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  • in reply to: tiny g board not responding #10612

    Hmm, maybe we are getting somewhere.

    Connect with Coolterm.
    Then hit the tinyG reset button.
    tinyG should flash leds for a bit, then you should see the tinyg mm> prompt, or something similar.

    Did you install the ftdi driver on Win10?
    Some folks seem to have to, I did not.
    Not sure why.

    Can you open Device Manager on Win10 and see what driver is attached to the COM port tinyG is connected to?

    in reply to: tiny g board not responding #10609

    OK, I’ll assume a PC running Windows10.

    What browser do you use to run Chilipeppr?
    Chrome is generally considered to be the most stable and reliable browser for running Chilipeppr. I have goof luck with Firefox as well.
    Chilipeppr is built on javascript, needs leading edge javascript support.

    I suggest the following to get started.
    TinyG wiki can help

    > Reboot windows, which should terminate any SPJS processes that might be lurking in the background. Double check that by opening the Windows Task Manager and searching for SPJS.
    > Focus on getting CoolTerm connected to tinyG. Get familiar with the command line interface. Send a ?, get a response, send a $, get a response. Send a $$, get the full parameter list.
    Copy that full parameter list to a text file, upload the text file to a Cloud resource (GDrive, etc) and post the sharing URL here.

    Once you know the basic Win10 interface to tinyG is working, you can consider trying Chilipeppr again. A good Forum for Chilipeppr help is!forum/chilipeppr

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: tiny g board not responding #10607

    If I had to guess, the sendjson(…….. messaging above is the SPJS consonsole? Or, Or, ?
    Need some info
    tinyG or G2core?
    Your pc environment (win, Mac, Linux) ?
    CAM layer (Coolterm, Chilipeppr, CNC.js, other)?
    A Parameter dump, the results of a $$ command pasted to a Cloud text file with a URL answer a lot of questions about your setup
    Maybe a copy of the gCode file you are trying to send (and hangs).(Cloud URL works best)
    Have you tried sending any known-good gCode test files, e.g. the Chilipeppr logo file?
    You found us here, are you familiar with the tinyG wiki,

    Let’s start with that

    in reply to: fried board? #10605

    An upfront caveat – I have not done this myself in tinyG space, I have built several custom versions of G2core. The tool chains are similar, but different. There is more documentation around the build process for G2core.

    To scope your appetite for this, start by familiarizing yourself with the tinyG wiki at and with the tinyG repository at

    The wiki has several items related to the build process, the code base and some descriptions of the probing process.

    The basic steps
    1. Clone the tinyG repository onto you local machine
    2. Set up the build environment
    3. Learn to run the build environment, verify that you can compile the current Master branch on you computer and build a 440.20.hex file that is identical to the precompiled hex file downloadable from Synthetos.
    4. Review the code base, identify how the Zmin switch is handled and how it gets connected to a physical pin on the XMega device.
    5 Identify an available alternate pin that you don’t need, modify code or more likely a header file to swap Zmn with the available pin. For example, if you forego Z axis homing, you could logically swap Zmn and Zmx.
    6. Modify your code base and build the modified .hex file.

    What PC environment are you Familiar with/ do you use? Win/Mac/Linux?
    The build details will be a little different with each.

    For a taste of what it looks like, review this thread:

    I don’t think I would head down this path if you can’t verify basic usability of the other ports. Given the rather uncontrolled nature of your wiring disconnect, whatever killed Zmn might have killed other pins. Worse yet, there could be intermittent damage.

    You are likely better off to get back into production with a new tinyG and use this as a learning for the future project that might yield a usable backup. But that is your decision.

    in reply to: fried board? #10603

    Unfortunately, I believe that the probing cycle is logically tied to the Z min port.
    I am going to assume you have run the probing operation before, so know how to do it, it just does not work now.
    Do you use other ports for limit/homing?
    You might be able to recompile tinyG FW, moving (swapping) Zmn for another physical port. It would be good to know that the other port was functioning properly before heading down this path.
    You up for some medium duty FW work?

    in reply to: Motor 2 driver malfunction #10600

    Hmm, based on the “CPU heats up” comment bad things have happened.
    Don’t hear that much, it could actually be an issue with the CPU rather than the driver.
    Send a summary of this to and include info on how/where you purchased your tinyG.

    Mention , which is this thread

    in reply to: tinyg interprets G2/G3 code incorrectly #10597

    jooher – Just for clarification for other viewers, your post at is a fork of the tinyG Post Processor for Fusion360 with changes you implemented per the above description, correct?

