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  • cmcgrath5035

    Closed out this post – double post


    We’ll need a bit more info.

    What hardware version is your tinyG? (v7, v8, ?)
    What is the current FW build installed on your tinyG?
    You are upgrading using Windows?? (XP,7,8,8.1 ?)
    What version avrdude do you have installed?
    On Linux, I get:

    avrdude -v
    avrdude: Version 5.11.1, (openSUSE Buildservice)
             Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean,
             Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Joerg Wunsch
             System wide configuration file is "/etc/avrdude.conf"
             User configuration file is "/home/carl/.avrduderc"
             User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping

    Why are yo trying to update to build 380.08? You should probably upgrade to the very latest edge, build 438.02.

    Can you verify that you have a bootloader installed on your tinyG? Spindle LED should flash flash for about 10 seconds after pressing the restart button.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Losing steps? #6701

    Saving configuration parameters: I just wrote a small script to take the output of $$ and transform it into the relevant set commands — no big deal. The hard part is remembering to run it!

    So your list of ‘set commands’ is driven by the parameters returned by $$ ?
    Great idea, lots of new parameters being intoduced.
    Care to share script with others?
    Config management is a big issue.

    Chilipeppr vs Coolterm: No change, which is what I expect. Once the TinyG gets G1 Y100 F150 the sender is out of the picture….

    Expectation was same here, but had to ask.
    Guess you need to ping the Synthetos folks.

    in reply to: Losing steps? #6699

    Yes, a FW upgrade does reset all parameters.
    What method+are you using for backup and restore of parameters?
    Your technique may be helpful to others.

    Have you tried to run your Symptom #3 test (gently holding motor…) from Coolterm and compared to same move via Chilipeppr?
    Your suspicion of a driver device does seem logical, but seems a lot of issues these days defy logic,

    I see on the Chilipeppr forum continue tweaking of buffer management techniques – are you using the latest Chilipeppr implementation?

    in reply to: Losing steps? #6697

    Strange behavior for sure.

    What tinyG FW build do you have installed?
    The most recent is 438.02.

    Have your tried turning the current pot all the way up on the “lurchy” interface, just to see if that makes a difference?

    in reply to: I tried to run spindle Using Solid State Relay #6694

    Up front – this is how I switch my SSR, but the implementation is up to you.
    Use care when connecting wires, etc.

    This diagram assumes a TinyGV8.
    Uses 24V to switch the SSR on/off; SSR is rated to 32v.

    I would suggest you use a VOM to measure the current draw by the SSR input when connected to 24V. My 100ma rating suggestion for the NPN is a guess. You do not need any load connected to the SSR to make this measurement.
    If you don’t have a VOM, low cost units like this can be had for $10 or less and will be very useful debugging wiring, etc.

    in reply to: I tried to run spindle Using Solid State Relay #6691

    Your SSR is much like mine.

    You can solve the problem with a 100 ohm resistor and a small NPN transistor, or perhaps a low power relay (3v compatible coil) or with a large variety of pricey modules off the internet.

    Have any electronic oriented friends you can “borrow” from?
    What stores do you have in the area?

    in reply to: I tried to run spindle Using Solid State Relay #6689

    What SSR are your trying to control? Need a model number or link to web info.

    Do you have access to NPN transistor and a couple resistors, and soldering iron?

    Or, do you require a plug and go solution?

    in reply to: TinyG not saving settings #6683

    I am going to assume that this is a very new V8 tinyG, as build 435.24 is newish but not the most recent.
    Follow this sticky post,

    to find the most recent tinyG FW build, which at the moment is build 438.02.

    You have to use a programer or avrdude, as it has been reported that tgFX is having issues installing this build.

    in reply to: Query for Limit Switch State #6677

    Review this thread – I believe Alden is already hard at work implementing something like your request :

    in reply to: NEMA 17 Steppers won't move #6675

    I suggest caution when reading wiki and the Forum – most folks speak in mm mode, but it is often not obvious.
    For example, I missed the fact you were calling for F400 IPM, rather than mm/min.
    And, if you are running a screw machine, good to mention it.
    A typical (Shapeoko) machine moves 35.xx mm/rev, compared to your machine.

    Also, FV 0.97 does not say much either, better to report the FW build, eg build 435.10. FV are sort of major moves; we are still in the territory where the minor moves (builds) are important..

    But you are moving – have fun!

    in reply to: wiring on tinyg #6669

    Have you read thru the wiki items?

    Start here:

    in reply to: NEMA 17 Steppers won't move #6668

    What tinyG FW build are you running?

    Screw machine? Screw binding?
    Have you played with the current pots?
    What PS voltage to tinyG?

    Your $1tr is reported in inches.
    Is your g1 command issued in inch mode (50 inches) or mm mode (50 mm = approx 2 in) ?

    in reply to: Connecting TinyG to Laser (L-Cheapo) #6655

    Others stop by this forum with similar questions, but not much meat on the discussions yet.

    Suggestions where you might find hints:
    1. At the top level of this Forum, do a search on ‘laser’

    2. Have a look here

    If you succeed, stop back here and describe what works for you

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Help for debugging probing, please? #6650

    The edge version has a bug, homing does not work on NO switches – or I am missing something again. Once I can home my machine, I’ll move right away

    Ah so, too many items open on my desktop at once.
    Alden is on the case, so I’ll watch.

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