the values you believe are correct for your machine.
4. Enter G21 in the serial console to ensure tinyG in mm mode.
5. Now enter parameters that need to be changed, one at a time, in the Serial Port console CLI. I suggest avoiding the configuretinyG widget, it seems to have contributed to corruption for some users, but not others.
When done, save your $$ list for future reference.
Now rerun your job, maybe in air first, to see if it behaves more sanely.
Sounds good. I’ll run through it next chance I have to carve out some time.
If not, reports results, and this time better explain what you mean by Z axis “stalling”. Just not moving, stopping but making a lot of noise, etc, etc.
Yeah, I must apologize for the lack of that descriptor. The Z-axis stepper stalled out (I heard the noise and saw that the coupler wasn’t moving). Tested the z-axis after that without issue.
BTW, if you do have a screw machine, double check the set screws on your motor couplings as well.
Yup. Tight as can be and not slipping.
MemberThat was going to be my ‘last ditch’ effort to try and get it to work. I’ve done some digging and more testing as it relates to CP and large gcode files. My testing shows that it works (executed in excess of 120k lines of code).
The solution for me was:
1) Update java to latest version
2) Allocate 2gigs to Java
3) Disable the 3D viewer in CPIn summary for the answers to this horribly phrased question in the OP are as follows:
The issues with arcs is resolved by converting the generated gcode from imperial (inches) to metric (mm). To resolve the issues with CP allocate more ram to java and disable the 3D viewer (updating Java doesn’t hurt either).
Again, thank you cmcgrath. You rock!
MemberOkay– results from the last test: I am hitting the maximum line count on CP when the trouble starts. This is leading me to believe that my issues are now a result of the CP interface.
The symptoms of it are around 12000 lines into the code the machine will suddenly stop updating/behaving similar to a dwell command on simple x- y- movements. After some time about 40~ commands will be sent to TinyG which responds and executes those 40 some odd commands–however CP does not fill the void thus the machine waits.I got tired of waiting for this process as it seems to occur for a good 10-20 minutes every time with no resolution or indication that it is a temporary effect.
MemberYour presumption is correct.
I currently do not have an A-axis but I do plan to incorporate one in the not-too-distant future. I have turned it off in the meantime.
I have switched it to mm mode for the dump. Please see the previously linked folder to find the new file.
My testing was to verify the program operated as intended when switched to mm. Which it appears that it does. Everything else related to CP sort of came out in the wash. I’m planning on trying once more today–changing the number of programs I have operating concurrently on my laptop while I run it–in hopes of seeing if it is able to complete the code. In the event that it is does not complete successfully I may attempt it once more using coolterm. Are there other programs from which to execute gcode that may prove useful? I find that I may be in need of a standalone version of CP; or even tgFX (although no longer supported/updated)… but I may just be out of luck on that front. Are there any other programs I should look into?
As for Jogging: Yes, I verified I was using the appropriate units for a jog. The issue; as far as I’ve been able to tell is that the actual response from my button press to CP to Tinyg is lagged. Sometimes significantly to the point where it doesn’t register at all. Key press to CP seems okay most of the time, but CP to TinyG tended to be a little bit lack luster.
As it does to me; I really appreciate your help/support in this troubleshooting session. Hopefully I have more success this time around.
MemberHello cmcgrath,
Your assumption is correct. I am putting a line at a time in the Serial Console (I’ve also done a line at a time in coolterm–but not during this run).
Guess number 2 was right on the money. It was generated in inches. I’ve gone ahead and regenerated it in to mm.
When testing the metric gcode; it appears that it works where the original code didn’t behave correctly; however it lost connectivity during one of the operations. When I re-connected and told it to restart from the beginning it did the face operation without issue, but when it moved on to the first pocket clearing it didn’t helix in at all. Retraction didn’t happen either. It was as though it missed the code that would tell it to retract to tool height (however it did retract to the correct height on the first run through prior to losing connection). Now that I write that out I’m about 99% sure that’s what happened. Could this be an issue with ChiliPeppr and the size of the gcode I’ve loaded? I’ve noticed that the response during jogging isn’t what it normally is.
Yes, 440.20 is loaded. Parameters I assume are sane–they worked with all the onboard tests.
Here are the requested files:
MemberFollow on: another problem as to why I’m posting here as opposed to another location/board os that both fusion360 amd chilipeppr simulate the gcode as intended. This leads me to believe that the tinyg post processor from fusion needs some fixin’ to bring the gcode generation into compliance with tinyg hardware. Just would like some confirmation before pursuing that route.
