Tuning help?

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  • #8667

    Weatherman: It is hard to tell what else might be going on that you don’t mention, but I am guessing for sure given the time frame that tinyG is getting reset a lot due to power down, power up.

    So simply rebooting does not help, I guess.
    Or would you say that jogging is directionally consistent after a reboot until you try to change a parameter?
    If that is true, would you also say that , after a reboot, changes made from the command line are OK but changes made with the CP configuretinyG widget cause the direction to be erratic for a while?

    Regarding you dimension errors (1″ circle resulted in 0.97″.
    That’s a 3% error, should be better than that .
    You are talking the bit diameter into account when you run the Gcode, correct?

    If you stay in mm, do the reversals occur as well?

    What I mean is:
    1. reboot, machine comes up in mm.
    2. G1 X10 to move to right 10mm
    3. G1 X-10 to move back to zero.
    Does this work?

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