tiny g board not responding

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    connecting to the port it starts and gets through 10 of the 12 on the list then it seems to get stuck. on the last on and i thing it is feed rate?
    i could jog the motors around and now it says

    sendjson {“P”:”COM3″,”Data”:[{“D”:”G91 G0 Y-0.1\nG90\n”,”Id”:”jog5″}]}
    {“Cmd”:”Queued”,”QCnt”:14,”P”:”COM3″,”Data”:[{“D”:”G91 G0 Y-0.1\n”,”Id”:”jog5″,”Pause”:0},{“D”:”G90\n”,”Id”:”jog5-part-2-2″,”Pause”:0}]}
    (No more items on json buffer.)

    i looked around but i could not find anything


    If I had to guess, the sendjson(…….. messaging above is the SPJS consonsole? Or, Or, ?
    Need some info
    tinyG or G2core?
    Your pc environment (win, Mac, Linux) ?
    CAM layer (Coolterm, Chilipeppr, CNC.js, other)?
    A Parameter dump, the results of a $$ command pasted to a Cloud text file with a URL answer a lot of questions about your setup
    Maybe a copy of the gCode file you are trying to send (and hangs).(Cloud URL works best)
    Have you tried sending any known-good gCode test files, e.g. the Chilipeppr logo file?
    You found us here, are you familiar with the tinyG wiki, https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki?

    Let’s start with that


    tinyG is what i have
    i have coolterm win and it did reed like it was supposed to but not any more. it connects but i can not talk to the TinyG and get info out i have gone through the settings like thousand times

    i am using cilipeppr and it talks to it and gets info out and the little light on it blinks as it goes through the list of things but it dose not make it to the end of the list when connecting. then when i try to put $$ in or any thing it says {“ej”:””}
    in the Serial Port Console
    the { } i think is from the json serial port and ej is asking if its on ?

    i was just trying to jog the motors around
    yesterday i did try to put g code in but the browser crashed
    i will try the know good g code to see what happins

    thanks for the help 🙂


    OK, I’ll assume a PC running Windows10.

    What browser do you use to run Chilipeppr?
    Chrome is generally considered to be the most stable and reliable browser for running Chilipeppr. I have goof luck with Firefox as well.
    Chilipeppr is built on javascript, needs leading edge javascript support.

    I suggest the following to get started.
    TinyG wiki can help https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki

    > Reboot windows, which should terminate any SPJS processes that might be lurking in the background. Double check that by opening the Windows Task Manager and searching for SPJS.
    > Focus on getting CoolTerm connected to tinyG. Get familiar with the command line interface. Send a ?, get a response, send a $, get a response. Send a $$, get the full parameter list.
    Copy that full parameter list to a text file, upload the text file to a Cloud resource (GDrive, etc) and post the sharing URL here.

    Once you know the basic Win10 interface to tinyG is working, you can consider trying Chilipeppr again. A good Forum for Chilipeppr help is https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/chilipeppr

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    i am running windows 10 and chrome

    when i use coolterm win and i enter a ?
    there is a little light on the board the blinks but nothing shows up on the screen

    thanks for the help


    Hmm, maybe we are getting somewhere.

    Connect with Coolterm.
    Then hit the tinyG reset button.
    tinyG should flash leds for a bit, then you should see the tinyg mm> prompt, or something similar.

    Did you install the ftdi driver on Win10?
    Some folks seem to have to, I did not.
    Not sure why.

    Can you open Device Manager on Win10 and see what driver is attached to the COM port tinyG is connected to?


    so i was searching the internet for other people with my problem using different wording than i had before and i found a thread that sounded like my problem.

    TinyG stopped responding?

    so i watched this video after reading that page

    i went through the same few steps that the video said and now it all works.
    i realized after reading the reboot procedure that the red light should not be blinking the hole time it is on.
    mine was
    now it is on and a steady red light and blue light.
    now when i enter a command in coolterms it sends out a response.
    thanks for the help in trouble shooting it

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