spdir flashing, verification error content mismatch

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    The board I shipped to Riley just arrived today, so I doubt he’s had any time to look at it yet.


    I’m having the same issue. I have been using my setup for months and it stopped working today and has these same issues. Chilipeppr gave me a bunch of weird symbols and now wont connect to the tiny g. The same light is flashing on the tiny g as well.


    I have the same issue, I had the constant spdir flashing before but was able to fix with avrdude but running it this time got the same error as per this threads title!

    Reported the issue via link above, has anyone been able to fix their tinyG?


    Riley created this page if you have or want to buy an AVRISP MKII and fix it yourself, got my tinyg working;


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by mara.

    I finished construction of OX CNC machine last week with no problems
    TinyG functioned well from switch on and initial testing
    A few trial cuts made with no problem
    Just preparing to make first real piece when this problem occurred – between shutdown and restart!: SpDir fast flash, TinyG unresponsive to Chilipeppr, reset ineffective
    Wen through process of attempted reflash – using avrdude direct from Win7 PC (removed Rasp Pi JSON server to eliminate one possible cause) eventually reflashed (so bootloader ok) but with “verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x000
    0x00!=0x0C” ie exactly the same error as others in this thread
    I see the last post was 5 months ago – any updates since then on possible causes apart from lockbit errors or remedies apart from returning the board or using hardware programmer
    If return needed where would I send it? (from N. Wales, U.K.)
    Thanks for any help


    I suggest you log same info to

    Riley is much more familiar with the issue and can comment.
    This may/may not be the recent (late 2015) incorrect lockbits issue.

    Return for re-flash by Synthetos would be to Washington, D.C. area, USA.


    Thanks for that – have done as you suggested
    Have just received programmer so will attempt to look at lockbit status anyway
    Will report on outcome


    I just experienced this problem as well. TinyG has continuous flashing light, and when I try to update firmware, verification fails. I’ve reported via the contact us form. I don’t have a programmer or I’d try that fix since I need to get back up and running ASAP.


    If your boot loader is borked, a low level reprogramming is necessary.

    Reprogramming with the ATmel programmer, or return to Synthetos for same procedure, are your only real options.


    So, After a long hiatus from using my CNC, I came back to using it today.

    Somehow, after dropping a Vcarve CRV file on Chilipepper, I managed to Bork my TinyG again. spdir flashing and would not stop. I have no idea how dropping a crv file could cause that, but the gcode window in chilipeppr filled up with garbage and bada bing, spdir would not stop flashing.

    I tried to update the firmware with the Chilipeppr firmware update, but no luck. I probably should have tried to use the Synthetos tool to upgrade the firmware, but didn’t.

    I had bought an atmel programmer earlier this year when I had this issue, So I went through the steps at https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/SpDir-Continues-To-Flash-Error.

    Everything on the board looked fine from the instructions, but I went ahead and erased the memories, reflashed the bootloader, then went and used the synthetos firmware upgrade utility to flash the firmware.

    Not really sure what borked it, or what fixed it, but I’m back in business and managed to actually make something today!

    Not sure if this helps, but at least it’s another data point.


    Thanks for the info, I’ll pass along to the devs.


    After a quick chat with the Devs, it appears a CRV file is binary.
    The CP widget still attempts to format it as Gcode, but the resulting download is binary, contains codes that overwrite the FW, as you experiencd.

    You will have to find a way to get Vcarve to create Gcode


    Did anybody get this to work yet? I had a functioning tinyG board with the latest firmware on it. And I just started getting the SP dir flash LED. Tried using the automatic bootloader software and I get a verification error at the end. I really need a fix for this board or send it back to Synthetos to have it fixed. Please help.


    It sounds like your bootloader is damaged.
    Atmel ICE or return to Synthetos are you options

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