Newbie – Unable to update firmware

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    I just received package with TinyG that I purchased on eBay. It’s V8 board. I connected board to 12V supply, it light’s up and looks OK. When I tried TgFX it reported that firmware is to old. I downloaded TinyG updater, it recognizes the board (firmware 384.04), but when I hit GO, progress bar goes red and reports “Verify failed” – console window is empty. Tried it several time with check box “Attempt automatic reset” on and off.

    Tried also to update via TgFX as instructed by the software but it fails.

    Connecting directly to the board via CoolTerm during reset shows following:

    {“r”:{“fb”:384.04,”fv”:0.950,”hv”:7,”id”:”3X3566-BJD”,”msg”:”SYSTEM READY”},”f”:[1,0,0,8791]}
    tinyg [mm] ok>

    Also one thing I notieced: upon power-on or reset green leds mot1 – mot4 remain turned on for one minute, when they are turned off.

    Any help what I’m doing wrong?



    Fw=384.08 is, well, REALLY old.

    Windows I presume.
    Use this procedure to upgrade:

    By the way, don’t use tgFX, it is way past being retired.
    Use CoolTerm or try Chilipeppr


    I already tried this method and it failed. I pressume problem is that there is not boot loader on the board, because led is not flashing uppon reset.

    I followed procedure for uploading boot loader from wiki and now I’m really stuck: either my AVR Dragon or the board are dodgy. I can read uC ID, write fuse bits but every time I write something to flash and tried to verify it, it fails. Tried both AVR studio 6.2 and 4.19, same behavior.

    Board now lights only blue led upon startup – $100 brick at the moment 🙁



    A board from the early days then (before bootloader)

    You in North America?

    I am off to look for a recent thread where someone successfully flashed the bootloader.


    Here is a recently successful thread

    I have never done it myself, so good luck!


    Heres what works for me when i get the verified failed error on my mac laptop. I restart my computer with the usb plugged in, with no other servers running like JSON. Unplug my machine and power back on. Typically this works first try but if not i either unplug and plug in the usb or power cycle my machine until i dont receive any errors. May take a few tries but always ends up working.


    I have worked on this long into the night… It turned out problem was in programming cable length. I have shorten it from 5 inch to only 2 inches and it helped to establish solid connection with micro controller.

    I have load the loader after which it was possible to load latest firmware 🙂 Pretty stupid issue, I must admit :o)

    Thx for hints



    Good news!
    I am not familiar with AVR Dragon, am sort of surprised that 5″ to 2″ fixed it, but good is good.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
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