TinyG not seeing Y limit switch

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  • #10577
    Lemon Twist

    My New TinyG does not respond to Y min when homing. The Z and X axis work perfectly but when the machine hits the Y limit it just keeps bumping it until I shut it off.

    I have disconnected Y min at one side at the TinyG and meter shows closed “0.00” until I press the switch then it shows open. If connected to TinyG I see about 5 ohms when switch is pressed to open.

    I swapped out the X and Y min wires and put the spindle in the middle of the table and started homing.

    The Z worked perfectly.

    I manually pressed the Y limit switch during the X part of the cycle and it worked perfectly.

    During the Y part of the cycle the TinyG did not respond to the pressing of the X limit switch.

    Since the problem does not follow the wiring it appears that the TinyG might be defective. Is there anything else I should try?

    Another issue is that the green light for motor 4 does not light all the time. It will blink if I move the gantry. Motors 3 and 4 are my Y axis and both motors appear to be working synchronously. Other than the light everything looks good.



    This info would be helpful in jump-starting a solution for you
    ? What CAM interface do you use? (ChiliPeppr, CNCjs, CoolTerm)
    ? What OS on your main PC?
    ? Create a text file and copy a $$ Parameter dump into the file, then post the file to a Cloud service (GDrive, etc) and provide a URL

    Motor 4: Make a long Y move, something like G1 Y100 F100 and observe the LEDs
    Then move back to 0 with a G1 Y0 F100.
    Do the flashes on M3 and M4 LEDs complement each other over the round trip?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    Lemon Twist

    I have used ChilliPeppr and CNCJS, both with the same result.
    Windows 10, Intel i7, 16 gb ram, dedicated to the CNC workbench.

    I’ll try the movement commands and report back and get a copy of the configuration file out there.

    Lemon Twist

    OK. Tried the Y movement commands and the motor 4 led does come on. The 3 led is brighter than the 4 led.

    Interesting thing is that when I move in the negative direction, towards me, both the 3 and 4 leds go dark once the motors stop. If I run it in the positive direction both leds come on but only the 4 led goes dark when the motors stop. Very repeatable.

    Here is a link to my configuration file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3tFL7RQCuNKQmoxOHlfR1R1Y0U


    Here is a link to a motor schematic

    You will see that the LEDs are connected to Motor winding B1 on each motor.
    The LED will be on, with random intensity, when B1 is Positiive relative to Gnd.
    The A winding and B winding level and polarity is controlled by the stepper driver device. The LEDs are a VERY relative indicator of voltage being applied to the motor, nothing more.

    I’ll dig into your parameters in a bit

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    What I see is a Z-X-Y-Yr Ox, most likely.
    Parameters look OK.
    Here is the schematic page, if interested

    If I had to guess, it might be a trace or cold solder between J7 Pin 5 and Xmega pin 27.
    If you have an ohmmeter, see if you can measure continuity
    If nothing obvious and fixable, send a note to

    Lemon Twist

    I do have an Ox.

    Checked continuity between ymin connector and PD6 on the Atxmega and measured zero ohms.

    As for the motor 4 light issue, my Nema 23 red wire is the B1 and it is connected to B1 on all my motors. Motor 4 is on my y axis and is reversed via software to turn in the correct direction.

    Everything seems fine with the board except for the ymin.


    Motors- If you want to understand why LED seems a bit random, scan thru this

    Step to winding translation is a rather complex process

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    Lemon Twist

    Sending the board back today per Riley.

    Measuring zero ohms y-min connector to PD6 ATxmega pin 32. OK
    Measuring zero ohms across C45, should be 2.7K ohm.
    Measuring 2.7K ohm across other limit switch capacitors.
    Appears C45 is shorted.

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