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ModeratorI left a message over at Chilipeppr
ModeratorAre you familiar with Chilipeppr, a GUI CAM interface supporting tinyG and GRBL based machines? It has an extensive macro capability that might help you out.
Start herethen dig in to the Chilipeppr Forums as well.
There are also numerous Youtube tutorials.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorOdd behavior indeed.
What are you using to communicate with your machine? Chilipeppr/CoolTerm, ?Posting your parameter set ($$ dump) to a cloud drive and providing a URL will tell us a lot about your machine and short-cut a whole bunch of questions.
ModeratorI assume you are familiar with the tinyG wiki content, such as
You might also want to browse about in the Chilipeppr forums. Chilipeppr has a command execution tracker, which I believe is tied to Gcode line (block ) numbers and status reports. Chilipeppr implements a dynamic tinyG buffer fill based flow control.
You might want to repost this item over at
It is closer to developers. I suggest you add some comments about your serial flow control strategy.
Additionally, I assume you have tried a general search on the topic of PNP and tinyG. I have seen several folks discussing projects similar to yours, but I’m not sure how they might relate to use of OpenPNP.
ModeratorFrom you limited description, I’ll assume that the PWM light was not on solid before your “event”.
The default value of parameter $p1pof is 0.1, so it sounds to me like whatever happened might have reset your parameters.
Entering $p1pof=0.0 should clear the led.I assume you have tried reset button?
Are you using tinyG or tinyG2?If tinyG, having an “event” reset parameters is unusual, sort of implies a serious crash. You may need to reload your tinyG firmware. Be aware that reloading firmware will also reset all parameters, so you would need to reload them since that defaults likely do not match your machine.
For help decoding status reports, see
ModeratorSorry, no, but I have never really dug into it.
You could search around the Ox or Chilipeppr Forums, I have seen the topic mentioned but have not focussed on solutions.I would sort of doubt a “simple” post processor solution would work well.
It can be a fairly complex topic when you think about it.
Say you draw a circle and generate Gcode.
Gcode, per se, has no knowledge of whether you want to end up with perfectly dimensioned holes or perfect dimensioned discs, etc.You are likely to find solutions in 2.5 or 3D CAD systems, where the profiling operations are very dependent on tool dimensions and shapes.
If you do find a good solution, please report back – the topic does come up from time to time.
ModeratorHelp for this level of detail not typically available here.
Your can try to post a query at-
Much closer to developers.
Look thru other issues and solutions; may helpIt is unclear to me what you are calling a “terminal” and what it’s capabilities might be.
ModeratorHave you reviewed the Wiki, particularly
Z axis homes to Zmax, not Zmin.
Available support for M8 and M9 behavior may not be what you need, see
ModeratorNot in tinyG control space.
Some possible solutions in Chilipeppr.
What you desire is CAM layer control,
tinyG is machine motion control, a layer deeper in the control stack.cmcgrath5035
ModeratortinyG or G2?
What sort of switches(mechanical, proximity, etc)?
Shielded wiring used to switches?
Shields grounded properly?
Post your parameter set to a cloud file and provide a URL.Have you reviewed this:
ModeratorSimple answer – No.
SeeYou need to find a Gcode generator that will handle compensation in the Gcode.
ModeratorIf your boot loader is borked, a low level reprogramming is necessary.
Reprogramming with the ATmel programmer, or return to Synthetos for same procedure, are your only real options.
ModeratorYou need to adjust the value of $_tr for each axis to match the mechanics of your machine.
SeeThe steps-per-revolution is a physical property of the stepper motor (it’s design). 200 steps per revolution is most typical. In tinyG, the step-angle parameter sets this; $_sa=360/(steps-per-revolution)
The distance moved in one step is determined by the mechanics of your machine – pulley diameter and teeth, plus belt tooth pitch, or threads pitch in a screw machine.
ModeratorWhat you seek to do is more in the CAM domain rather than tinyG.
I’d suggest hunt around Chillipeppr or perhaps Ox forums – lots of RasPi users, some with ideas similar to yours.It would seem the challenge would be to coordinate the different driver machines.
ModeratorYou are down deeper in the weeds than this Forum normally has good info for.
From where are you getting build 449.01?
I don’t see it posted anywhere, perhaps you ran your own build on the Edge Branch?TinyG developers don’t stop by here frequently. Your question might get attention by posting at