Compiling tinyg2

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    I have atmelstudio 6.2 correct build installed on windows 8. I downloaded the project master branch from git and tried to build but it fails with

    Project “TinyG2.cppproj” (default targets):
    Target “PreBuildEvent” skipped, due to false condition; (‘$(PreBuildEvent)’!=”) was evaluated as (”!=”).
    Target “CoreBuild” in file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.2\Vs\Compiler.targets” from project “C:\Users\ALAN\Documents\GitHub\g2\TinyG2\TinyG2.cppproj” (target “Build” depends on it):
    Task “RunCompilerTask”
    Shell Utils Path C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.2\shellUtils
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.2\shellUtils\make.exe -C “C:\Users\ALAN\Documents\GitHub\g2\TinyG2” -f “Makefile” TinyG2.elf COLOR=0 VERBOSE=1 OPTIMIZATION=s
    d was unexpected at this time.
    d was unexpected at this time.
    d was unexpected at this time.
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    d was unexpected at this time.
    d was unexpected at this time.
    d was unexpected at this time.
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    make: Entering directory `C:/Users/ALAN/Documents/GitHub/g2/TinyG2′
    if [[ ! -d dirname build/SAM3X8E/flash/./canonical_machine.o ]]; then mkdir -p dirname build/SAM3X8E/flash/./canonical_machine.o; fi
    ! was unexpected at this time.
    make: *** [build/SAM3X8E/flash/./canonical_machine.o] Error 255
    make: Leaving directory `C:/Users/ALAN/Documents/GitHub/g2/TinyG2′
    Done executing task “RunCompilerTask” — FAILED.
    Done building target “CoreBuild” in project “TinyG2.cppproj” — FAILED.
    Done building project “TinyG2.cppproj” — FAILED.

    Have you any idea why this is? Any help appreciated. I can create a build arduino sketches without errors.



    I normally build directly on Linux, so have no direct experience with Win.

    Can we assume you followed this procedure, exactly?

    You will note there that Win8.1 “could be problematic” due to enhanced driver signing demands from the OS. It has been my general experience that Win does a poor job of revealing critical pop-ups, such as requests for authorization, blah, blah; they seem to get burried at the worst time.
    I sort of doubt that drivers would impact the build phase, but will come into play when interfacing to the atmel-ice for flashing

    I am no make guru, but the messaging indicates that it can’t find some expected component(s) in the build hierarchy.
    One could wonder how much exercise AS6.2 has had on Win8.1 as well, it was for sure buggy when released by Atmel (form browsing web on similar issues)

    1. If you are not sure, blow it all away and follow the instructions in the above link again, keep an eye out for complaints from Win8.1.
    2. I’ll ask the developers to take a peek at this, but can pretty much guarantee they have little, if any, experience with Win8. The predominately build in MacOS, and Win7VMs when they must.
    3. Cross your fingers that anther Win8 user stops by and can offer assistance.

    Unix ‘make’ (Linux, MacOS) is an incredibly fussy process and does not tolerate faults well for somewhat obvious reasons. You don’t want 1000s of lines of machine generated code making assumptions for you. Unfortunately, one little syntax issue can dump a whole load of confusing error messages on your desk.


    i have also an arduino due and compiled the project in win8.1, i´m not using the master branch, i used the edge branch, the first time i try to compiled i have some issue with missing files, i delete the folder and clone again the branch edge, the second time i do that i have no problems, try do that:

    1) remove your g2 folder
    2)Install github for windows.
    3)open git shell (it´s cmd shell with git commands)
    4)create a directory where you want with typing mkdir “name directory” and enter in this directory
    5)type: git clone -b edge
    6) wait a fee moments it will clone the edge branch of tinyg2 to the folder you create, when it finish you can close the git shell.
    7) go to your g2 directory in windows explorer, open folder tinyg2 and open the file tinyG2.cppproj, it will open atmel studio with tinyg2 project
    8)don´t forget to change solution configurator to “gShield” and press Build Solution.

    I´m sorry to explain like this but i don´t know your background and it´s what i do in windows 8.1 to successfully build tinyg2.

    i´m using Atmel Studio 6 (Version: 6.2.1502 – Service Pack 1) and to install tinyg2 drivers you need to reboot in safe mode to install unsigned drivers


    I just had an experience:

    I placed the git clone in a folder that is in my Dropbox. Build = Fail
    I placed the git clone on my desktop. Build = Success

    Maybe this will help.


    yck011522: What OS are you running.

    I run Linux (openSUSE). I find that some apps don’t play nice with network drives. How Dropbox appears to the OS is likely different across OSs.

    Good to know


    Error 1 expected primary-expression before ‘;’ token X:\Working\TinyG2\TinyG2\controller.cpp 98 36 TinyG2
    (cs.fw_build = TINYG_FIRMWARE_BUILD; // set up identification)

    Atmel Studio 6.2.1563 Service Pack 2

    Help me please.


    inbasys: For starters, what OS and release runs Atmel Studio? Win8 and beyond are known to be overly fussy about driver signing .
    And, what branch of the tinyG2 are you attempting to build?
    Clean build, or have you made local Modifications to the files?


    cmcgrath5035: Win7, Atmel Studio 6.2.1563 Service Pack 2, sources from:
    I read the wiki:

    expected primary-expression before ‘;’ token
    – This is obviously a trivial error!


    The problem in the functions GIT_EXACT_VERSION and GIT_VERSION.

    #define TINYG_FIRMWARE_BUILD GIT_EXACT_VERSION // extract build number from tag
    #define TINYG_FIRMWARE_BUILD_STRING GIT_VERSION // extract extended build info from git


    OK, good debug!

    But, which branch are you trying to build?
    I see 8 different branches available.
    I would expect master and edge to build, the others may/may not be that well maintained.

    With Win7, you should not have any driver signing issues.

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