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  • in reply to: something basic that I don't understand…. #8673

    Discussion would be a whole lot easier if G code had line numbers.

    Your posted parameters show all G92 offsets =0
    I guess you snapshot that before your G92?

    At any rate, you may have stumbled on a bug that was found and fixed between FW 440.14 and 440.16.
    Other fixes were added and FW440.18 made Master.

    Upgrade your FW and try again.

    in reply to: Motors moving too fast #8671

    Need to see your parameters:

    Please be very specific when your report in, Versions sometimes change on an hourly basis.

    SPJS 1.83?
    Your parameter dump will provide $fw
    Jogging should be ~instantaneous, so lag is not the end of the world but is an indicator of problem(s)

    in reply to: something basic that I don't understand…. #8670

    The values of $nPM look strange, lots of =0, ?

    You firmware is way out of date, current Master has been quite stable – fw=440.18.

    I think your parameters are OK, with exception of $nPM, but power management did not work well back at 435.10.
    You may be losing your zero position as the job runs.

    After running the job one, enter a G1 X0Y0Z0,
    does machine move back to your zero point?

    Please report settings in mm.
    Best to enter parameters in mm as well, then w=switch to inch if you must.
    There are many inch related bugs in old fw.

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8667

    Weatherman: It is hard to tell what else might be going on that you don’t mention, but I am guessing for sure given the time frame that tinyG is getting reset a lot due to power down, power up.

    So simply rebooting does not help, I guess.
    Or would you say that jogging is directionally consistent after a reboot until you try to change a parameter?
    If that is true, would you also say that , after a reboot, changes made from the command line are OK but changes made with the CP configuretinyG widget cause the direction to be erratic for a while?

    Regarding you dimension errors (1″ circle resulted in 0.97″.
    That’s a 3% error, should be better than that .
    You are talking the bit diameter into account when you run the Gcode, correct?

    If you stay in mm, do the reversals occur as well?

    What I mean is:
    1. reboot, machine comes up in mm.
    2. G1 X10 to move to right 10mm
    3. G1 X-10 to move back to zero.
    Does this work?

    in reply to: Compiling tinyg2 #8663

    OK, good debug!

    But, which branch are you trying to build?
    I see 8 different branches available.
    I would expect master and edge to build, the others may/may not be that well maintained.

    With Win7, you should not have any driver signing issues.

    in reply to: Compiling tinyg2 #8659

    inbasys: For starters, what OS and release runs Atmel Studio? Win8 and beyond are known to be overly fussy about driver signing .
    And, what branch of the tinyG2 are you attempting to build?
    Clean build, or have you made local Modifications to the files?

    in reply to: Delta printer support? #8657

    tinyG will not do the necessary translation for you, but I recall a similar “wirebot” project solved with a Chilipeppr Macro a long while back.(a year or so)
    It was an update to something Synthetos did a longer time ago

    in reply to: FlexMod P3 #8656

    First I have seen it here, perhaps others will stop by

    in reply to: Verify error on update #8244

    What I meant was Mouse hover(but not left click) then right click, but thanks for the ?dl=1 hint, that is much cleaner.

    Enjoy 440.18

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8241

    Thanks for the info.
    Some items for the devs to review, some unusual behavior.

    in reply to: Verify error on update #8239

    Mouse over the URL, right click mouse, choose “Save As”.
    The file should be downloaded to your browser’s default Downloads directory.
    Move it from there to your “flash_tinyG” folder.

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8236

    What sort of machine do your have, just curious?
    $_tr=60 and minimal microstepping sort of unusual around here, but
    the settings are legitimate.
    It is, for sure, a big machine, based on $xtm and $ytm.

    How do you define “connecting perfectly” ?

    When connections initiated, do $ and $pos commands return reasonable responses?

    in reply to: Networking two TinyGs #8235

    John watches

    more often than here

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8232

    FW 440.19 is now available, upgrade when you can.
    It addresses a corner case in Arc processing and is not directly related to your issues, I believe

    I can test the jogs via the cp widget and the machine will move fine. I’ll go into the settings and make adjustments, save them, and then the fun begins.

    I assume you are using the configuretinyG widget?
    I am not 100% sure if that widget is working properly given all the recent changes in CP and tinyG FW.

    Try this:
    1. Exit CP, kill the SPJS process
    2. reset (push button) tinyG
    3. Restart SPJS and CP
    4. Reconnect to tinyG
    5. Jogging working again?
    6. Post a $$ dump for review
    7. Try making your parameter changes one at a time on the Serial Port Console widget.
    8. That work better?

    in reply to: Newbie – Unable to update firmware #8229

    Good news!
    I am not familiar with AVR Dragon, am sort of surprised that 5″ to 2″ fixed it, but good is good.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.
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