I/O pins help, please

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    I’m primarily interested in 2 or 3 pins of I/O and trying to hack that
    outcome through Gcode – any help or comments appreciated.

    For some reason, I don’t find any docs/examples relating to this output
    or how PWM quite works – or what the electrical spec is (maybe I missed
    it). I’m curious why there is no open collector/buffers or even relays
    provided onboard? It appears a 150ohm resistor limits the output. Can they
    source or sink 10ma?

    There are conflicting silkscreen terms used on the LEDs vs. the output
    pins, but they appear to be identical. So, it appears

    SpOn LED = Spin pin – ?
    SpDir LED = Sdir pin – ?

    I’ll just use the LED terms. To start, PWM is glowing (perhaps pwm’ing) and SpON, SDir, Coolant lights are off. So, my “hack” –

    M7 – coolant pin on
    M9 – coolant pin off

    M3 – SpOn ON, SpDir OFF
    M5 – SpOn OFF, SpDir OFF

    M4, M5 – SpOn OFF, SpDir ON
    M3, M5 – SpOn OFF, SpDir OFF

    In the latter two cases, the other pin will flash between commands – not
    perfect, but this might work. If I knew a little more about setting the PWM,
    perhaps I could set that between 0% and 100% and create a fourth GPIO.

    I do notice the lines must be separated by CR – “M3 M5” doesn’t work. But,
    not a big deal.

    Does this make sense? Is there a better idea – perhaps a hidden command or Gcode to simple toggle these outputs?

    Thanks! Gregg

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