TinyG Connection Issues

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    Thanks for your assistance.I’m sorry I wasn’t more explicit with my descriptions.
    I have done all those checks several times, but there is an old saying about checking your own work & making the same mistake twice. I think I’ll try to find someone who can do the check for me. If it still fails after that, I’ll start a new thread as you suggest.


    Another test you should run, if you have a voltmeter:

    Measure the voltage at each XYZ switch port on the tinyG, while manually activating the switches with your finger.
    Are states changing as expected?


    Finally got it.Firstly got a friend to rewire the switches.No apparent change. Re read Homing & Limits for the Nth time, but finally noticed this para:- “Sets the jerk value used for homing to stop movement when switches are hit or released. You generally want this value to be larger than the $xJM value, as this determines how fast the axis will stop once it hits the switch. You generally want this as fast as you can get it without losing steps on the accelerations.”
    Mine was XJM = 5000, XJH = 40… Changed XJH to 6000 & ditto for Y. Problem gone. With a low Home Jerk, it was driving through the stops. Effectively no brakes!!


    Ahh, good catch. Thanks for heads up.


    My TinyG is supposed to be connecting through com port 5 but the only thing showing up is com1. Tried shutting computer down and restarting, to no avail.
    any help would be appreciated.


    I assume you are running Windows, since we are talking COMs.

    Why do you think tinyG should be COM5?
    If you remove the USB from tinyG, does COM1 disappear?
    If so, tinyG has likelymoved to COM1.
    I am not real sure how windows attaches COMx ports to USBs.

    If none of this helps, you need to tell us a bit more about your environment.
    How are you connecting to tinyG? (Coolterm, Chilipeppr, ??)


    Haha, found the problem. I had accidently pressed emergency power off button, which kept Tinyg from powering up. all good!! But I am having problems with homing. Bought this cnc from another person who had built this machine. for some reason x and y axis won’t move back to home position. It did before. I don,t why it won’t now. Any website to help with settings on Tinyg?


    By the way, this is all knew to me. Need a book for Tinyg for dummies!!


    Starters, not dummies 🙂
    Start with a wander thru the wiki at

    If you are a Chrome user, see this, it really helps searching in GitHub wikis

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