Here’s what I’m thinking of for mounting on the Y-Axis:
MemberMore than likely it won’t be necessary. Synthetos used to ship the TinyG with a heat sink, but they don’t anymore for a couple reasons they can elucidate better.
I’ve seen a couple people mount heat sinks via a thermal pad on the ground plane and solid mount it through the standard 4-bolt holes on the TinyG
I can’t speak for repeatability, though I have found these switches to have very good digital capabilities (on/off). Given the mechanism, individual modification of the switch geometry may help with repeatability.
I’m currently working on brackets to be used on the Sherline so I can adjust the switches to ensure accurate and repeatable action. Who ever gets done first should post up results!
I don’t have the limit/homing switches mounted yet as I’m waiting to upgrade the steppers before mounting. I plan on mounting brackets to the Y-axis portion of the table such that it trips on the saddle. Mounting the x-axis to the stepper mount and the z-axis base to, again, trip on the saddle. I am going to mount the z-axis at the stock location with maybe a little bit better design and bracket mount off of the base to trip on the spindle carriage.
As for limit switches, I bought these type:–060-614I think from Amazon, but it’s been awhile.
MemberFor further reading on this subject, here’s an old thread:
MemberLol, my machine is no better off at the moment. Awaiting delivery of certain parts and payday.
You can see the TinyG, power supply, and the spindle controller.I also modified the controls a little bit:
As for the fan under the drivers: it’s recommended by synthetos. I do note the drivers get warm during normal operation, but I haven’t really loaded them up yet, or run them for an extended period of time. The fan was a spare casefan I had lying around. The plexiglass mount with recess was made to reuse as much of the hardware as possible that was within the machine to begin with. If you’re planning on running 3A or more it is recommended to have forced cooling on the large copper ground planes. For that reason I have considered mounting the board upside down, but that comes with it’s own dilemma.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
MemberRe Stepper Motors: Yup, sure do (at least on mine). I would recommend mounting a fan for direct airflow on the ground plane of the TinyG. I haven’t really found many NEMA 23 steppers that are rated higher than 3amps… but I didn’t look all that hard. As way of clarification, my sherline started life as one boxed up in a spectralight (case and larger enclosure box); so there might be a slight difference in motors–still a bi-polar (4-wire) type.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
MemberI’m actually in the process of converting a Sherline mill to Tinyg. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Sherline uses a 4-wire NEMA 23 stepper motor for axis control. From my machine it’s a double shaft on X- and Y-axis with a single shaft on the Z-axis. I’m working on swapping out the motors for slightly stronger ones and double shafts all the way around. This should allow me to use the machine manually without having to run the TinyG or even allow me to back off the work piece during an emergency stop.
The cables running to the standard Sherline motors are 7-wire type+shield. 3 just aren’t normally used. I imagine if you wanted to run encoders it would make things easy. The wires are aluminum though; and if you want to eek out more efficiency I would suggest converting them over to copper–but that all depends on how involved you want to go.
Similarly you don’t normally have limit switches on x- and y- (mine didn’t), and even then it only had one limit switch on the z-axis. It looks to be for a G53 Z0 command (home). I would highly recommend modifying your sherline to have limit and home on all axis. This will allow you to take full advantage of what TinyG has to offer and reduce the risk of crashing your mill.
TinyG will run the Sherline mill, but it will require some forethought on your part. Currently integration of spindle control (using a 1/2 hp universal motor and the standard spindle head), is what’s going to cause the biggest hiccup for me I think. On my machine they use a PCM2000 (I think, it’s been awhile since I looked at it) to convert the AC voltage to a 0-48V DC voltage. I’m unsure if I can adjust the dash pots on that board to get the 0-96V DC voltage I would require to achieve the 10k rpm the motor is rated for. The rub is that it’s an industry standard controller and as such required a 0-10v DC input signal for CNC control (you can use the knob to control manual spindle speed, but has no feed back for RPM control). This means you’ll need to figure out a circuit or connection to alter the PWM output from TinyG for spindle control to a 0-10V DC signal. Alternatively you could get rid of the PCM2000 board and pick up a PWM motor controller and hook it up that way (or even get a VFD type motor and run that way). The field is really wide open for spindle motor integration and how much time and money you want to throw at it.
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by