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  • in reply to: Need firmware install help badly. #8040

    This is just a check that in fact your bootloader is running.

    When you use the manual reset button, does the SpinCw/CCW led flash abnout 1/sec for a duration (5 sec or so?)

    in reply to: Need firmware install help badly. #8032

    I guess we need to remind Riley not to text while driving 🙂 .

    Try the tinyGUpdater first, it is easier. It was your detailed description that highlighted to me that you were resetting tinyG and (possibly) immediately launching tinyGUpdater that was causing tinyGUpdater to fail.

    The multiple Avrdude possibilities are confusing, since one is “installed” and Windows takes care of dependencies and one is running from un-zipped archive and needs help finding support directories.

    If simpler way (tinyGUpdater) still fails, come back and we’ll walk through avrdude.

    in reply to: Need firmware install help badly. #8030

    Reading your detailed dialog above, I suggest you try this first:

    1. Connect your tinyG to your computer.
    2. Make sure no other interface (e.g. SPJS, CoolTerm, putty,…) is connected to tinyG.
    3. Do NOT reset tinyG manually.
    4. Start the tinyG updater app.
    As of Today (16July2015), it should report your current version and suggest to install FW=440.16, posted overnight. Select the checkbox to do an Automatic reset.
    5.Select Go in the tinyGUpdater window
    6.Report back success/failure.

    tinyGUpdater uses an avrdude sub process that is built in to the binary. tinyGUpdater will reset tinyG before starting it’s avrdude process.

    tinyG Updater expects to connect to tinyG when it starts, not to see the bootloader interface, which is running for 10 secs after manual reset.
    I believe that is why you see the immediate failure of tinyGUpdater.

    Using the so called “AVRDUDE Process” is different; there you must manually download the tinyg.hex file, reset tinyG manually and start avrdude from the command line while the bootloader is still running as avrdude is looking for the bootloader.

    in reply to: tinyG FW Download Page #8028

    Try TinyGUpdater again today (July 16, 2015), a new Master build FW=440.16 is now available and supersedes 440.15.

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #8021

    Starters, not dummies 🙂
    Start with a wander thru the wiki at

    If you are a Chrome user, see this, it really helps searching in GitHub wikis

    in reply to: Need firmware install help badly. #8020

    What version of tinyG fw is currently installed?
    If 440.14, then you are OK , just stay away from the Recent Coordinate System added features.
    See this summary of running current CP with 440.14:

    You mention Com ports – you running windows?
    What version of avrdude are you using?

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #8017

    I assume you are running Windows, since we are talking COMs.

    Why do you think tinyG should be COM5?
    If you remove the USB from tinyG, does COM1 disappear?
    If so, tinyG has likelymoved to COM1.
    I am not real sure how windows attaches COMx ports to USBs.

    If none of this helps, you need to tell us a bit more about your environment.
    How are you connecting to tinyG? (Coolterm, Chilipeppr, ??)

    in reply to: I/O pins help, please #8016
    in reply to: Bare Xmega configuration help #8015

    Might be helpful for others – can you point to the Wiki (or other) information you used to get bootloader going again?

    Great success, BTW

    in reply to: TinyG and ChiliPeppr under Windows 10 Insider Preview #8009

    I believe the issue is that IE1x is way behind Chrome in it’s implementation of JavaScript support (never MS’ favorite) and CP uses leading edge JavaScript.

    SPJS should not be browser dependent, it is a native compiled app written in GO, a C derivative developed by Google.

    keep us up to date on yourfindings

    in reply to: TinyG Updater App Problems #8006

    I have bumped it over to the CP side for a look

    in reply to: Newbie Help Installing: Motor not moving #8005

    $_tr: There are numerous combinations out there, if your have 20 teeth and GT2 belts, then $_tr=40mm (nominal) is correct. My belts have longer pitch

    Your $_pm setting results are strange. A $_pm=2 means that all the motors( with $_pm=2) will be energized when any of the motors is moving, each motor will either be moving or holding it’s current position.
    How are you entering move commands – direct on the command line, Gcode file, jogging, other?

    I am sort of bypassing questions about wiring and mechanical assembly, since (I believe) you were up and running with Uno/Gshield.
    Does tha gantry move freely by hand when the motors are deenergized?

    in reply to: TinyG and ChiliPeppr under Windows 10 Insider Preview #7998

    I assume you have used IE10 or 11 for CP successfully with prior Win platforms.
    I was sort of under the impression IE did not play well with CP, but no personal experience. And, as already offered, that would not resolve your CoolTerm issue.

    That was not really a question – rather a statement that I have not seen others successfully (or unsuccessfully ) trying to follow your path, and I am sort of out of ideas and don’t know what else to suggest (puzzled icon).

    Your Subject is clear, perhaps someone else will see it, stop by and be able to suggest something.

    in reply to: TinyG Updater App Problems #7996

    I can jog and send G code but save setting stalls with dialog still open, appears to save but the board goes dead until reboot. Buffer seems to load slowly when connecting in Chilipeppr and stalls during save.

    The behavior you describe here would suggest a failure of the tinyG config widget to receive a success acknowledgement while writing the parameter set to tinyG.

    But then you have the same issue with Coolterm, so perhaps CP is not involved.

    Anything change on your PC OS? Perhaps a driver update or, or?
    Perchance a bad USB cable?

    in reply to: TinyG and ChiliPeppr under Windows 10 Insider Preview #7995

    You might try Chrome Browser, but that would not explain your CoolTerm issues.
    I have seen no other helpful Win10 traffic – ?

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