    Thanks for documenting

    in reply to: TinyG not seeing Y limit switch #10588

    Motors- If you want to understand why LED seems a bit random, scan thru this

    Step to winding translation is a rather complex process

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: TinyG not seeing Y limit switch #10586

    What I see is a Z-X-Y-Yr Ox, most likely.
    Parameters look OK.
    Here is the schematic page, if interested

    If I had to guess, it might be a trace or cold solder between J7 Pin 5 and Xmega pin 27.
    If you have an ohmmeter, see if you can measure continuity
    If nothing obvious and fixable, send a note to

    in reply to: TinyG not seeing Y limit switch #10583

    Here is a link to a motor schematic

    You will see that the LEDs are connected to Motor winding B1 on each motor.
    The LED will be on, with random intensity, when B1 is Positiive relative to Gnd.
    The A winding and B winding level and polarity is controlled by the stepper driver device. The LEDs are a VERY relative indicator of voltage being applied to the motor, nothing more.

    I’ll dig into your parameters in a bit

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: When do offset adjustments get integrated by the planner? #10580

    Have you seen/read

    Unclear to me if this answers you question or not.

    I believe your analysis of Amin/Amax is correct, if switches are $asn=0, $asx=0, they are ignored.

    Are you using tinyG or G2core?
    G2core has a lot more I/O configurability

    in reply to: TinyG not seeing Y limit switch #10578

    This info would be helpful in jump-starting a solution for you
    ? What CAM interface do you use? (ChiliPeppr, CNCjs, CoolTerm)
    ? What OS on your main PC?
    ? Create a text file and copy a $$ Parameter dump into the file, then post the file to a Cloud service (GDrive, etc) and provide a URL

    Motor 4: Make a long Y move, something like G1 Y100 F100 and observe the LEDs
    Then move back to 0 with a G1 Y0 F100.
    Do the flashes on M3 and M4 LEDs complement each other over the round trip?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: NEED HELP: Problem following a curve trajectory!! #10574

    I am not an Ox owner, but there do seem to be many happy with their machines over at the Ox Forum

    Let’s not kid ourselves, even the big industrial machines need good maintenance. It would appear you have discovered the critical areas to keep track of.

    There is no easy answer to the screw vs belt question. Screw machines are costly to scale(in size) but perhaps more rugged.
    Generally speaking, the lower the value of $_tr, the more usable holding torque from your motor spec you get.

    The torque/pulley issue.
    AFAIK, Ox specifies the smallest pulley that is generally available for GT2 belts, which are more rugged than MXL belts used in ShapeOko designs.
    Smaller pulley diameter is better, from a torque load perspective.
    It is perhaps easiest to think of the issue in terms of holding torque.
    If you energize your motors to hold a position, then try to push the gantry manually in X or Y direction, your pushing force is translated into a rotational load on the stepper shaft, the stepper pushes back with the torque available determined by how much current you dump into the stepper, which at rest is acting like a stationary electro-magnet.
    In this mode, the pulley diameter acts to amplify the amount of torque on the shaft you are creating by pushing on the belt. That torque amplification scales, I believe, as radius-squared, radius of the pulley.
    A long while back I did the math and came to the informal conclusion that an Ox with ‘good’ quality NEMA23 motors and ShapeOko with ‘good’ quality NEMA 17 motors had about the same gantry holding properties out-of-the box.
    The Ox design wins here for heavy duty users because there are a lot more stepper options above ‘good’ level in terms of available holding torque. And some folks have even gone to NEMA 34 motors.
    Alas, high torque motors, high current drivers, cooling systems and power supplies drive costs up quickly.

    I hope that helps, the math gets complex and there are way too many variables to get super specific.

    3DPtr: I am not a player yet, searching like your for alternatives. If you dig into G2core

    you will see that a lot of the recent work is targeted at 3DPtr enabling enhancements. G2Core is the motion engine for several evolving 3DPrinters.
    My take is that the bigger question in that space is around the CAM layer software features, functionality and the entire 3dPtr tool chain.

    A lot more complexity, and a lot more opportunity in 3D space, depending on what you want the end result to be.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: tinyg interprets G2/G3 code incorrectly #10572

    Is there any way to isolate the area of Gcode that misbehaved?

    in reply to: TinyG v8 coolant pin not working #10570

    Here is the schematic, which is consistent with your description above

    The last time I played with my tinyG coolant line, I noticed that M7 did not turn it on, M8 did and M9 turned it off. Bug? First I have noticed, but then don’t use it.

    Does your coolant relay have a damping diode? If not, the first time you turned it off may have fried it.

    There are no FW parameters associated with this function.

    For jollies, you could tie a 10K or so resistor from coolant pin to 3.3V (J6 Pin 2, see schematic), see if perhaps the active pullup on the output gate is weak. Maybe, just maybe, you might have enough pulldown to make it work (M8/M9).

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